Just got to Anor Londo. Is this where the game starts going to shit? I also have a scimitar +6, going for a dex build, should I just stick with this? It doesn't really seem worth it to start investing in a new weapon at this point.
DS1 Thread
>Just got to Anor Londo. Is this where the game starts going to shit?
What the fuck kind of question is this? Why is your first assumption that the game you're currently playing for the first time turns to shit? Just play the game.
Everybody on this board says the game goes completely off the rails in the second half
It does, and Anor Londo is the last level of the good half.
The latter half still has a few decent stages though, there's really just a couple that are complete shit
Anyone wanna coop with me in the Depths?
Roll roll attack
This doesn't answer my question
Name 3
>Decent ones:
Duke's Archives
New Londo
Tomb of Giants
>Bad ones:
Demon Ruins
Lost Izalith
Crystal Cave
what the fuck do you care? play the game and make up your own mind.
> Is this where the game starts going to shit?
Yes, imo every boss from this point forward is a joke.
you still have the expansion tho
You're going to be fighting almost exclusively shitters in heavy armor, so your slashing weapon will suffer.
Good taste
Tomb of giants and new londo are great
Look into upgrading a thrusting weapon. Blunt weapons would obviously be ideal, but you're running Dex
Duke Archives is also great btw, hating these areas is a meme
>Tomb of Giants
>Demon Ruins
>Crystal Cave
>a level
True, the best point in the game to do Artorias of the Abyss is right after getting the lordvessel, if you save it for last you'll be way, way too powerful to enjoy the bossfights.
>try going back to Dark Souls 1 after binging on Darl Souls 3
>can't get used to the 4-way lock-on rolling and old inventory screen again
New Londo is fine except for the meme enemies. Tomb of the Giants is garbage
>Great ones:
Duke's Archives
New Londo
Tomb of Giants
Crystal Cave
>Ok ones:
Demon Ruins
Lost Izalith
>crystal cave
>lost izalith
Is this a joke? Crystal cave is filled entirely with rehashed enemies and culminates in one of the shittiest boss fights in Souls history. Don't even get me started on izalith
This. Lost Izalith is even more acceptable if you take the chaos servant shortcut.
Ruins/Izalith gave reused assets out the ass and don't offer much in terms of exploration. Centipede demon and those bipedal demon's in lava look and fight like dogshit too
What? Tomb of the Giants has god-tier atmosphere. Deathly quiet and pitch black, with sight of izalith and the ash lake. You feel like a rat scurrying through an ancient place. That alone makes up for the fucking dog skeleton things.
>Lost Izalith is even more acceptable if you skip the whole thing.
Yeah I guess it would be. Cmon, that area was so half baked. Those stupid floating demons didn't even have proper animation.
Fuck, alright, any recommendations on thrusters that scale well with Dex? I killed that guy who drops ricards rapier (I think that's what it's called), would that work?
I said more acceptable, not good. At least the shortcut has you skip the open lava area that melts your eyes stuffed with demons.
Yes. Especially if you can buff it with magic weapon.
>Lost Izalith
>most common enemy is an ugly and slow rock statue with one attack
>most of the level is a lavabed filled with terribly designed HP sponges that you can just walk past
>no armor or weapon loot
>both non-hostile NPCs are optional and easily missed
>fucking Kirk AGAIN, and he still can't put up a fight
>worst boss in Souls history
The temple/city part looks so neat though, what a horrible waste of art direction.
Estoc has great range and damage
Ricards has great multihit potential, so it's best used with buffs. It can build poison/bleed crazy fast
Oh, and if you're comfortable at parrying, get Rapier. It's marginally worse than Estoc normally, but it has the best riposte damage
Play the fucking game then form your own goddamn opinion you fucking sheep
>vidya discussion board
Are you fucking retarded? Repeating others opinions because you have none is not discussing.
It's still good, just not as good.
issue is with people comparing it to other souls areas, compare that ''rehased shit'' to other AAA vidya and its all much better than, crystal cave was short and had cool look and invisible platforms, it would have been much better if it was bigger in scale and had new enemies and if seath was done better but at this point im asking too much.
Are you fucking retarded? Analyzing why someone would post a certain thing on a vidya discussion board is not discussing vidya.
You were the first to make a meta post friend. Now cry that you're a fucking dumbass instead of replying
The Scythe > your favorite dex weapon, especially the Great Scythe. Just saying.
Scythe is good when you understand enemy patterns and can get perfect spacing and full damage on your attacks. I wouldn't reccomend it for new players