Do people still play Skullgirls?
Do people still play Skullgirls?
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There are more people making porn of it than there are playing the game.
No, fighting games get boring real quick.
>You will never turn Filia into a cumdumpster
I like skullgirls, just don't play it. I'm not into fighting games but appreciate the game's characters, world and animation. Bought the game twice.
Yes, I stomp on shitters with PW, Robo
Maybe if you suck at them they do.
Nah, they all get old fast unless you have autism.
nah I'm waiting for Skullsgirls 2
or Panzerfaust dlc
I want to but good luck finding a fucking match on Steam EU.
as much as i want this
its never going to happen...
Oh right.
I don't anymore, sorry.
At any rate, surprised the fatposters haven't come in yet.
Having dedication in learning how to play a game isn't autism. By saying that you're literally admitting defeat and saying that fighting games require too much dedication and skill, despite 8 year olds in the 1980s being able to figure it out easily.
Me, nigga
I'm not very good though.
Hit me up on steam (A meme deferred) if you want to play later
I'm just waiting for Skullgirls 2.
The steams gone what with literally Everybody patreon whoring nowadays so pretty much reposts. Here's an honest attempt though
well hope indivisable does well then
Is that webm meant to go super glitchy whenever you rewind it?
fuck if i know, i didnt make it.
what you doing going around rewinding webms anyway son
yeah, on and off, i only have 1 person to play it with though
Sorry bro but that's reality. Invisible would have been better if they left the guest characters out and focused on an angle with meeting everyone one while traveling forming a large patty as opposed to incarnations 'n shit though
How would Valentine react if I held her hand?
that can't be official artwork
she'd tell you to git gud
Mei is officially the new face of thicc.
it's a combo-based fighting game
of course autists are still playing it
I got it in a free weekend, it was fun as there was a lot of people on the same level, but after a couple of weeks it was only dedicated players again and I got demotivated.
Maybe I'll get back to it if there ever is another free weekend.
Either one of two things happen:
1. You get fucked over by and unending combo with no way to stop it
2. You fuck people over by using an unending combo with no way to stop it
It's shit
Bought it to support the scene but turns out I hate playing it. Never liked MvC.
Everyone switched to melty blood or guilty gear
>what's Mahvel
I sometimes do, user.
It's my favorite fightan, but sometimes I think it's really teaching me bad and lazy habits. So I've started to play games like SF3 where fundamentals matter more.
>Implying any of those is alive
Revelator is fine though
I heard that the netcode in Melty Blood for Steam was complete butt, and the guy who wants to add CCAster support to the game is in some kind of license/legal hell for getting into it.
So, everyone just plays the Pilates version for CCaster. Is that true?
Cccaster is free and works.
Melty on steam has a price, with deleted stages, uncontrolable fps and shit netplay. yet some people defend it
I do
They said, their publisher was getting the money to do skullgirls 2. They were late so LZ decided to do Indivisible instead. So after that is done a skullgirls sequel is a good possibility.
>you will never turn into Fillia
But enough of this shitty posting anyone gonna make a lobby?
>having autism means you win
games are very boring, I tried SFV and the game wasn't very fun at all. Fighting games are just extremely boring to normal people.
I wanted to but it plays to much like Marvel and I hate that. Now I'm just in it for the thick
>Sup Forums
>fighting games
Yes and it's still awesome.
Jesus fucking christ.
Sup Forums is the biggest scrub
It's not just fighting games user, 99% of Sup Forums are filthy casuals that don't know shit about any genre of gaming. Every thread about any game is filled with the same amount of ignorance and shitposting.
>the setup for a RandomBoobGuy picture
That's fucked. But it makes sense. I saw a fighting game thread last night on Sup Forums and practically every there was posting about SFV. A lot of people said they are bad at SF4 so they only play 5.
>RBG invented Full Nelsons
Nice meme.
>I didn't even need to think of it, the music just started playing.
Squigly and Eliza best duo.
>>RBG invented Full Nelsons
Never said that.
I would like to see Roll's blown out anus
how thick is too thick?
She's like 9 dude...
I could go thicker but that right there is good too.
>Patreon Whoring
>He doesn't know about the workaround
If you're okay with fraternizing with furfags, you can get most of the Patreon shit you want for free.
>Trinity Fate's stuff, all of it, for free, including a ton of stuff he's never released
Feels good, mang.
There is no such thing as "too" thick.
its great.
love em.
His art always looked weird to me. its probably his shading and linework.
I played it for the first time last week at a con, Beowulf was fun as fuck. Didn't really know what I was doing though, and couldn't figure out how to pick up the chair once I threw it.
>Fighting games are just extremely boring to casuals.
two kicks together,
This to be honest
but there are no unending combos in skullgirls
fucking OUCH
it's either you're not teching out of recovery or not paying attention to IPS/undizzy.
I thought they patched the workaround.
someone plz gift me this game i am a poorfag and still play 3s on fightcade from my childhood the first games i ever saw were fightan. dad was jobless when i was born and we still dont have a credit card having a credit card is considered sin here
plz gift me skullgirls
yeah and we all know how well indivisibles funding went, i think they got lucky, i dont think theyd be so lucky with a Skullgirls 2
We must go thicker
I plan to actually buy a physical import copy when I get a Ps4.
Also my Gf wants me to make a MAME arcade 2-seater with Skullgirls, so that'll be a fun project.
Ain't combo's the easiest part of a fighting game? Unless it's links or something but just putting in combos in a juggle is usually easy.
There most certainly is
Filia shitposting ruined skullgirls
I thought it was generic waifu posting.
Nah, but I stick around these threads to help get them deleted sooner.
Shame it'll never get the spotlight at EVO.
thiccposters ruin everything
I'm saying this as a thickfag
Wait, wait... is that the same artist who draws those paizuri catgirls? The art style looks very familiar. If that's him, I'm surprised he draws Skullgirls stuff.
This is not /lzg/, if the thread is about to die due to inactivity, don't post a picture to bump it.
Giant fags are the worst.
Nah nigga
I only know how to play Filia.
I can't even play Fillia.
Best girl coming through
literally purrfect
Eliza is best skull.
This user speaks the truth
I want to help her with that doughnut.
Bruh I'm trying to take a fap break and that's my fav fat image, stop it