> Despite being discounted by 40 per cent over the weekend (which is almost unprecedented for a AAA game in its first month of release), Battleborn‘s numbers haven’t rallied as we head into June. Not only are player numbers dwindling, but according to SteamSpy, the amount of time that Battleborn‘s relatively few players are spending in the game is quickly decreasing
> The game saw only a slight peak on Sunday, with its highest number of concurrent players peaking at 12,101 on the day of its release. At the time of writing there’s a fairly dismal playerbase of only 2200 online. That’s less than the number of people playing Youtubers Life, that sim game about being someone who plays games on YouTube for a living.
How does it feel to be murderers? Your incessant crapposting literally murdered Battleborn.
Despite being discounted by 40 per cent over the weekend (which is almost unprecedented for a AAA game in its first...
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gearbox deserves it and more
Hey at least they're not Anthony Burch.
Same thread has been posted yesterday.
And just like yesterday I'll post it again:
Gearbox deserves this.
You are Antony Burch
So what exactly happened here? Is it just the timing with the far more heavily marketed Overwatch being released around the same time or is it sort of a "WoW effect" where no MOBA-like game can be released without being overshadowed by whatever the dominating game of the genre is, in this case LoL?
>Gearbox trying to compete with ugly character designs and clusterfuck UI
Pretty much this
Its not just that. The reviews are fairly mediocre also.
Barely any marketing
Visually appaling
Writing usual gearbox shit
Overshadowed in nearly every aspect by Overwatch
And the game being just plain a waste of money
They deserve this
That, and that bb's marketing consisted of trying to start fights with Overwatch on Twitter.
Marketing and $40 ($60 if you want the skins) pricetag. Also, Overwatch is a bit more aesthetically pleasing overall. You can put the characters side by side and your average normie will gravitate towards the Pixar looking shit.
great news. gearbox absolutely deserves to fail
At least it has unique characters
That, and I feel like marketing behind this wasn't great.
Rember, this was a game that was first unveiled by Randy Conman Pitchford as:
>Battleborn is: FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Battleborn Heroes!
On top of that, I really couldn't tell you much about the game, and I'm someone who plays vidya, listens to vidya podcasts, and browses a vidya chinese imageboard. I have no interest in Overwatch, but I can tell you it's TF2 with more people and also butts.
Also, no one likes Gearbox anymore, and they haven't done anything to earn back trust, either as honest business people or as creatives.
>got the game out of curiosity and sale
>Game is alright but it's busy as fuck
>Makes me want to play Overwatch more
so are there any actual numbers on Overwatch?
yeah, of course its selling well but is it really 9 MIRRION AND THAT WAS ONLY TEH BETAS
What the fuck is this horrible
Art design
Voice acting
Everything else
>actual non-bisexual lesbians
let it die
>Gearbox made a game that makes people want to play another game
Damnit these guys are really living the cuck-ideology through and through.
>terrible dev studio that most of everyone openly hates
>character design is consistently bad, even when you don't compare it to Overwatch's 100% waifu rate
>marketing painted it as basically "worse Overwatch for nearly the same price"
>single-player, the one sole advantage it had on Overwatch, is shit because it's made by Gearbox
>have you seen this game's UI? You fucking should.
It wouldn't be a smash hit if it released almost two years ago when Overwatch was just a Pixar-esque short on YouTube.
Now, being released at the same damn time as a vastly superior game only wrote the Stillborn in stone.
That's what I tell my mentally challenged students but it doesn't make them better at anything.
I hope any chink company buys Gearbox so they fire all the big bosses there and start making only shitty mobile MOBA style games.
They deserve something worse than being out of business. They deserve something worse than death.
Literally the only good thing about battleborn is the husbando bird.
Nothing else
Overwatch = delicious rare steak served by a gorgeous, demure waitress
Battleborn = uncooked chicken covered in rainbow sprinkles served to you by Brianna Wu who won't stop making long winded, unfunny, sarcastic remarks
Just end it already
>No quality waifus
>Moba gameplay
>Trying to compete with Overwatch
>Randy Pitchford
Murderers? This shit was an outright suicide.
>Konami buys gearbox
>Doomed to make Pachinko games only
I think they were banking on the "OMG GEARBOX" factor making it sell. But they forgot no one cares.
The robot is a man tho
she is not a lesbian
Also nobody fucking trusts Gearbox anymore. After Borderlands 2, Aliens: Colonial Marines, DNF, trying to take away the good Duke games, and basically everything Anthony Burch, Gearbox is in a deep, deep hole they're probably never going to climb out of.
>trying to take away the good Duke games
I've read this a few times now. Anyone be so kind to elaborate?
I want to cum on her hair
How does it feel to be gearbox? Your incessant crappy game literally murdered my enthusiasm.
easy let me show you what did happen
>Marketing guy at gearbox
Hey Randy I am little bit worry people are starting to compare us to Overwatch even if our game is totally different and I dont want that we put ourselfe in a position that Blizzard think we are trying to compete with them for the same people so I am thinking to spend some money on marketing to show the people thatour game is more of a moba shooter and Overwatch is the new TF2.
>Randy the fucktard CEO
>randy proceeds to post on blizzards twitter posts with Battleborn and taunting blizzard
rest is history
At what moment Randy thought that it was smart to go against Blizzard a company with a market share of almost 29 billion $ who has a bigger marketing budget for Ovewatch then what Randys whole company is worth , we will probably never know.
>unique characters
uniquely bad, sure. everytime i hear/read someone saying the game has interesting characters, i get confused. i mean they are interesting, but not in a good way. in a "trying too fucking hard to be different" way. they literally have a penguin of doom. come the fuck on.
the game even uses censor bleeps as punchlines. its as if the game was entirely written to appeal to edgy preteens.
>company decided to pander to a different audience
>is surprised if "gamers" suddenly don't buy their products anymore
What's wrong? I thought the 2 billion people on twitter are all into video games and being policitically correct is the way to go.
Once you age out of Invader Zim, you age out of Gearbox. We're just seeing a natural movement away from a now old guard of internet pandering garbage.
Post yfw a year or two later, Blizzard adds a moba mode to Overwatch.
They removed the Duke Nukem 3D games from every online store, and are now rewriting it with terrible Reddit memes to ''appeal to the current year''.
In short, they are letting Anthony Burch rewrite Duke Nukem 3D.
How much would you pay to smell Benny's armpits?
Gearbox currently owns the licensing/distribution rights to Duke Nukem, so they're removing all the old Duke games, in particular Duke 3D, and rewriting them with memes and more "current" "humor."
Gay faggot
they had a chance to compete with waifuwatch but I hear the characters speak
Also the game is busy as fuck and you constantly feel like you're zoomed in.
They pretty much went through character development by OKing everything without considering any bad character traits that needed to be trimmed. Just shows how unprofessional they are as a game company.
A little redundant, don't you think?
>How does it feel to be murderers?
Pretty good actually.
double negative
Damn she's hot
Honestly i'd argue it's just bad marketing and a mix of being overshadowed by Overwatch. I wasn't even aware this game existed until a month before Overwatch was going to release
no one talked about until then and then suddenly there was a small buzz about it
i wasn't even aware gearbox was working on something that wasn't the next Borderlands
All gays are faggots, but not all faggots are gays.
>Youtubers Life
What the fuck
more like
wait for it
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait for it
STILL- born
I think you have it the other way around. I'd call Ian McKellen gay but not a faggot.
what ever
they made Brothers in Arms, Opposing Force and Blue Shift
they are not all bad
And I had such a nice day so far.
That actually makes me angry.
How the fuck do these incompetent should-have-been-blowjobs have the gall to do shit like that.
I quite liked borderlands 2
companies change user
That's like saying you still support present Capcom because of the games they made in the past.
>thinking round 100,000 posters id enough to make any major production sold to millions fail.
It died because of bad pr and the fact it went head to head with a Blizzard IP
>Decide to check players in game
>around 1,4k
yeah I dont know who the FUCK made the decision to release it at the same time as
>the first original ip for blizz in more than a decade thats confirmed to be good from beta tests
Gearbox is basically sonic team at this point with all the cocaine they're on
I think there are a bunch of different contributing factors. It's basically the perfect storm of terrible.
>Came out the same time as Overwatch
>Tried to harp in on the popularity of MOBAs without understanding why people want to play MOBAs
>Tries to be an FPS assuming that their Borderlands credit will give them a step up
>Cost $60 when every other MOBA is free to play
>Absolutely no marketing, so that it was unable to persuade anyone to get it
>Also, released at the exact same time as Overwatch, one of the most hyped multiplayer FPS games of the year
Because of this, it could have been a groundbreaking amazing game, and still no one would have played it.
Basically, Gearbox has no fucking clue what they're doing.
>The game saw only a slight peak on Sunday, with its highest number of concurrent players peaking at 12,101 on the day of its release. At the time of writing there’s a fairly dismal playerbase of only 2200 online.
what kind of fucking idiot writes like this?
oh, right, someone whos writing skill isn't developed academically in any way nor vetted professionally in any way
Fucking good. Fuck Gearbox.
Seriously, fuck Gearbox. Those dickheads owe me an Aliens game that isn't a broken piece of shit.
>Criticizes someone's writing
>Can't make a grammatically correct sentences
Not sure if satire.
That buzzing was flies.
I can't take you seriously if you're going to harp on someone's writing with a post that is an even worse offender.
Maybe they should make good games instead of bad ones
>confusing ability with intent
maybe one day you'll develop your potential into an organized intelligent thought so you have a less laughable way to try to lord over people than by criticizing how they type into Sup Forums.
want yo get angrier?
The edits are also likely being done for profits.
It will take portions of money away from the old VA, music and other factors as well.
Because when ask if the classic would be available to switch to they said no
>Hayley Williams
Who hyped here for the new Battleplan today?
I am hyped af about the new story mission and the new balance patches
Make Ambra Great Again
>Trying to argue in a Chinese image board
Maybe you should cool off with an Overwatch game or two.
For fuck's sake.
For FUCK'S sake.
What the fuck is wrong with these guys? I don't even know words strong enough to express my anger over this shit.
Can you bring up to speed on this meme?
Why does an entire company deserve to die?
>no sources
nice bait
Someone please provide source, i would actually like to know
Beta was free
You deserve no answer if you cannot follow a single thread.
>hear a knock at my door
>it's Randy Pitchford
>his eyes are red from the sleepless nights and the endless tears
>he has a copy of battleborn in the hand
>he tries to smile but feels the tears coming back so it just looks pathetic
>his glasses are all dirty and embued from the hot grease of his body
>he probably didn't wash since a few weeks
>"please user... just 10 doll- 5 ! 5 dollars !
>god this is so embarassing
>I avoid his gaze and look away, trying to come up with a good excuse
>suddenly his head straights up
>fuck no
>"What's this user ?"
>"Randy, I..."
>"WHATS THIS user ?"
>he pushes me before storming the door of my house and starts rampaging inside
>too late
>Randy is in the middle of my living room
>he stares at Tracer's butt in 4K on my flat screen giant TV
>the copy of Battleborn drops on the floor and my dog immediately comes to sniff before taking a shit on it
>he's a well educated dog
>I look at Randy
>I don't know what to say but I still try to pat him on the shoulder
>as soon as I touch his shoulder Randy seems to come back to reality
>he just looks at me before leaving silently
>I notice the copy on the floor
>"You forgot your shi- I mean Battleborn !"
>he stops for a half second before exiting my house
Gearbox is a shitty company who's made some shitty games and done some shitty things.
>Buys up IPs
>Cuts them down to make a game as basic and cheaply as possible
>Release buggy, broken games
>Deflect all criticism
>Due to loyal fanbase of teenage boys and (somehow) girls, all their games sell enough so that they can do it again
battleborn failed because of bad marketing choices. they should have either released it one month earlier, (i would have picked it up then) or a few months later..
there were just too many games coming out in may and most people dont want to spend that much money on games, neither do they have the time to play them all..
Sorry but i dont have time to sit on Sup Forums all day like you do.
When people like you post i get the feeling that gearbox didnt do anything and autism is to blame instead.
>took a 2006 beta build of Duke Forever, touched it up and released it full price
>attempted to bank off Aliens Colonial Marines by namesake, stole funds to push on Borderlands 2
>is pretty much solely living off Borderlands cash
>hired Anthony Burch, the ultimate sin
I'm fairly sure there's much more to it than that but those are the most apparent factors
So I'm pretty normie and only knew about this game when it actually came out and I swear to god when my gf asked me about it I said "idk looks like an overwatch ripoff"
Their marketing COMPLETLEY failed. It could have been GOTY but if no one knows it's coming out its gonna sell like shit
>yfw Gearbox will die in your lifetime
Legit kek/10
>What the fuck is wrong with these guys?
hubris from success to soon.
All the projects they help on were major sellers and acclaimed(Half Life 2 add-ons, Half Life 2, PC port of Halo
Brothers in Arms were there first made by studio games but less than two years later Borderlands made the scene and the rest is history
As weird as it sounds if they they didn't take off with Borderlands like they did they wouldn't be such a shit company.
See While most other devs are just large subtler DLC-whoring jews, Gearbox goes the extra mile seemingly to directly piss everybody off.
An actual case of fraud which I have no fucking idea hasn't resulted in the barring of company directors.
Guess US corporations law is fucking garbage
I'm saving this for future use.
Did they really feel the need to have her arm cover a third of the screen whenever she runs?
For what reason? Is she really running around with her arm close beneath her eyes?
link? i want more missions, they fucking fun
They deserve it for launching a shitty moba FPS like Overwatch at the same date as Overwatch with WAAAAAAAAAAAY less marketing campaign.Also by not being backed by a big name like Blizzard.
They literally asked for it , not sure what they expected.
Both games are a shit.
>[dreamy sigh]
>[titillated shiver]
Quality Gearbox writing as always