>Genji Main
Kill yourself.
>Genji Main
Kill yourself.
>He dosent play the highest skill cap hero in the game
Fucking casuals ruining this board.
genji is pretty versatile though
but yeah, playing 1 hero exclusively in a game like overwatch is p. dumb
anybody wanna buy me this game? i'll heal you forever
how do you play genji?
le zero damage man
*tips fedora*
From a couple of days ago.
but Genji is fun
>highest skill cap hero
>not Zarya
Whos mercy buffing in this situation?
Seagull plays Genji.
Watch any tournament or high skilled team and find out.
Yes but hes super good at it
all other genji's are shit and cant even kill 1 guy unless they ult
i never said don't play him, manchild. I just said you dont have to be a fucking shaolin master to play him.
Widow's damage, maybe? A buffed widow can kill most classes with a body shot, and (don't quote me here) but I think she can kill any class with a fully charged headshot with a Mercy buff.
You probably can't even get 5 kills with genji
no not elimination actually solo kills.
Can we talk about how fucking annoying mei's are on your OWN TEAM!?!?!
>sniping a turret or bastion. 1 more shot
*teammate mei ice walls in front*
>enemy sniper out in the open
*teammate mei ice walls in front of enemy sniper to give them cover*
>everyone at spawn base waiting for round to start
*super epic le troll mei ice walls her teammates inside at match start*
What was blizz thinking giving mei an ability that requires more than 2 brain cells to use? 90% of mei walls i see are completely disruptive and don't help the team at all.
>24 hrs
>cant maintain above 6,000 dmg on average
Mei main here. In a team with no communication, I rarely ice wall except to block ults. Sometimes, if there's no sniper nearby, I'll wall a Mercy away from her pocket bitch, but that's usually it.
That's just sad. That guy must be the worst player in the whole game.
That playtime isn't pure
having a high skillcap doesn't mean that he isn't rewarding at lower tiers of play
Genji is fun even if you're shit
Those stats make me feel bad because I main defensive heroes whose main purpose isn't damage.
My highest elimination is 32 with Bastion against a 6 Mcree team.
Cant wait to reach 100. I'll probably get to 96-97 by the end of today.
Nothing impressive.
supreme taste
What do you do when your team refuses to change heroes because you are a retard? quit?
>he plays best girl
Tried to play her but god damn is she infuriating, Junkrat feels so much nicer.
I was just playing some games with you Dhan! You are very good at Genji :3c
Oh wait, you're not Dhan. I was actually in the game that you ragequit from on Dhan's team, OP. You're a colossal faggot! I know it's that game because I remember Dhan saying "seems mad" after everyone else shit-talked you for being such a huge baby.
I don't remember who you were playing. I think the map was Liajang Tower, though!
I do alright by me
You change. Maining doesn't mean you play that hero all the time to the exclusion of all else, it just means you play that hero more often. I main Zarya, so I've got like 5 hours in her and then my next heros are Symettra and Mei at 3 hours each.
>Main an offensive hero
>35 eliminations max
I have more than that as a Mercy and Zenyatta main m8
>play a healer
>lots of kill assists
Are you trying to say you're good or something? Obviously healers get tons of assists
You realize that assists are in their own category and don't count towards eliminations, right?
Not who you're replying to but it does mean he is more difficult to master than any other hero. Please explain to me how this is true. What advanced techniques are you implying exist for Genji that only the pro-est of the pros can pull off that are any more difficult to get down than the techniques of any other hero.
Your e as zen and your damage buff as mercy both count towards elims
Kill yourself
Damage buff absolutely does not. Those are offensive assists.
And Zen's e counts towards elims because it does damage when it hits. If you hit them with the e, they heal, and then someone else kills them from full health, you only get an offensive assist.
>look at enemy
>press e
>I have lots of elims I'm such a God
Also yes it does, check it out for yourself
animation canceling
climb evasions
reflection timing
mid-air widowmaker reflection headshots
ult timing
Then explain what an offensive assist is compared to a defensive assist if you think Mercy's damage buff gives eliminations.
Why are DPS mains such babies?
Okay, but all my 40+ elimination games were as Tracer
If you wanted another smug you only had to ask
You're wrong m8. Mercy's damage boost/Zenyatta's E give offensive assists, and their heals give defensive assists. You only get an elimination if you actually dealt damage to the target, which happens plenty with Zenyatta and not so much with Mercy.
Go play with a bastion and hold down rmb and tell me you don't get elims
Well, no matter what, a Mercy won't be getting 40+ eliminations this way. My whole point is that I almost never play offensive heroes, I'd just expect a Pharah main to have more unusually good, high-elimination matches than I do!
And I'm just letting you know that pressing e as zen and letting your team do the work doesnt make you a good player.
I can't be the only person who makes obligation picks, right? Seems no one I play with ever wants to be Lucio or Mercy. which tends to tie my hands. I was surprised to find out how much I enjoy Symmetra on a number of the maps from defense tho.
Okay. I press E and get lots of kills myself, and also heal them and protect them from enemy ults with my own.
I also don't care what you think :3c