What games let me be part of a police/security force?

What games let me be part of a police/security force?

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Did Zack really needed to massacre all those Shinra troops?

Well they were going to kill him anyway so why not fight until you drop?

Where did Cloud find his outfit?

The Getaway


Metal Gear Rising.

Sort of.

Original is better.

IIRC Zack found it in a closet in the Shinra manor and just stuffed Cloud into it for some reason

I'm an RCMP officer.

Xenoblade X
True Crime LA and NYC
The Sims

With Watch Dogs, you techincally are a police force that isn't actually working with the polce aka Vigilante. And with that, Grand Theft Auto games with vigilante missiobs also counts in that manner.

Kek fuck no

Sleeping Dogs

Well you can play the cops in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit I guess.

Xcom Declassified

SWAT games
Rainbow Six games
Deus Ex (the first one)

Space Station 13


Crackdown and Crackdown 2 were pretty good games.

Crackdown one had an interesting story. Crackdown 2s story is just about nonexistent but it's gameplay is so much fucking fun. Plus navigating the world itself is really interesting. I think the vampire zombies gave it an interesting twist

lol battlefield hardline

Why do his ankles need belts? YOu don't need belts to blouse your uniform and boots

Ninja Five-O