Stop calling my girlfriend and healslut

Stop calling my girlfriend and healslut

>my girlfriend

that's a good one

>Implying Jack isn't too based to care about pussy

Are you 12 or something? Mercy goes with Pherah

fuck off tumblr

He banged Pharah's mom and is her secret father

is it bad to ship Mercy with Tracer?

>implying Mercy would touch Jack when he can heal himself

only when you stop being stubborn and accept her healing hand.

Well Tracer is basically a player who gets all of the girls but Widowmaker is Tracer's main girl

Yeah because Tracer is bananas for that gorilla dong

fuck off GooberGate. Aren't you """men""" supposed to be "going your own way"? So how about you go there already and stfu

Tracer really really really likes that butt


Is Mercy a the Overwatch bicycle?

Tracer wouldn't racemix with a nigger or a monkey (same thing really), she's pure

>Tfw no mercy skin with her hair down



That's Tracer.

The mexiloli is a healslut too?

That actually probably took some effort. See, I would donate a couple bucks to a streamer that put in the effort to cosplay the character they were playing.

>talks about race mixing
>shows gif of tracer and eastern monkey

I just want more skins for her, all the ones she have are terrible (apart from default recolors).
>tfw 4k coins to spend on nothing


Mercy only likes strong old German dudes.

>tfw this pic is so popular the characters basically get canonized because of it

You think Genji thinks of Mercy as a maternal figure?

Mercy is into little boys

why are 90% of mercy fanart trash?


She's his robomom.

Why is Mercy the Over watch door knob?

Reminder that Mercy intentionally made Reaper an edgy undead wraith.