>people are nostalgic for Gen 4 pokemon
People are nostalgic for Gen 4 pokemon
>nostalgia has a time requirement
Grade: F. See me after class.
Well I mean it was nine years ago, user.
Surely you were nostalgic for Gen 1 back in 2007.
Hey, I may have started at Gen 4, but that doesn't mean the magic of play Pokemon for the first time was any less than it was for you. I got Pearl when I was 6 and it was the best thing in the world to me. I have now played every game in the series and participated in tournaments, obviously EV train and breed for IV and natures, and have over 2500 Wi-Fi point thingys. I could name every pokemon(with a picture) and have completed my national dex, minus some event pokemon. I love all gens, and Gen Three is actually my favorite. Sure, I came late too the party, but that doesn't mean I party any less hard.
>I got pearl when I was 6
>Pearl was released only 10 years ago
>can't remember a single gym leader or e4 member of 4th gen
Don't really remember much outside of trekking the frozen hell
>people are nostalgic for games released almost 10 years ago
Who would've guessed
>I'm not allowed to be nostalgic for a game I played when I was nine
I guess they don't call you guys Nintenyearolds for nothing
it's pasta u nerds
> funnyjunk file name
> neo-nintendo fan
Neo-Sup Forums, everyone
>I remember being super excited for the announcement of Diamond and Pearl with my friends in elementary school
>I'm in college now
> you don't know muh epic underage /vp/ pasta that means ur new
Ok newfag
>you're probably going to die before most people who are nostalgic for gen 4 pokemon
Technically he didn't have to get it at launch.
>tfw competitive pokemon won't be as good as it was in gen4 again
thanks megas and fairies
Fairies can stay, they are fine.
Megas have to go. Just make every 1 and 2nd stage pokemon that got an evolution keep their mega as a 2nd or 3rd stage evolution and burn every single 4th stage.
>Fairies can stay, they are fine.
They need a nerf.
no one is fucking baiting in this thread yet everyobody took the b8.
why you guys cant just have fun?
I used google image search so I don't give a shit.
So are you saying he is younger than 16?
Oh yeah. I did my math wrong. I feel stupid now.
Do you enjoy using the word Neo?
Or like are you just the type of kid who points and laughs and then gets looked at by everyone around him in disgust.
Are you THAT kid, user?
Are you this desperate to fit in into a place that doesn't want you to.
How do you think people feel who were in college when diamond and pearl came out.
Were so old now Sup Forums pretends were not real
Been here since 2005 you cuck, user, you're the unwanted newfag, user.