XSEED publishing HGH

XSEED is OFFICIALLY announced as the publisher for Shantae: Half Genie Hero.

How does Sup Forums feel about this?

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XSEED is based.


I'm not really a fan of Shantae (nothing against it, I'm not much a platformer guy), but I guess it's cool for them.


only in japan? or everywhere

Will probably be getting a physical copy then. Thanks, XSEED.

Thank fuck. Didn't wanna use up any HD space.

Hm. Were the Xbox versions canned?

...Why would they announce it in English if it was Japan only?

>relevant in 2013+3

Will they get Marvelous or NISA for European physical copies? Would be nice.

It's still releasing digitally on the Xbone, 360, PS3, and Steam.

Does this mean the Japanese release will have a Marvelous logo on it?

Might double dip if I can just use my backer exclusive stuff on the physical release.

i just wanted a confirmation

Bravo. I have actually been asking for this.

Hm. That's odd.


Not really. They probably figured most of Shantae's demographic plays on either the Wii U or PS4 due to sales and the backer surveys.

>MFW with the bigger news is that WiiU is actually getting any phyical game at all rather than 1/2 hero going physical in general.

WayForward is really trying hard to be Japanese, aren't they?


>mfw $250 backer
>Get a digital copy, artbook and now I can get a physical copy to go with my OG shantae


Pirate's Curse was pretty successful in Japan so it makes sense.

Is it coming out this year?

>HGH retail version announced on June 2nd, 2016
>original Shantae was released on June 2nd, 2002

So when is release
And yooka laylee next, right?

But then why on the Vita?

>Unironically spending 250 US Dollaroos on two copies of the same game and an artbook

famalam, I'm not even shitting on your taste, that's just an objectively bad deal.


Oh shit you're right, smart play WFT

So, physical release for Shantae? Day one.

I hope you're getting it on the PS4.

I have family who work in valencia's district, so I want to show support.

also I've spent worse, I'm excited to get the artbook because its confirmed to have some never before seen of Matt's early sketches of GBC-GBA era shants.

I was a huge shantae fan back in 2003 long before it became popular online, so for me its a treat.

Past experience with it? They've released all the Vita Senran Kagura games, afterall.

I have no been following this game in the slightest.
Is Virt still doing the soundtrack?



That is true.
I don't mind anyways, I need more physical releases for Vita games. Saves tons of space.

As always.


Fuck, no.

Guess I'm buying this game then.


Will the game be long enough to merit a psychical release though?

Pirates curse was about as long as a standard GBA/DS 'vania, so yeah.

What do you mean by long enough?

That sounds like a Daft Punk song.

Its only 30 bucks. If its as long as Pirates Curse, plus the bonus missions, that's about right.

It'll probably be 8-10 hours long the first time through, like SatPC.


So is there gonna be any difference between the various console versions? I was looking it up out of curiosity and apparently I signed up for a Wii U version back in the day.

why would you attach your boat to a giant snail

I personally feel like if a game is too short, on the console, I wouldn't buy it physically.

Shovel Knight had the same effect on me, it was too short so I didn't thought that buying it other than digitally was worth it. Just a pet peeve of mine I guess.

Because SPOT wasn't reliant enough.

physically it says.

Xbone is probably digital only.


Hey, it works for One Piece.

Steam Powered Oceanic Tinkertub



>Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity



This is great

>Own Original Shantae
>Can import Pirates Curse
>Can now buy new shantae

Fuck RR. Its only fun once.

Oh, it's nothing

>Physical shantae announced
>MGS3 remaster announced
>Banjo fucking Threeie annoucned
>Zero time dilema .cia file leaked
>Ex-CING working on new titles
>Skullgirls second encore hinted for physical
>E3 in just two weeks


Do I even get a physical copy if I backed the Kickstarter?

Happy on XSeed publishing. Now we don't have an apologistic company who's going to take shit from fucking idiots for the game having too much sex appeal or whatever other bullshit today.

Going to support this. Money talks.

>MGS3 remaster announced
user, I...

No, you'll recieve digital unless theres a change depending on how much you donate.

>MGS3 remaster announced

fuck you

>Banjo fucking Threeie annoucned

and don't do that shit to me my heart can't handle it

Wow user, I feel really bad for you.

>Please understand that WayForward is not the distributor of the physical versions, so we can't offer backers any boxed copies.


Awesome. XSEED hasn't failed me yet, so I don't see any issues.

>MGS3 remaster announced

Don't lie, user.

>Banjo Threeie announced

When did that happen?

I hope CHASE gets localized, though.


user... I'm not sure how to tell you this...

>Zero time dilema .cia file leaked

BYE Sup Forums

Need to get around to playing the rest of the series before I drop any money on this but good for them. Is this the first game XSeed has published on the Wii U?

>Banjo Threeie
What kinda horse shit are you spewing out of that cock vacuum lie orifice on the front of your head?



>MGS3 remaster
I've bought it five fucking times and I ain't doing it again

>Shantae gets XSEED
>Bloodstained gets fucking Deep Silver

I still have faith in based IGA making Bloodstained fantastic but fuck man, why Deep Shillver?

It's a Fox engine remaster for pachinko

You won't have too. The "remake" is just some fancy movies they made for a new Metal Gear pachinko machine.



>still no date


At least Deep Silver learned their lesson after the MN9 trailer backlash.

jk they didn't learn shit


Fucking retard, just because Mighty Blunder 9 was published by them, doesn't mean Bloodstained will too.

it's better than spending a 1 cent on any microtransaction

I think the backers are still digital only.

Is there really not going to be 3ds version?

Can't get too excited for this, knowing how much they are going to censor it and "meme it up"

>I have no fucking idea how publishing works please rape my fucking faggot face

I really doubt it would fit.

see Shantae would look microscopic on the 3DS screen.

>Caring about inane shit like this

kill yourself, idiot