Castlevania thread. Last one died.
Castlevania thread
THERE'S A BELMONT IN THE CASTLE you think they'll ever make a good one again?
who else /fullconfidenceinIGA/
Reminder that Alucard was totally unphased when he realized his dad was reborn as Japanese kid with white hair.
Not me. They've had virtually NO progress in a year.
It's a scam.
MN.9 all over again.
I dunno about full confidence but I had enough faith in him to make a good game that I threw down $100
valkyrie soul is my waifu
>hey've had virtually NO progress in a year
What the fuck are you talking about?
Why do people like the PSP translation and voiceover of SoTN?
Sure, the original PSX release had somewhat chessy-wonky translation but I thought Alucard's voice was top-perfect for him. In the remake it just so bland and uninspiring.
which extra mode did you like the best, Sup Forums?
Albus mode here
No. Because they won't make another one period.
>I don't understand how video game development works
>one character model
>one scene
>basic movement
That's it.
It doesn't even look very good.
The most we can realistically expect from this game is new great Castlevania tunes from Michiru.
Calm down, just give them some time. They didn't show anything bad for now so don't be that pessimistic
Gee, it's almost like the game is still in development and the shader isn't complete yet.
>game development is easy and takes no time at all, why haven't they shown anything
shh, let the adults talk
Actually, I am developing a game, so I kind of do.
They haven't done shit other than marketing.
You know they've got more than that done, they showed off a lower enemy too, they just aren't gonna show EVERYTHING.
It is literally the same as MN9.
>year passed
>all we see is some snippets and bare-bone assets
>each new update another "sneak peek" of anasset
>literally nothing of value
Forgot picture.
DoS Julius mode was the shit
>Get to play as Alucard and Yoko too
Wasn't the kickstarter to show the actual investors that there was interest in the game?
Remember that canceled castlevania game ?
Been playing Dracula X recently, my first Castlevania you could say. Is Maria "easy mode"? She just wrecks shit, meanwhile i always suck as Richter.
>Actually, I am developing a game, so I kind of do
Sure you are son, I love it when shitposters craft stories for shitposting purposes.
There were a few cancelled Castlevania's games anyway.
>Is Maria "easy mode"?
Sorta, yeah.
Tht wasn't a canceled game, that was a pitch IGA's team's pitch for a new Castlevania game, it was competing with Mercurysteam's pitch, which got chosen.
Basically. Her defense is worse, but she's way easier with the double jump and doves.
Anyone else notice that Marias sprite has blue ribbons, but in cut-scenes they're red?
Well, now i feel kinda bad for playing as her. But that double jump man...
guiz help
did I wind up getting a bootleg copy of Double Pack? I really can't tell, and I only question it because it has a weird issue where the screen goes black for a second whenever I save, and I heard bootlegs have save issues
We all know how well that went, heh.
Though, LoD1 wasn't all that bad. It's a miracle they managed to pull of decent game and absolutely terrible LoD2 is a manifestation of that. Pure luck will get youo nly that far.
Thank you Hideous Kojambles
outer bit looks fine, but I'd assume that after 10 years bootleggers would learn to stop making such obvious fakes
Yeah hideo kojima basically got iga fired.
Wonder how iga feels about kojima . probably felt justice when kojima got raped by konami.
Are the GBA ones any good? I have them on my N3DS, but I don't know if I should bother with them.
Sound quality is garbage though.
All of them are godly, except Harmony of Dissonance. Objectively one of the worst game in series.
I sugegst to start from PoR, then either Com or AoS.
Circle of the Moon and Aria of Sorrow are great imo. Harmony of Dissonance isn'r very good and has ass music compared to the rest of the series but the room decorating side thing is kinda funny
The entire redub was bland and by the books. It felt like a Saturday-morning anime.
The slightly "off" voices and diction in the original fit the game so much more, in my opinion. I also love Alucard's deep voice. You just know that he was supposed to have some pretty-boy Jpop voice, but it works so much better for him.
Either way the game is excellent.
Though, imo, the best classicvania is the X68000 version, ported to the PS1 as Chronicles.
>We could've had proper Alucard in 3D and not designed by the faggot who did Death Note
I feel in my soul the series will return again one day
Even if it takes 100 years
>that Death's voice
literally heresy changing any of it.
Seriously, there was literally no point of making a remake for PSS unless it was Saturn version with extra items and locations... but it wasn't, it still was missing a few.
So meh
Strangely, Alucard's Judgement design is the only one that doesn't disgust me.
How do you go from this...
Jewnami will never part with the rights to the franchise.
They either manage to make success with panchiko sex-machines or let it die.
Such a scum they are. this?
>lost the fur collar
For what purpose
Season change nigegr
But it's colder in DoS than in AoS
Hmm, you are right.
>two belts
man, the art change for DoS and PoR were soooo bad. OoE wasn't as good as Kojima's (other Kojima) stuff, but it was very nice and a step back in the right direction, before grimdark Western studios (and Konami themselves) fucked the series permanently. Death by erotic violence.
Much better
>there will never be another CV game, let alone a good one
at least we got Shanoa before it all fell to shit
It's admirable to hack balance into the game, but SOTN is a hard beast because it can be broken in so many different ways.
I like the wolf sprite but I admit I have a fondness for the purple-not-wolf Alucard turns into.
What is Sup Forums's favorite main character design?Julius mode counts
>completely recreating the game in a new engine
This is never going to get anywhere near completion, and even if it did Konami would kill it anyway.
>Trying to change the already perfect sprites
Fuck no, why
The sprites are good as they are already and Alucards sprite sheet is probably huge due to the many subtle animations in the game.
>Konami will never crash and burn due to Yakuza pachinko blood money
why post a dead game?
I miss playing Castlevania HD. I fucking enjoyed playing my maxed out Richter and melting shit.
I don't like any of IGA's games, so not really.
A proper Castlevania V though? Fuck yeah.
because it sucks
so many good castlevania projects never were finished
Almost here, I have been craving a good metroidvania for some time now and I am really hoping this will deliver
Soma. That coat is just too stylin'.
it is delayed though
How long? Steam store page still says July
Ayami Kojima sure knows how to make men look fabulous.
One of my favorite artists as well.
>everyone shits on Bloodlines sound and music
>never played it, decide to try it
>the OST is one of the best in the series, if not THE best
Considering the hardware it was on I'm legitimately impressed by how good the compositions are. The remixes are kind of strange but every other track is 10/10
Definitely not July.
So far no specific info, probably pushed to the q3/4 of this year.
I have this as a wall scroll. It's fucking majestic.
But Bloodlines was a good Castlevania game user
who was that little faggot shitting on it
Probably the same faggots that think all Genesis music sounds like farts because it's FM synth.
It's not quite metroidvania, but Odallus is pretty fun if you haven't played it. It's a good mix of classic and exploration-based CV
Just be aware it was made by literal BR's so the writing is bad.
Still waiting on "Hearth forth, Alicia" and "Legend of Iya"
Well I just want to die then
Only people who talk shit about the music are IV fags. Bloddlines is my third favorite castlevania in terms of music because of that genesis sound.
A shame alot of developers during the early 90's didn't know how to use the genesis sound chips properly except sega
>literal BR
what did he mean by this
I wonder if we're gonna get a sequel considering dat special ending
Bloodlines was the first Castlevania game for which Michiru Yamane composed. She went on to compose for SotN and most of the GBA/DS games.
That's why Bloodlines has such an incredible soundtrack. Here's my favorite song from it.
Some people see it as a "competitor" to SCIV so it gets unfairly blasted IMO
I think it has weaker gameplay but it isn't a bad game by any stretch
Did she starved from the lack of semen we could give her?
I've heard Valdis Story was a pretty great mix of a hack&slash and Metroidvania.
Bloodstained will be better than Symphony of the night. Mark my words!
that one snake on the bottom right not baring his fangs and being all chill and shit
>Some people see it as a "competitor" of SCIV
excuse me?
Yes. It has some awkward phrasing in the dialogue but it doesn't really affect much, there's barely any text anyway
>dat special ending
Which ending?
I dunno about that but, but I think it stands a fair chance of being as good, if not better than the DS CV games. Either way I'd be happy.
I never liked SC4 personally. That being said, however, i don't udnerstand why Castlevania game has to be a competitor to other castlevania game? You don't compete PoR or AoS for example. Like, what the actual fuck even lol
Site still says mid to late 2016 so I still have hope
I really hated how the character animations looked in the reveal trailer.