Are those people not aware what has become of Konami and that they don't give a shit?

Are those people not aware what has become of Konami and that they don't give a shit?

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what the FUCK is a suikoden?

what the FUCK is a google?

a grown up thing

Can't you just emulate them anyway? Or are people THAT thirsty for ports?

Konami retweeted them though.

Surely they're interested.

People still remember that Suikoden II enhanced port which was never released in the west and are trying to get back at Konami now.

I suppose you can, but people like the convenience of it, plus the idea that they are either helping the dev (ha ha in the case of Suikoden) or they get to "own" the product (ha ha in the case of steam).

Real question: is Jowy the ultimate cuck?

Not people but I feel companies today are pushing for them, there has been never any kind of demand on Sup Forums for a suikoden port but it is being released because companies have realised they have nothing to lose in releasing old game ports, at least it gives the a small percentage of emu players.

It's been years since I played V on a core2quad and some old version of PCSX2. There were no problems with emulation even then, so what exactly is the motivation here.

Picking up the game for $2 on a Steam sale is easier than getting an emulator to work and figuring out how to improve the graphics settings through the emulator (higher resolution, anti aliasing, etc etc).

>pcuck beggars

not even once

Motivation here is cocksucking fatass jew memelord

suikoden is already on pc and for free, what i want is a new one

add non-steam game to my library > retroarch.exe

>being port beggar race

Konami retweeted about this campaign on their Twitter so they seem to give at least a small amount of care.
emulation and ports are not the same
Fuck off
This isn't even about just getting the games ported; ideally this would bring about a revival of the Suikoden series

What if they port Suikoden IV pachinko as a retaliation?

Even the Japanese want it


Crawl back into your hole, sonygger. No one cares about your whining you fucking manbaby. Also, stop samefagging and suck a bullet instead.

Reminder that this is not about just getting the games ported; the idea is to try and get new releases for Suikoden games and help give a push towards the development of a new Suikoden title.

>Are those people not aware what has become of Konami
Yeah, the general public don't give a shit about these things.

So again, are those people not aware that Konami bowed out of the game industry and is not interested in developing games anymore? I think they made themselves clear with that MGS Audi commercial and all the pachislots.

That would be great, but I doubt Konami can be bothered. More Pachinko shit to make.

>help give a push towards the development of a new Suikoden pachinko
i gotchu senpai

I mean...they put MGS Portable Ops on the Playstation Network store finally for Vita players so they haven't given up video games completely. Either way, having this sort of campaign doesn't hurt anything. At worst, nothing happens.

Well, pushing for Suikoden 1 and 2 to finally get put on PSN worked so this might as well, I guess?

I'd love to have the whole series ported, it can't hurt to have a more modern digital copy of games like this.

Will Konami give a single fuck? No, but at least people want to try.

Kill yourself idiot or go beg for nes ports because you want to be fucked by gaben's drm

Fuck off

It's not like such a thing would be unheard of.

Suikoden II is like 100 dollars used so I mean the more ports the better. Honestly though, I'm holding out for breath of fire 3, which never even got a port on ps3

No, fuck off you valve-retard

Suikoden 1 and 2 with fixed translation and fixed bugs would be fantastic, but i am not holding my breath. Konami does not care about PC or consoles anymore.

A lot of the comments I have seen in response to this elsewhere have echoed a similar sentiment. Nobody with an ounce of common sense has any faith left in Konami these days.

In fact this whole idea worries me because I'd rather not see HD models and cutscenes of Suiko1 or 2 just for a fucking pinball machine.

You mean you're holding your breath for Breath of Fire 3?

I'll tell you the same thing I told others; If it's not on Steam, to a massive chunk of normalfag casuals it may as well not exist.

A lot of people who buy Steam ports of retro games are seeing these titles for the first time. They typically assume emulation is something "hackers" do or assume by default that it would be too much hassle

>or assume by default that it would be too much hassle

For technically illiterate people they are right. Nerds under estimate how little people actually understand about the tech they use. Even in IT focused companies you'll find that the majority of people working there would not be able to find their way around something as simple as a BSoD.

Maybe just maybe some people are willing to pay for a legal version? But I guess that's something pirates like you are unaware about.

Has Konami even released a game since MGSV? Do they even have any future games planned?

>muh pachinkos!!
Holy shit, grow up, retards.

Just wait for the reveal at E3.

Do they even have a presentation at e3?

Konami is dead move on

>muh panchinkos

Ask someone who has never played a suikoden game anything.

Did you know Suikoden 2 had loli rape in it?

Are you me?


Have fun with that. I just wish there were more Twinbee games. I know the games were mostly a Japan and Yurop thing, but still.

winbee a bae

Oh shut the fuck up, this never happened.

Yes it did. He raped Pirika. I fapped multiple times to the thought of it.

Never happened, show me the scene then.

Fuck off

I don't understand the lack of interest in this campaign; at worst, nothing happens. Nothing but good can come from yelling at Konami about this

No. At worst you are reminded of

the spectacular past
When everything was bright, when you fell in love
When we lived in a world far more beautiful than now
Remember when we lived in our dreams
When you could see the shining truth
When you could love and could be loved in turn
Remember the innocence in your eyes
When you lived for a dream

But video games are better than they ever were

I could've sworn there was a fan re-translation, or at least better formatting, patch at some point as well as a re-balancing mod. They just need to make sure to port over the PAL version which fixed some things that were left in NTSC and JAP.

Any emulation beyond SNES is really iffy. It's understandable wanting a remake or simply a port with better emulation than what is avaible. Either way wanting the games officially is also something that has other benefits like bragging rights. Now I'm not someone that cares in particular. But I don't see the harm either

Because most people don't really know about Suikoden.

Hard to care at this point with how ignored we've all been, Konami isn't going to do shit with this if they can't just port it over or have someone give them the money to do so. Like the PSN versions of these games. Sony went and got them to do it, Steam isn't going to foot the bill.

Because a tweet is free and doesn't really showcase any monetary interest. I doubt half of those are real japanese people anyways.

>not paying $100 to get your paws on Suikoden/2 for PS1

Actually might be closer to $150 or $200 nowadays

unless it's a pachinko port, forget it

Enjoying your Cuck of Duty and AssinSteed Chronicles, are we?


>mfw grew out of vidya
>mfw Call of Duty is still the most fun game out there, and maybe Overwatch
>mfw will get FF15: boy band edition
What's wrong with CoD nowadays according to you?

>not already owning it

C'mon senpai.

You're in the military and you shoot lots of humans.

IOW it was always shit.

Mr. Goemon
Flak Attack
Gradius II
So this is what Konami has to offer us in 2016

Great games to be quite honest with you kazoku

Seriously why don't they just emulate the games? Since they're steamfags they probably have 2000 dollar pc's anyway.

What is 'cuck' about Call of Duty?

With that logic Nintendo also bowed out of the game industry and is now focused on plastic mc donalds toys

That's literally all they released on PS4 in 2016 other than Jikkyou Pro Yakyuu 2016 whatever the hell that is

And Nintendo is dead

>on ps4
why stop there

>And Nintendo is dead
careful, I got banned for less

A generic insult added to Call of Duty's name. This is how Sup Forums works. If anything I'm the cuck sitting here posting on Sup Forums about video games and the normies who play CoD are alphas

Because Konami wouldn't release an Xbone, PC or Wii U exclusive. If they released anything it'd be multiplat and on PS4.

>forgetting about based Dewey's Adventure 2

If Konami thinks it'll make them money, I wouldn't be surprised if they did it.

If you can bet on one thing, it's Konami being cheap and wanting to make a quick buck. Don't expect a better translation or any amount of fixes to the game, though. They'll do it in the most barely-passable manner.

These people should really just emulate it and let Konami die so that their IPs get sold off and companies that give a shit are able to swoop them up and make games again.

can they not simply download the isos?

when will you grow out of anime?

When it stops being fun

who's pirika?

you mean pilika? is that why her eyes are glazed over?makes sense.

Not him, but growing out of anime does not stop you from posting smug.

Do they realize that even if they get it on Steam it'll just be the game bundled with ePSXe hidden in the background with all the shitty inaccurate emulation that entails?

Because emulating is too scary for normalfags. Anybody who actually plays vidya as a primary hobby and cares to preserve classics has already emulated it.

epsxe is closed source, isn't it? They'd probably use mednafen.

No, I'm too busy enjoying Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus and Danganronpa 2 while I wait the releases of I Am Setsuna, God Eater 2, Final Fantasy XV, and 7th Dragon III. Video games are better than ever.

Holy fuck I detest PC users

Kill yourself

The 5-year old girl yes.

stop posting anime.

Everyone wants the first 2 games (espically 2)
Konami is just a bunch of shits and wont give it to people. Its the same reason it wasnt huge on release, because there were no fucking copies

Enjoy eating shit then, because you really are. Then again that might be sarcasm since I can't believe anyone would think Senran Kagura was a good game, and if you wanted to fap you'd be better off just modding a Bethesda turd.

>x game sells more than y games before it

Fucking annoys me in all forms of creative arts.

-It sold 80 billion copies!
-cool. Is it as good as the first one?
-well, no.... but 80 billion copies!

It's like quality is an after thought now

suikoden 2 is pretty mediocre.

>playing danganronpa

I don't play Senran to fap. Its too silly to be fappable. I enjoy it for the challenging combat, where bosses move just as fast as you do, can stun you, and some enemies can use powerful attacks while utilizing invincibility frames forcing players to learn how to properly dodge and block. Its a good game. Not amazing, but well worth playing. Combat is somewhat repetitive.
I also like how its story and writing shows a bit of heart every now and then. So yes, I believe Senran is a good game

That's mainly because the industry is getting. People also use sales as an argument in favor of FF13.

Playing scraps, being poor, never knowing what games you'll actually have to play, constantly begging, and skipping games you might like must be insufferable.