continued from no begging for codes/spamming of links
dead by daylight beta discussion
continued from no begging for codes/spamming of links
dead by daylight beta discussion
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So is this game actually any good? Pretty skeptical. Hell, the killers all look pretty much the same.
protip: set traps down as often as possible
That's because there's only one killer out right now
It's fun and we don't know shit about the other killers except a few things since you can only play as one in the beta
The store page shows 3 for the game's launch, and they all look like pretty much the same thing.
I cant believe there are cunts actually joining and leaving games just to annoy people, pathetic.
They have different abilities, one can turn invisible and one has a chainsaw that probably has its own set of mechanics but we don't know for sure
are u mad faggot
They're trying to queue into their friends
Do the people that save someone also get a key?
how do you get beta access after buying special edition?
game looks fun, any webums?
Thick fog perk or whatever is fucking ass, i didnt see anyone the whole game until they had already done all the generators, and then i accidentally walked over my own trap thus letting the little cunt i finally actually seen get away 11/10 would rage a fucking gain.
Dont let me die again Sup Forums
I am the cunt joining and leaving games so I can play with my brother. Stay mad, negroid.
save me pls famalam
What is this saving business that compels link spam?
oh shit son
Beta keys
you get a link and if 3 people go to it in 30 minutes you get a beta key
What meme game is this?
>1 More faggot
Get in here lads
still need 2 more
2 more senpai
Thanks whoever saved me
thanks bruhs
When are they going to be releasing more beta keys?
One more
Nigger you've already been saved.
I guess it was me. I don't even know what's going on.
Just clicked your link and now I have a beta key.
It's bretty ALRIGHT.
I like being a survivor more than a killer though.
It would be awesome if they do all of the classic horror icons.
I want an IT one.
Thanks dood.
1 more spot open Sup Forums, come and get it!
Saved your ass nigga.
Saved you m8
Help a brother out
thanks niggas
Where are you guys getting these links? I went to the website and all it says is that there are no more keys available. Are the links only given to people who preorder?
Stay on the website and go do something else. When you see your tab change you've got the chance to do it so hop back to the website tab and go for it.
So how does the save me link system work? I just got a key from helping an user out.
Wait there isn't a lobby or something to make a game with your friends?
That's fucking retarded
It's a timezone thing. You can only generate links from 6pm-6am in your region by going to
You need 2 other people to click the link you generate within 30mins, all 3 of you get beta keys.
It's 9am here in Straya, and I just redeemed a code from someone ITT.
Wait so just leave the "Site can't be reached" page and the URL will change?
I got saved but thats not popping up, what do
Oh, that makes sense. Very clever of them.
That still the one killer. There's visual customization.
Oh sweet. So it has nothing to do with the gameplay.
Save a nigga, bros
Im here m8
Did it automatically add to your steam? Because you had to login as the host.
>click less than 2 seconds after it's posted
>already saved
ur a fgt
That was fucking fast.
I was under the impression that the killer hosts that if im hosting the game i cant suffer from lag so what the fuck is the deal with survivors glitching about the map? missing everytime im ontop of them?
Fucking irritating as fuck.
Anytime m8
animations are p. shit desu
Someone explain hiding to me. Are they hidden in the grass?
Is it just what the killer can see, aka grass obscures you/crates block you or is there a system which obscures you (to an extent) from the killer?
So if I hide in the grass is it just sort of making it harder to see me or is there an actual mechanic limiting how visible I am?
Wait a minute...
That premise...
Evolve? What's that? When does it come out?
how long until we make a general on vg?
It's a human determining the visibility, but the grass really doesn't hide you that well. There are items that will make the fog denser or the light darker that may help.
Are the different characters just skins?
I see. I think it's a good system, just seems like even with third person view it's very easy for anyone to say "well I just saw something move over there" and easily catch anyone by looking around
They have different unlock trees
captcha: select all the trees
I've played with that dude tempus before, dude fucking blows hard
Theres an item that thickens the fog, every game im in where someone has this perk i can not see anyone for shit, seriously that perk needs something done to it.
Never hopefully. It'll just turn into cancer.
the killer is in first person, the victims are third person but the camera is kinda close to them
How do I get my own code like that?
>Click some dead link.
>Start your own adventure.
>Website says "No codes."
>Keep tab open and surf Sup Forums.
>Wait until you see the tab change back to the original site on it's own.
>Go back to the tab and open it, click.
>Start your adventure.
So I have to keep the site open? Fuck.
The killer is locked into first person view with a low FOV, crouching in the grass obscures you form a distance, but when the killer is close from his perspective he can clearly see you in the grass.
There's no hidden status mechanics or anything, as long as you line of sight the killer, or you're far enough away, he can't see you.
The killer casts a red light in front of him, that's pretty much all he can see.
So now I just wait on this screen?
The only thing this needed was a price reduction and it would have been doing A OK.
Such a great game ruined by a stupid greedy move.
Why is it so fucking cryptic to get into this beta? It's like they don't want people to play their game.
It's way better than evolve. The monster can't die so you don't spend 30 minutes of the match chasing a stupid monster around the map and not be afraid of anything. At least in this game the killer will kill you if you try anything stupid and he runs faster than you.
Never play any ARGs.
So is this another streamer bait game?
>one can turn invisible
So the Wraith from Evolve that will end up ruining the game. Cool
why would it be?
It's really not that bad, it basically tells you to wait until 6
It's not that hard plus he just handheld you ffs.
It's more fun this way and better than having to struggle against bots saving every key that gets posted as text.
Possibly. It's fun though
>10 games in
>things going well
>Startede being unable to find ANYONE while they start 1-4 generators
Tell me how, how is it possible i run into no survivors the entire match.
Its not fun when you realise all a survivor has to do is crouch everywhere and duck ehind something when the killers near.
P. much. Not as bad as things like baby simulator or whatever. More like Monstrum or SCP.