Online multiplayer game

>online multiplayer game
>doesn't use a mic

What the fuck is your excuse, user?

Other urls found in this thread:

>online multiplayer game
>doesn't have mic support
>doesn't have text-chat
>doesn't even have voice commands for your character

I don't feel like talking

I'm an antisocial autist who can't hold a normal conversation with people I've known for years, nevermind talk naturally to strangers on the internet.

How do you manage IRL social interactions?

poorly - I work alone 99% of the time and stay home most of the time otherwise.

>playing online multiplayer games

No thanks.

>use mic just to laugh or cough

I´m german, and while I´m confident in my english I have social anxiety and just don´t want to risk being made fun off for a accent that´s probabbly not even all that bad.

>I work alone 99% of the time

What is this job? I need it.

fuck you it's optional how about that

because none of you deserve to be graced by my charm and wit outside of dry text form

Jesus fucking christ. Where the fuck did you get your mic from? $5 Walmart mics sound better than yours.

>faggots force me to use a mic
>only turn it on to eat or burp

reap what you sow, chucklefucks

>tfw charming witty in text form
>tfw autistic stuttering retard in voice

I don't want to hear or get into conversations with people I don't know. If there's anything important to say I use the text chat.

I'd like to hear your sexy accent, user.

>be german
>get into a game of csgo
>decide to finally try to use my mic
>"alright, i vill go B, guys. my AK is on ze ground if anyvun vants it."
>my team starts laughing and making fun of me
>haven't used a mic since

I'm a truck driver.

>I have no idea what you just said
Copy that red rider

S...stop it user, I told you it´s not even that bad

gee, thanks. I´m much less anxious about using my mic after reading this

Don't wanna talk to any of you faggots, that's what.

Not that it matters anyway, I always carry any game I jump into.

stummen Frosch Plakat


Although, those motherfuckers quoting the big lebowski is pretty fucking funny, I have to admit

meant to link to not . sorry germanbro

>someone fucking farts in the mic
>heavy distorted chuckling seconds after

In all seriousness,
you'd play a great role in air pilot games though.

Just a fucking degenerate. Joke's on them, they're the one that has to put that shit close to their mouth...then again, maybe they're into that shit.

If you want to talk go to a library or a cafe. Gaming is for gaming. Stop trying to incorporate your normalfag social media shit into our hobby.

Are you the guy who did the voice acting of the soldiers in Half-life 1?


I don't want people to know that I'm a woman because it's not relevant to the game, but there's no way for me to speak that won't reveal that fact.

>tfw have to stop playing to use the text chat to call out important information to teammates

...user, can you please record yourself saying the following?

>"HQ, HQ, this is Zulu-Niner. Approaching target area, splash in 3, 2, 1... splash."
>"You. Got. Nothing."

post feet bitch

Just do what I do and either talk monotone and as deep as possible, OR try to do like a hiphop fake-black accent so you sound like a 14 year old white kid.

Being a man isn't relevant to the game, but you don't see any guys complaining about it. You're just making it harder on yourself for no reason.

first one is my normal voice, second is the voice i used on equipment

>Having mics enabled
>Listening to 12 year olds screeching in the mic telling you to do dumb shit because THATS THE MEEETA
>Listening to that one faggot whose mic is ALWAYS OPEN while he grunts, farts, clears his throat
>Listening to that other faggot who just has his own Top 100 pop songs-tier music blasting through his speakers and back into his mic
>Listening to that GAYMER GIIIRL who does nothing but ask if anybody can help her or if she can heal someone
>Listening to the 6 other faggots white knighting her being fucking obsessive freaks

No thanks, I tend to disable mics entirely. If its important enough they can type it out. I'm topping the scoreboards anyway and I know nobody would listen to me even if I tried to help them stop being bad at the game.

>tfw everyone on my team has a mic and we absolutely steam roll the other team

Damn nigga this is pretty baller.

I can actually understand that.

Maybe you could say your a pre teen boy?
Probabbly wouldn´t be any better though, then you´d just get shittalked to over that.

I can understand her, shit like this >Listening to the 6 other faggots white knighting her being fucking obsessive freaks
is exactly why I would hide my gender as a woman in games as well.

I tried once and didnt like it. First of all, most players where at least 5 years younger than me and they were telling some private jokes I never understood, and most of the time I couldn't tell who was who.

Don't get me wrong, they were chill and welcoming as fuck, I just felt my time socializing with internet people has ended.

I still play with them, but must of the time I just concentrate in the game, which is nice since it got so many RP elements (mount and blade for those wondering)

>play a match of CSGO
>haven't played in a while
>13-year-old kids shout "IMETHANBRADBERRY" and "VAPE NATION, BRUH" all throughout the match
>want to fucking strangle them
>look this shit up to see what the fuck they were going on about
>it's some shitty youtuber

Of course. Now I remember why I don't play multiplayer games anymore, or when I do, I mute everyone.

The only time I spoke in english with someone was at a party. It was a mexican dude and since I don't speak spanish we decided to settle with english it was funny
But yeah, never used a mic because I sound like a faggot and the "never talked with another person" part makes it worse since nobody will understand what I'm saying so now I only play with people from my country.

This, fucking this for TF2 alone. Voice chat is permanently disabled. It makes the game note enjoyable and if Lenny faces get spammed, mute the type chat too.

My mic is broken and I'm too cheap to buy a new one.

If I played multiplayer games more or find a new mmo I'd get a new one but I doubt that is ever going to happen.

not meaning to derail anything, we got a good thread going, but is Payday 2 worth playing anymore / again? Recently read the devs bought back the rights to the game from the publisher

IDK, I haven't played in a while. But from what I heard they just came out with an update today that has completely changed the skill tree system and now they're introducing safes that don't need to be opened with paid keys.

Because the quickchat macros say all I need to say

If they ever add "ez" to the macros I´ll add making sure the responsible person has a misserable rest of his life to my bucket list

It seems like that is not the case
They are adding "Calculated." to the list though

>playing a game of r6: siege
>dumbass on our team trying to be funny
>farts into the mic once really loud
>everyones like wtf
>"uh oh guys, here comes another one"
>lets out a really huge fart
>towards the end of it, we hear a super fucking loud and wet POP and sloshing sounds
>we faintly hear "oh fuck, goddammit" like he's trailing off leaving his desk
>he literally shit himself and probably got it all over his desk and mic
>he was idle for the rest of the game
>everyone on our team was shocked as fuck

English isn't my main language
i can barely understand what you fuckers say

My mic is broken

I'm autistic, but not half as autistic as the fags like OP who talk in pubs

Ve vant ze manny, Lebowski

I like your accent


I've never played an online game where ingame voicechat was actually useful.

My mic done broke and I don't give enough shit to get a new one. I don't want to talk to most of you assholes anyway.

>Online Multiplayer Teamwork

"That was fucking bullshit!"

"What the fuck was that?"

"Why the fuck wasn't anyone covering me!?"

"Stupid faggot learn to play"

"Why the fuck is no one on the objective!? GET ON THE FUCKING OBJECTIVE"

"Get him he's over there"


My dad is a truck driver, it's a lonely life indeed

I have never had a microphone connected to any of my computers ever.
I even specifically bought a laptop that didn't have a webcam and microphone.

If i wanted to try and communicate with autistic kids i would have been a special ed teacher.

i hate using alltalk but sometimes people really don't like playing without communication.

depends on the game, if it's cs:go then I'll try and talk, but if it's tf2 or tribes, fuko dat.

I don't use mic because I'm actually working on objectives instead of hounding after a kda and playing the game to the point where I can pick up on a teammates movements to guess what he's going to do

Thank you for not being able to communicate and actually help with the team play.

Just leave.

Nice, what do you use?

>using a mic just to breathe into

>>use mic just to laugh or cough
>>using a mic just to breathe into
thats me.

>>Listening to the 6 other faggots white knighting her being fucking obsessive freaks

>they made fun of you
Tbqh famalam, playing with people of other accents makes games so much more interesting instead of listening to the same voice you hear everyday.
big lebowski reference noted

Americans are tsundere towards European foreigners because American accents are boring as plain toast.

Too many hostile nerds and dudebros looking to make up for their lack of manliness. Always insulting and angry. They're usually the only ones with a mic that I've noticed and I'm not going to have a pity online argument with someone going from "ur a fagot","dude stfu","ur a little bitch", "muh k/d","merica #1". I dont know how some people try and use the last argument though, they just do.

Guess because I'm profoundly deaf, am I missing out on anything other than morbidly obese manchildren yelling at each other?

i used to work at a truck stop
every single one of them said "don't be a truck driver" if it ever came up

You're missing out on a lot of great vidya soundtracks, for one.

What are some other good jobs where you don't have to interact with other people?

Thing is as a truck driver you are constantly interacting with people surrounded by several tons of steal. It's hard enough being around people without the 60mph death machines. I guess you got the biggest 1 but you gotta worry about getting in trouble for crushing erratically driving soccer moms. Do not want.

night time security guard

why did you reply? he doesn't want to talk to autistic kids

How easy are those jobs to get? Do you need any experience or training? What exactly does the job entail?

Anything you can get from a trade school

>Hi I'm here to do x
Then you just fuck off and do your job
>heres the bill miss
And then you fuck off to the next job

Probably because my matchmaking is region locked and I don't speak Japanese.

I am ashamed of my voice, i sound like a 7yo girl.

My friend had the job, he did some really fast course/training then then just walked around parking lots in the middle of the night bored out of his mind and occasionally scared. He had some funny stories like once he saw a garage door open and thought it was strange, then comes back around and a guy comes back saying "all my stuff has been stolen out of my garage!"

Or another time after a place was robbed he was sent as a new security guard. So one of the guys who works there goes up to him and says "thank god youre here I feel so much safer now" Friend: "really" Guy: "No"

From what I hear:

>you just need a high school education
>you may have to learn to use a stun gun or real gun
>it mostly involves sitting on your ass so you can pretty much just look at your phone or laptop or something

Depends on where you live and where you plan to work.

As to what it entails
>standing around doing nothing for 8-12 hours
>chasing off teenagers

ruins my focus and i think most people with mics are plebs unless they are on a competitive team. even then i think in the old game Quake World they used loads of binds to communicate

I've spoken to people before. Didn't like it.

But in all seriousness, either you fuckers are annoying or mute. Got tired of dealing with annoying, and breaking the silence with the mutes.

Crippling social anxiety. Just PLAYING with other people is difficult enough, let alone actually trying to communicate with them.

>tfw can understand english videos perfectly
>tfw I could make english essays easily in high school
>tfw my pronunciation ia so fucking bad that if I even try to use the mic most people would ask 'What?'