Will Gamefreak ever make a stronger protagonist

Will Gamefreak ever make a stronger protagonist

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They already did


not even close

He canon beats Red dumbass.

This is true, but only in the context of the first game. He is stronger when his forebearer is taken into consideration, but without said consideration and taken purely on his own merit he isn't as impressive. Perspective is needed to appreciate Gold, but he's very strong with it.

The canon is that Red kills Gold at mt Silver and that's why you never see him again.
Gold winning is just fanfiction

Nothin personnel kid

Holy shit genwunners are delusional!


Red is literally the only protagonist to lose to another one, he's the weakest.


Red > Ash > Gold Is this what you wanted to tell us user?

But Ethan beat Red

Has Red ever appeared in the Ashnime?


Was he autistic?

That's not Ethan, that's Jimmy from the LoT Special with Ethan's clothes.

t. my fanfiction

pick one

his figure looks really good i wonder if they painted it yet

with the help of Sega

I'm pretty sure he just blacked out like the Player character usually does when he runs out of usable pokemon.

>have to delete a ton of savefiles on my memory card because this game took up so much fucking space
>play it
>it's shit
Fuck the gamecube most overrated Nintendo console of all time.



so fucking good

reminder that Gold = GoaT

>defeated by the 2nd gen protags
>BW protags canonically caught the legendary Dragon
>can be defeated by the BW2 protags on the World Tournament

I see Hilda as the strongest, desu

>became Kanto champion
>defeated the weakest villain team
>caught the original 151

Honestly, he's he weakest based on achievements but that's normal for a series that changes protags every new installment.

Wasn't that wimp in 3rd gen possibly stronger than Red? If you fight him enough times or some shit he can max out at level 99 or something.

Technically, Gamefreak made him stronger than Red.

The only trainer who surpassed his top level was Barry from gen 4 but Red got the title back in HGSS.
Not sure about post-game Wally in ORAS.

Even though he isn't a protagonist, Wally is pretty fucking strong. Not to mention he has the best fight.

>That final fight with him before the E4

No because who else will autisitc man children associate with?

In a series full of rehashes why didn't they keep facing the previous protagonist at the end gimmick? Why didn't they keep new set of badges endgame gimmick?


I must buy this.

Post-game Wally does become the strongest, not only in terms of levels but in terms of team construction. His pokemon not only have great IVs, but have fantastic movesets and abilities. Its a legitimately competitive team.

Rui was a qt tho


I think I'll be starting my own slippery slope with this

>Strongest in the Game (Player): Hilbert/Hilda since they caught the legendary dragons

>Strongest in the Game (NPC): Post Game Wally has a dangerous team. He carries shit like Gale Wings Talonflame, a Mega Gallade, Garchomp with Rough Skin and Rocky Helmet, and an Azumarill with Huge Power. They all have smogon movesets too. It's clear that GF made him with the intention of making him a legit super boss.

>Strongest in the Anime: Steven Stone. His Metagross can wrestle Origin Form Kyogre before even mega evolving. Mega Metagross tanked a Blast Burn from a Mega Charizard X who beat an Elite 4's ace without a scratch. He's OP as shit.

>Strongest in the manga: The guy who carries a Deoxys and a Palkia. bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Kazuki_(Pocket_Monsters_DP) If gag characters don't count, then the Ryouga from Reburst is probably the strongest. He can fuse with Zekrom and shit.

Those are individual "strongest" characters.

Reading this atm as well. Good taste

16 medals > 8

Probably the best Rival development too

>Think he's some harmless wimp throughout the game
>Gets his balls up and slowly becomes a serious threat late-game, even surpasses May

Literally the one thing ORAS did right was Wally.

He would only be the strongest if you count his PS2 Round 2 team including the biased RNG into account.

>ground vs. electric
>use rollout

>not unironically, ironically, and post-ironically enjoying genwun's game-breaking bugs

That guy who won the Sinnoh league with a Darkrai and Latias had 4 more pokemon in reserve he could have had some real bullshit in there we never found out about.

I don't know man. Tangoing with Primal Kyogre says a lot.

Yeah I'd agree with Steven based on what we've seen but just wanted to point out there's characters we never saw at full potential (and probably never will)

Yeah, but he's gay.


Earthquake, along with Leech Life (Jap name being Suck Blood or smth to that effect), is a move the anime doesn't like showing

Earthquake would probably be hard to do in the anime. They could just have the pokemon jump in response to the command, and it would have collateral.

What the actual fuck is going on here?

> mfw Brendan was shown in like 2 Pokemon Movies, doesn't show him fight against Ashie Boy
> When this motherfucker fights him because Gen 2 pandering
Fucking thanks GF, you've dun goofed.
Also It's called "Motherfucking Steven"; pic related. But if you mean "muh power levels", that fag from Sinnoh, Berry I think.

Ancient energy from a sunken city lets Ash swim freely through the air and water.

I will never not be mad that the faggot Wallace was champion in Emerald.

his pokemon double in front of arceus and saved the awful emerald arc. No one could match his swag.

literally murdered him and pushed his corpse off the side of the mountain lmao.