So apparently bracketfag is going to be running a Best Dead or alive girl Tournament.

As if such a thing is necessary.
Best girl is undisputed.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nyotengu is best DoA girl though

Too dark.
Waaaaaay too dark.

Kokoro is though.

>the roster slut is the best girl
Yeah, No.


Kokoro is phenominal tier

No doubt whatsoever.

Pretty sure you can see the outline of her pussy through that outfit.

>undisputed top 10
1. Hitomi
2. Ayane
3. Mila
4. Tina
5. Kokoro
6. Momiji
7. Kasumi
8. Marie Rose
9. Christie
10. Lisa

Tan Hitomi is literally the hottest thing I've ever seen in a video game




I want to sexually smash Momiji.

Aaaayyyyyyyyyy lmao

>Mila in the top 3

I can accept this

You're not worthy


Honkers is fucking disgusting

She'd beg for my cock.

when is this coming to the US?

Literally the best outfit ever created by mankind.

God no, less nudity is usually better.

Nope. The closer to being naked without actually being naked, the better.

That outfit is perfect.

t. A mudslime

shame that the character models are such bullshit. big feet, no muscle or fat layers, awful hair physics, no good water on skin, sand on skin, mud on skin effects, awful clipping and no good groin effects. the effort put into this shit is dissappointing. i dont know how u fags can jerk off to this garbage

I fucking hate those jewel outfits.
Either make them nude or put them in real bathing suits



I could really use a melon right now




End of the webms I made today.




Good god.



Last Miji.


Why no love for Helena?

there's your answer

She's not very good, euphemistically.

Sweet Jesus, my dick.




She's fine but generic.
There are better blondes

That's the end of my new stuff.

Shhhh, Momiji is sleeping.

Do tanned Momiji in golden v peace next please.

fuck y'all

I like your tastes, user.
You're one of the few to understand that it's not just the boobies, but the look on her face

Nice sideboob or underboob is way better

I've been fapping to Ayane like 3 times a day for the past 2 weeks. I think there's something wrong with me.

There's nothing wrong with you user.
That's perfectly normal behavior.

Ayane is best girl

Best in X3, no doubt.

Ayane is a disgusting rapechild.

I honestly think she's best in literally every game

Her tits are a miracle of the Universe.

When I grow up, I'm going to be a strong independant woman!

She is literal perfection

>implying she'd be able to get the words out with Nyo sitting on her face

strong independant woman =/= bullying Hitomi on a regular basis


>So apparently bracketfag

It's a shame tomboys aren't appreciated

where can i get a nice gallery of these

It's fantastic till her hair just clips straight through her head


It is I, your one and only king
Bowser Koopa

>that feel when I'll never get to breastfeed from Honoka while cumming inside of her

why does Sup Forums have to give me oddly specific fetishes

I love the shit out of that intro