I wasn't here around you-know-what, and I feel this game and The Last of Us had something to do with triggering the movement because every time they're brought up, there's always vehement vitriol thrown at them saying they're not a game or something.
Is it because you can't affect the narrative? If so, why does that matter? You can't affect the narrative in Metal Gear or Mario.
Is it because they're linear? The games weren't supposed to be open world, and you clearly have to play them to progress, so I just don't understand.
Bioshock Infinite's problem was its ending, or rather the story as a whole.
The thing about the original Bioshock is that you felt constantly engaged and immersed, especially when the twist was revealed about 2/3 or 3/4 into the game. The gameplay was tolerable at worst, so it could feasibly be played just for the story without being tedious.
Infinite does the opposite. The plot makes very little sense until the end, at which point it makes even less sense. The gameplay was just as good, but without the story to save it, the game felt like garbage. And of course, all of the major twists were shoved into the ending, making it a massive clusterfuck.
The final bosses are also worth a mention. Say what you will about the final boss of Bioshock 1, but at least it was a climactic confrontation in which the protagonist and antagonist fight. In Infinite, the final boss is a generic firefight against irrelevant baddies.
Mason Garcia
Naw my issue with Bioshock infinite was the gameplay
It felt like a cover based fps, probably due to the shield and the infinite respawning enemies till you reached a certain location
shit was a chore to play
Hudson Collins
It was alright, more of just a really nice-looking aesthetic to explore.
But it was also a last-minute simplified bastardization of what the game was supposed to be back in 2010-2011, which even then was a lot different from Rapture-Bioshock. To get perfect 10/10's (that were likely paid) really lights up the powder keg as well.
Luke Young
Sup Forums wasn't intellectual enough to understand the game.
Ryder Allen
>wait a minute that card
Aiden Davis
Lincoln Bennett
>The gameplay was just as good
Except without the flexibility of the first and second games with the plasmids, in Infinity it was all gated by story progression so there was very little run for experimenting. Also the two guns limit would be ok if all the guns weren't generic and uninteresting.
Mason Gomez
They took Bioshock's gameplay and turned it into a generic cover-based shoter.
David King
I'm not going to speak for Sup Forums, I don't like bangwagons of any kind and I don't usually bother to waste time circlejerking with everyone how cool it is that we hate something, but I can tell you for myself why I found the game to be one of the biggest disappointments of the last decade: It's because A) the narrative is fucking retarded, from start to finish. While the presentation holds up well - art direction is beautiful, soundtrack really good, voice acting and all that jazz is cool, the actual PLOT is pants-on-head retarded. Nothing makes sense, and nothing is well integrated into the flow of the game. In terms of narrative in fact, gameplay and narrative content contradicts each other considerably: in a game so reliant on theme of protection and guidance of a daughter figure, having Elisabeth immortal is a stupid choice. The plot events in the later game literally make no fucking sense at all. It's really a tragedy and there is very little to justify it: It is, quite clearly, a game where narrative was supposed to be one of the selling points.
Mechanically, it's just really rather poor. Two weapon limit does not jell with the weapon system upgrades, no-regen health does not jell well with the way med-kits are handled - all weapons are underwhelming and boring, enemy variety even poorer than in Bioshock, there is a lack of more complex RPG mechanics, it's more linear than the previous Bioshocks which I already found underwhelming, supposed selling features feel more like gimmicks with little actual depth on display.
The game just fails to be a good narrative, or a good shooter, or a good blend of shooting and RPG mechanics. There is nothing outside of art direction and music that would actually make it worth playing to me. And for one of the most hyped games of the decade: that is just embarrassing and even a bit annoying.
Mason Davis
>I wasn't here around you-know-what
This and the TLoU were early-mid 2013. That "event" that I think you're referring to didn't happen until Fall 2014.
Owen Sanchez
The story made sense, it just wasn't good.
Colton Stewart
Mason Moore
Putting time towards a Fallout-sized arsenal (both in standard firearms and sci-fi inventions) and stealth options like BaS's crossbow and invisibility would've been a nice boost. Also vigors doing more than just stun-variations.
Although this would work better in a big setting with optional district-hub backtracking, which allegedly was among the scrapped concepts.
Samuel Walker
The story was amazing. Some of the best writing I've seen in a game.
The gameplay was horrible. One of the dullest shooters I've played to date. Whenever you are playing, you are just waiting for the next cutscene to start.
Jack Parker
wait a minute, that meme...
Henry Parker
Literally Shock of Duty.
Evan White
>The story was amazing. Some of the best writing I've seen in a game.
Jackson Smith
It's because, for me, the game just wasn't that fun. I enjoyed the story in spite of not being able to affect it, but I didn't even feel like I had any control over the gameplay at all. You just walk from area to area shooting shooting and shooting. There's no way to play stealthily or spec out your character in a meaningful way.
For a game descended from the legacy of System Shock, it's really poor. But even as a dumb shooter it's not satisfying to play thanks to bullet sponge enemies and magic ammo and health box that follows you around.
So yeah, I was hyped, enjoyed parts of the story (though it was a bit ahead of itself in execution) but found the game utterly forgettable.
>The story was amazing. Some of the best writing I've seen in a game.
Luis Ortiz
>linear levels with almost no exploration >plasmids all gated by story progression, most customisation options you had in the previous games are gone >guns all feel like piss >doesn't have the atmosphere or exploration of its predacessors to make putting up with the garbage gunplay worth it >story is a load of bollocks >BOOKER CATCH
There's little redeemable in Infinite beyond the art style, and even that is bogged down by terrible textures and awful character models for everyone but Elizabeth. It's a functional game at best, there's no good reason to spend time playing it when there's thousands of other games you could be playing instead.
William Gomez
if you're new to gaming and have only been playing for half a decade, maybe.
even then LOL no
Landon Miller
>The story was amazing. Some of the best writing I've seen in a game.
Samuel Edwards
Dumbed down level design, dumbed down difficulty, dumbed down story and dumbed down AI. There's nothing good about the game. It's a 3/10.
Elijah James
every damn time
Alexander Ramirez
>BIoshock was my favorite franchise >hear about Infinite >those trailers >that premise >oh my god it's going to be perfect >buy a new rig so I can run it on max graffix on PC >finally come home from college for the weekend >have it all installed and ready to go >beat it in two sittings >my fucking face WHY DID THEY RAPE MY FAVORITE FRANCHISE?
Zachary James
>The story was amazing. Some of the best writing I've seen in a game.
They destroyed the story. They showed she could rip into paris.
Why didn't she just go? They never explained that. So the story is not only poorly written but unnecessary.
Kevin Cook
>the story was amazing
you realize the story is actually broken right? like under inspection, it fails to follow a coherent structure when you investigate the timelines? and im not even being picky with time travel in fiction, the game literally does a 180 on its own logic
Evan Scott
It dumbed down every mechanic from the previous games and tried to hide that behind waifu bait and a "deep" story
Chase Foster
>The story was amazing. Some of the best writing I've seen in a game.
John Martin
This is what makes Sup Forums great. That video is better than the game could ever hope to be.
Ethan Nguyen
woah holy shit HAHAHA how did i never realize this
why the fuck didnt she just leave? why did anything im the game have to happen?
Ethan Ortiz
>watching a franchise you love being raped in front of you while everyone else praises it
I know how you feel m8
Jason Stewart
Ok ok ok, NO shitposting. The thread's moving faster than I expected. I want to get to the bottom of this.
OP here. Answer me this. Do you think pointing out inconsistencies and differences in gameplay from the first is just personal nitpicking?
To me, the adventure as a whole was greater than sum of its parts, and the implementation of themes never really expressed in games wrapped together with beautiful creativity and inventiveness really made it a riveting experiene. And it works as a game, because it was damn fun to play. Seriously, how could you not like the rollercoaster rails and the grapple hook?
Luke Lopez
>someone sat and watched all of these videos and wasted 3 hours of their life
baka senpai, you're worse than bioshock fags
Nolan Ortiz
because constants and variables
Mason Bennett
Isaiah Long
For a successor that was to deal with bigger ideas, everything felt considerably dumbed down and simplified after the earlier games. You could only handle two guns at once. Areas were narrower, choices and their affect on things were miniscule or nonexistent.
Very pretty game, some cool parts, but not nearly as immersive or affecting as Bioshock 1 OR 2.
The game looked better/fuller in earlier promotion materials...things went awry somewhere along the line.
>a person locked in a tower cut off from the outside world for literally her entire life has the social skills and charm of a disney princess
they could have made elizabeth so much more appealing in a genuine way by having her start her journey with you, nervous shy and socially disfunctional like a person who's been locked away from people her whole life should be
James Young
its literally a railroaded theme park.
>see this thing on the side of the road that happens once? ok remember it. its a theme now. >see all these weapons and things? pick two. >see all these things in the trailers. we left one in for you. >puzzles? hell yeah! we got one! >also theres vigors and shit. >umm... oh, and some america things. we rag on it so it makes this deep. >as you can see its clear a 10/10 game
Logan Garcia
It's shallow, it's story plays off like a faggot Dr who episode, it makes you think it will maturely handle race but instead turns it into white devil vs the bad but not quite as bad as whites black people. Fuck it il meme it up >2 gun limit >no noteworthy bosses >ghostmom 3 times >vigors readily available but apparantly electro shock is only in one section of Columbia >shoot through section of dudes and proceed to next Disneyland area where nobody knows that next door 200 cops were just murdered >DONT TRUST THE MAN WITH THE AD ON HIS HAND Booker does nothing to prevent this >the time lord twins were nothing more than a plot device Cheshire cat >constants and variables cop out to try and tie up loose holes and still does a poor job >troy baker >that cool line of "Booker are you afraid of god" "no I'm afraid of you" line comes out of fucking nowhere instead of during a cool thematic moment >elizabeth is supposed to be a socially maladjusted loser who has more social skills than anyone else around her >in the opening scene she opens a rift to I think Brooklyn and rather than just hopping in that we have this grand adventure out of skyoshock >weapon upgrades are fucking nothing >game was originally supposed to have lots of Alice in wonderland type surreal shit but they canned it, rewrote it, cut out enemies and repurposed the assets to tell this gay story. >elizabeth looks like a dreamworks interpretation of belle from beauty and the beast. >heavy anti religious message during the height of the fedora awakening with no real argument for it other than CHRISTIANITY MAKES YOU A RACIST HOMOPHOBE!!!! while previous entries as cartoony as they were made decent statements about objectivism and collectivism >cops are boring enemies >handymen are boring enemies >3 games in and they still haven't fixed the bulletsponge enemy problem
Tyler Ortiz
people already answered you plenty in this thread.
Sebastian Watson
Was coming into this thread to post this. The plot breaks before Booker and Liz even meet, so why literally jump through so many hoops like finding the Chinese guy or the weapons cache if she could just say fuck it and bounce? I'm sure there's some contrivance somewhere but it just feels lazy.
Camden Thomas
You know whats the sad thing about this game? The piss weak weapons and the remocal of visual upgrades when you upgrade the weapon itself.
It makes no sense, its literally: thats to much work / money we can spend on ads
Blake Lopez
But user, gotta have that waifu bait to attract all them neckbeards
Adrian Lopez
I liked TLOU but BI just had a shit story. Can't explain it to you but I played it at an airport lan center hoping to pass the time of my 6 hour delayed flight, figured burning through the SP would kill time really fast. NOPE. Game was a drag, fighting the same boring bullet sponge enemies all the time, guns felt like shooting nerf guns the gunplay was that bad, 2 weapon limit and low ammo pools sends you running back and forth scavenging for ammo instead of playing the game, elizabeth was a really shallow companion and no one ever seems to notice or attack her? her powers and how they were used were NOTHING like in the trailer, really watered down and boring. once you looked past the set pieces, all you had was a really shallow, poorly designed FPS game. It really is irredeemably shit. If I'd rather sit and browse Sup Forums for 6 hours to pass the time instead of play your SP game, your SP game must be boring, especially when its story won constant praise from retards for being "The Citizen Kane" of gaming
Hunter Davis
>The gameplay was just as good No, just fucking no. It was a step back in almost every department. >Two weapon limit that discouraged experimentation >Simplified upgrades >No save/load, checkpoints only >No hacking >No puzzles >Invincible health/ammo dispenser >Vigors had little variety or practical differences between them >Linear environments encouraged little beyond corridor shootouts, no exploration
Anthony Gonzalez
But socially awkward waifus make the best waifus
Connor Cook
Here's a question to detractors shitting on the game's critical acclaim and saying it shouldn't be held to such high regard because it's not entirely artistically aligned with its themes and stuff such as with the ludonarrative dissonance and the simplification of racism.
The Matrix, Mad Max Fury Road, Inception, The Dark Knight, and Terminator 2 are critically acclaimed blockbusters, but they're not arthouse movies. With blockbusters, you can excuse inconsistencies or slight simplifications because they're not supposed to be entirely ambiguous or taxing, they're supposed to have EARNED thrills, good structure, consistent pacing, and sprinkles of nuance and thought-provocation. Can Infinite not be considered an exceptional video game blockbuster as opposed to saying it's terrible compared to Stalker or something? They're different games with different goals. Things are not that one-note.
Julian Brooks
>CHRISTIANITY MAKES YOU A RACIST HOMOPHOBE!!!! oh god why did you have to remind me of that shit? The way they handled the Booker is Comstock was so fucking offensive it made me want to physically crush something.
Ian Perry
this nigga writing books and shit
Jackson Stewart
but the gameplay is awful and a step down from previous bioshocks in every way. how do you explain that?
Noah Lopez
All of those movies had plots that at least made sense.
Bioshock Infinite has shitty gameplay, so it's a shitty game. Don't need to even look at the story to call it awful.
Oliver Hill
Play the other Bioshock games and you will understand, they had much better level design, rpg elements, and enemies. I also liked the combat more, it didn't just feel like call of duty: steampunk. They also had much better stories than Bioshock Infinite, the story in Infinite was just silly and I am convinced people only like it because muh racism in America. I hated Infinite because it didn't deliver on my expectations and shouldn't have been called Bioshock. Hell even Bioshock isn't as good as System Shock which blows them out of the water but Bioshock was only a spiritual successor to System Shock so it was okay.
Caleb Ward
I disagree. It's not an open-world rpg, therefore they're not really comparable.
Bioshock Infinite is an fps with rpg elements such as the skill trees.
To me, I had immense fun with the gameplay. I can't really explain since it's been awhile, but that's all I can say. I cared about Booker and Elizabeth, I found the dialogue exceptional, I found their interactions exceptional, I found the world exceptional, I found the gameplay dynamic and exceptional, and I found the story to be constantly evolving with thought-provoking themes and likewise exceptional. I thought it was an A-class blockbuster video game and one of the best ever made.
Andrew Foster
It's another "I wanna tell a story" game that threw in completely inappropriate and dull shooter mechanics to pad it out. Even worse than games like Uncharted though is that the story makes absolutely no sense and has all of 1 character.
Julian White
The gameplay was the worst part.
It's just as shallow as Call of Duty yet the guns feel weaker. Weapon upgrades do nothing and its just boring point A to point B bullshit with endless waves of bulletsponges.
They also re-wrote the story about 4 times during development and scrapped a near-final build and re-made the entire game in 6 months which really shows. Why are some areas already destroyed and fucked up before you even hop through time? Why are people just having fun at a fair when you slaughtered 1000 enemies about 40 ft away in the previous level?
The artbook showed that the game was originally going to be surreal as fuck with a ton of body horror enemies, but instead they decided to scrap it for MUH RACISM MUH RELIGION (except judiasm and islam) ARE EVIL
Fuck this game.
Aaron Scott
Many people nitpick the shit out of Inception and The Dark Knight and say they don't make sense. but they still garner critical acclaim. You know why? Because it's all about the disguise of plotholes in writing. Plotholes aren't the only thing that makes writing bad.
Liam Watson
>Bioshock Infinite is an fps with rpg elements such as the skill trees.
The only things that could be called "RPG elements" is putting on different pants and buying things from a store.
Daniel Wright
This was absolutely not a blockbuster videogame. People used to praise that hack Levine for his "deep writing skills" and he believed it too. It was shilled as an intellectual masterpiece but it turned out to be shit.
Julian Gomez
Anyone who plays it talks only about the time-space travel story that didn't exist till 3/4ths the way into the game, no one cares about Columbia and everyone says the best part of the game was the beginning walking sequence. That should tell you all you need to know about Bioshock Infinite.
Jordan Stewart
Let's see
>can carry only two weapons.most of them are boring or different version of eachother >this makes upgrading weapons stupid cause you can carry only two and stick with them. >level desing is boring with no variety,game just tries to show you how pretty it looks >levels feel empty and most of the time you would rather just explore the levels further instead of shooting everything that moves >story makes zero sense in the end >no replay value even tho the story is perfect for it
It's the perfect bait for casuals to think that it's the best game ever. Even tho it fails where bioshock 1 kicked ass.
>It's been a while and I can't explain it but it's exceptional in every way Sounds like you just got swept up in the hype, dude.
Angel Thomas
Only played for like 3 hours until I gave up. The gunplay felt like a step backwards from Bioshock 1&2. Was the most mediocre shit I've touched.
Jack Cooper
If only it featured Dante from the Devil May Cry series
Christopher Stewart
Story was bad and full of irrational decisions. It was a Many Worlds story written by a man who didn't fully grasp the concept.
Gameplay was a step down in every single way from the other Bioshocks, with some elements like plasmids shoehorned in "because the others had them too".
Enemies sucked. Big Daddy fights felt like big deals, Big Sister fights more so. Never got that same feeling with anything in the game, be it the bullet sponge ghost or the "shoot the heart" Handyman fights you were forced into.
No sense of urgency.
Most criminal was that it was clear all the good ideas they showed in previews were left on the cutting room floor. Elizabeth's powers were once far more interesting and had a choice element as she had limits for example. Look how the Boys of Silence were pitched as something more than a reskinned camera in one section of the game.
Ultimately the praise it received earns it more ire. If reviewers gave it a 7, nobody would have made a fuss but still bought it anyway
Luke Roberts
>he thinks I meant sales I meant it was supposed to be more than just a blockbuster game in terms of writing. Besides I've never seen such a rapid turnaround where a game gets 10/10 reviews one month until it's being given away the next for free. Shit was hilarious.
Robert Mitchell
Sup Forums hates it because most of Sup Forums are morons who can't understand mindless fun.
Was it the best game ever? Nope. Was it great even, probably not. Was it plus beer a completely fun way to spend a day off playing games you actually have to think about? Absolutely.
Sup Forums just has a hard on for hating anything that isn't excellent, fuck them.
Hunter King
but you get twice as much! obviously superior
Adrian Harris
You realise there are blockbusters which are also dumb and are critically panned right? (See:basically any Michael Bay film)
Blockbuster =/= Good
Aiden Perez
The problem for me was the story and gameplay. I know it wasn't suppose to be like the original bioshock but there wasn't anything substance to keep me enjoying playing it (the joy ride ended with the very first "puzzle" in the game). The game felt nothing but a projection from a whiny liberal making a "white people are racist exepct for a few white women" lession ( even though it's about dimensions and stuff ) who thought that they're being clever. I heard from a bioshock infinite thread on Sup Forums that the original was suppose to be about a time rip that is turning people into time fused monsters. It had concept art of the enemy too but they canceled it because they resemble too much of the splicers from the first game apparently. Now we have this boring "muh race" plot of the game.
the ending didn't make sense either since it implied that there more evil brookers that need extermination, that only brooker is evil. If this is true then that would mean that there are evil elizabeths since there ARE MORE THEN ONE ELIZABETH. If there is multiple dimensions that means good brooker can exist, in fact what's the point of killing the first brooker if there is another dimension the same as his but only that time he is a good guy. So after elizabeth kills brooker what happens to it's counter dimension? Does the time change in it from a flux? I want to know.
TL;DR Bioshock infinite story is hypocritical and "abloobloo white people are evil" gameplay is boring and shit.
Adam Baker
No, I genuinely had fun. You can't tell me I didn't have fun. I didn't even check metacritic or reviews back in 2013. I barely even checked comments or forums. I didn't know the game was critically aclaimed, I just knew there was a new BioShock, I played it, and it was a fucking blast. I don't care about nitpicks because the adventure as a whole was incredible. You can nitpick the Dark Knight all you want, but that doesn't change that it was critically acclaimed.
Zachary Martinez
Have you played the other Bioshock games? Have you played the System Shock games? Those games are a way more fun way to spend a day off playing games. Every other Shock game is better than Infinite and when you play Infinite afterwards you realize it is not worth playing ever again.
Isaiah Rogers
>hating anything that isn't excellent
Are you implying a lot of reviewers clearly didn't mean it's excellent when it's metacritic sits at 94? It seems entirely valid to complain about that when the general impressions hypes it up in such a manner.
Elijah Perry
>Was it plus beer a completely fun way to spend a day off playing games you actually have to think about? Absolutely
It was so boring I couldn't even get through the campaign during a 6 hour delayed flight and dropped it. Your tastes are shit, and you had to be drunk to enjoy it in the first place.
Jayden Gonzalez
>this new
Liam Perry
ah, a bad case of shit tastes than
opinion status : trashed
Xavier Lee
Again, the game is shitty because it has shitty gameplay. I don't care if the story is awful or the best shit ever, if the a game has bad GAMEplay then its a bad game. Period. BS:I's gameplay regressed in about every possible way when compared to the previous two titles.
And you have to nitpick, as you said, to find holes in those still otherwise well-made and acted films. The plot in Infinite is so fucking stupid and nonsensical it's painfully obvious to anyone with a brain that it contradicts itself and makes no fucking sense every 20 minutes. Elizabeth herself says there are infinite universes with infinite possibilities, so why would she EVER think she could kill off Booker/Comstock completely, in every possible universe? It's just basic exposition like that that slaps you in the face and makes no fucking sense.
Colton Cook
I'm not saying it's good because it's a blockbuster. I'm saying that is an A-class blockbuster akin to Nolan's films like Inception and Dark Knight.
They have ambitious themes, creative plots, and brisk pace, but under deep scrutiny, they don't make too much sense. But that doesn't matter. At the end, the whole and the overall adventure is substantial.
Asher Morris
Yeah I have. It was definitely the worst out of all of them. It was still fun though!
Brayden Nguyen
The combat wasn't anything close to what they intended and showed us at first and was incredibly repetitive.
The environments weren't as interesting as rapture, and the dimension hopping kinda left an impression that your actions were irrelevant and made you start from scratch each time you jumped in terms of investment.
Matthew Lopez
It's funny that you compare it to Dark Knight, as it's probably more accurate to compare it to DKR
A highly anticipated third part of a so-far solid trilogy, it's fun at a glance, but then you turn your brain on for a second and suddenly the glaring problems start popping up all over.
Nolan Richardson
>Waa waa your tastes are shit
Get back in the fucking pram.
Kayden Bell
>they don't make too much sense All of those movies make a hell of a lot more sense than BS:I and other things like writing, acting, cinematography, etc. blow anything BS:I tries to do out of the fucking water, not even comparable.
Thomas Miller
So you played SS1 and SS2 and you weren't pissed off and disappointed by how shit Infinite was? Especially the level design of Infinite?
Joshua Baker
>Dark Knight >Six search results
Is this a new form of bait?
Ryan Carter
You're just going to get problems like that when you have a time travel story, guy. At the end, those problems don't matter. It's the adventure that matters along with the tact, nuance, and daringness given to themes.
Also, the gameplay was not bad to me. I had a blast because of the unique abilities and emphasis on movement along with the plot. There's never a dull moment and things are ever-evolving.
Hunter Sanchez
Bs: I is what?
Wyatt Myers
>There's never a dull moment and things are ever-evolving
Combat stops being different in that game after like 2 hours.
I wish it was ever-evolving.
Luke Roberts
Cameron Murphy
And even then the two games OP mentions aren't related at all to the "event", the criticism those games got was because they focus more on narrative rather than gameplay (At least in the case of TLoU, Bioshock infinite was criticized because of the overly complex story and the dumbed down gameplay).
Hudson Ramirez
Metal Gear makes far less sense tan Infinite, but Sup Forums jacks off to that every day.
I just think it's an extreme japanese bias.
I thought Infinite was one of the best games ever.
Gabriel Turner
1 Introductory act of a seemingly interesting story and exploring around a dystopian but still cheery population with dark undertones of racism and deep south violence.
3 acts of frivolous Gainax tier bullshit. more if you bought the DLC, gameplay that makes you wish for the quiet walking simulator moments, pants on head retarded NPCs that have two functions of repeating welcome to corneria, or shooting you at the drop of a hat. a villain that does absolutely nothing besides being vaguely menacing, a mid story retcon and an ending that makes you wonder what the fuck was the point of it all.
The most interesting characters in the game were relegated to background exposition detail, They don't even try to hide that Elizabeth skipped character development between acts. A "creepy" area that lasts all of 20 minutes and has no relevance to the story as a whole besides a timeskip bullshit. And a menacing mechanical monstrosity that gets written the fuck out instead of properly handled in game.
As a writing user I have to say this is the biggest load of overhyped shit,