So, I'm playing Etrian Odyssey Untold in Classic+Expert and I don't see how it's worse than the original

So, I'm playing Etrian Odyssey Untold in Classic+Expert and I don't see how it's worse than the original.
It seems like it's way more balanced but I admit that I miss the Doc

Wait until Stratum 6.

le millenom girl

Grimoires are cancerous but other than that the Untolds are a straight upgrade


So far everything seems to be polished, it can't be possibly something really bad, right?

What did they change?

le millenom girl

Not playing story mode, pal

I never played Stratum 6 in the original, can you tell me how that was better?

I miss stupidly overpowered Survivalists.

>tfw tried the demo, loved it
>tfw too broke to buy it

should I kill myself

Anyone who says EO:U is worse than the original is a fucking idiot clinging to nostalgia, plain and simple. Sure story mode sucks but the game overall is a vast improvement of the original which is admittedly clunky and unbalanced as hell.

Grimoireshit. I completely ignored it though.

Pirate it

If you're on Expert, Stratum 6 can and will wipe any party that hasn't had its hand held by story mode in a fucking attosecond.

A single Sickwood will poison your entire party and kill you in one turn, which is hilarious because the exact same enemy in the exact same stratum of 2 is considered cannonfodder on expert.

Untold 1 was VERY polished early on, but once you reach Stratum 6, the game expects you to be completely streamlined and optimized with the shitty ass Grimoire system. Everything was vastly improved in Etrian Odyssey Untold 2, and except for the Uber Final Boss, Ur Child, there was no real emphases on using the Fafnir Class (At least in later updates).

Also Ginungagap > Gladsheim all day every day.

The 6th stratum was absolute garbage in the original game. Riddled with trial and error traps.
>Check every teleporter until you know the right path
> good luck, every "bad" one leads you to the the beginning of the floor.

I can't see how the remake can make it worse.

Pretty much the same m8 (for the first floor). I didn't mind it but I wish there were more numbers to mark teleporters. Two of the other floors consist of 1) a maze of holes in a dark FOE filled room, and 2) the floor you fall to from the holes, a mess of thorn tiles and fast af FOEs.

My Favorite Class from 1 and 2 was and always will be the Dark Hunter, Whip Spec.

The concept of Binds was amazing to me when I first started playing, and I remade my team in Untold 1 and 2. It was fun to completely bind Primeval and keep spamming ecstasy on him. Sure, it's based on luck, but once the cards fall your way, you're finishing postgame bosses in 3 turns with no damage taken.

Only thing that COMPLETELY pissed me off was Ur Child in Untold 2, and how he was literally the only boss in the whole game who was immune to head binding, which means he still had a handful of moves you couldn't control. I completely dominated all of the dragons, Hetaconchiers, and everything in between, but Ur Child shows up and suddenly I cant accomplish shit anymore. Ecstasy deals like 50% less damage if the target isn't COMPLETELY bound. He could still be bound in the original 2, and it would actually cancel his strongest move "Begone" which would one shot your party, but it was based on his 99% resistance to leg binding, and a Dark Hunter's ult ignores resistances to binds, but in Untold 2, it just cant happen, and they moved most of his super moves to head binding (Which CANNOT be bound anymore) and hid his stats and health behind enemy gates and phasing. It was quite bullshit that I played 99% of the game one way then was forced to change (or convert to picnic) because Atlus doesn't like me utilizing their special status effects that they PUT in the game.

The dark Maze was actually cool in Untold 2, because the foes were fun as shit to fight. The giant fat birds? I don't know why, but I love it when foes have conditional drops in the postgame, I always go for them even if I don't need to. Maybe it's my love of status effects in RPG's, but you know.

At least it was better than Etrian Odyssey 1's same floor, which was the same, except with those stupid aggressive turtles instead of the birds. Then again those turtles got completely annihilated by instant death moves and fear, but I digress.

>Untold 2
I meant Etrian Odyssey 1, 2. As in, Untold.

The maze was good in the remake, but shitty in the original is my point.

Also I was a bit iffy about Etrian Odyssey 4's introduction of the "hinted" shortcuts, in that when you look at a shortcut through a wall, it always looks slightly different from the other walls, but it's an okay system I guess. I wouldn't mind it being completely taken out in Stratum Sixes though.

>Ginnungagap over Gladsheim
I liked Gladsheim's techy look better. M.I.K.E. and the tank were better than Gigganiggagap's bosses.

The Countdown to the End of the World was a fantastic level, I will give you that, but the first and final floors of Ginungagap were fantastic. Gladsheim was made with very little puzzle emphases in mind. The only actual puzzle I can remember is the Light/Dark corridors, and even those could be brute forced with a half decently leveled party.

Also that Bee boss can suck a Faaaaaaat dick.

>The End of the World starts playing

So are there any class combinations that break each game?


>booster food
This are pretty blatant crutches for less skilled players

Which get worse in 2 with +effects and holy shit fafnir is OP

The Songbird? Yeah I like them too, hilariously chubby.
Those were nice until they became identical to normal walls in the last two strata.
Yeah the 1st and final ones were great, not a huge fan of the pumpkin ghost spiral. Also
>he doesn't like the beeeeeeees
>tfw it only plays for that one battle
I wish it played more often.

Well, in 1 Immunize is very overpowered, not sure about 2 and 3 is the most broken one of the EO games

It's like $10 every other month. Just wait till the next sale

>in that when you look at a shortcut through a wall, it always looks slightly different from the other walls
That was in all the games, wasn't it? I remember them being in 3 at least.


>faf is OP
Tbqh it felt great using him
>theme starts playing
>he gets nuked but survives with power cell
>Point blank
>Fire wave
>Akashic Nova
Shit was gud.

Other than Etrian Odyssay 1, yes.

There's Ronin-Ronin-Ronin-Ronin-Ronin in Etrian Odyssey 2, and no I'm not joking. They have the strongest single target ability, Midareba, and can survive mortal damage and instant death, and a maxed leveled party with a bunch of nectalls can pretty much auto attack any boss, even Ur Child, to death.

In Etrian Odyssey 3, pretty much any well built team based on a Good Ninja or Shogun can result in a 1-shot combo to the Primeval God.

In Etrian Odyssey 4, a mixture of debuffs from the healer class, buffs from the buffer classes, and drive blades from the Imperial can actually 1 shot some dragons, and 2 shot the final boss.

Untold 1's Base Party is actually already incredibly fucking optimized, and as long as you're autistic enough with the Grimoires, you can essentially spam weakness seeking super moves that hit 3 times against primeval and kill him in I THINK the world record is 4 turns.

Untold 2 just fucking completely shattered though. I don't remember the EXACT combination, but it was something involving 2 Trabodours and the Fafnir Class, and it involved literally One Shotting Ur Child.


Painless/revenge spam

Literally everything but most easily with ninja pirate shogun gladiator combos

>tfw you assasinate the Fallen One
Also the cheese for the Ur-Child is nothing compared to the one for the Ur-Devil.

The Fafnir Class DID make me feel like a god damned hero, I will admit that, but I swear to fuck, both Untolds, and neither of them gave us a story mode Hexer or a Dark Hunter, my favorite classes.


Never fought the Ur-Devil. Assuming he's DLC, didn't get any DLC, since I was pissed that the game wouldn't let me bind-spam Ur Child.

Is the Ur Devil weak to any binds?

Sick burn

> unlock shogun in EO3
> steamroll game
Beating abyssal god without one is hell and I don't want to go through with it again

Quick Question, killing the tentacles on the final floor, does that only affect his first phase, or does it affect his second phase, too?

I mean, I know it doesn't affect his HEALTH, but does it affect his damage, resistances, patterns, violence? Anything?

>making more than one character per class

Is EOU1 the least broken game overall? Sure grimoires are stupid but is there anything really busted other than that?

>Not making 2 per class even before EO5 introduced titles.

Character stacking is shit, and even though I love dark Hunters, I'll never use more than 1.

My favorite Party in Untold 2 was-

Dark Hunter/Trabodour/War Magus

Utilizing a hilarious assortment of binds and status effects to completely lock down every single boss in the game. Except Ur Child, cause he was immune to head bind AND any status effect that would cause a loss of turn, like Fear, Panic, Sleep, Stun, or Paralyze. WHAT A FAGGOT. The only Status effects you could affect him with is Poison, which sucks at postgame, and Blind, which is okay I guess.

Just the health, health regen, and attack pattern of his first phase.

They don't do anything in the second.

Turn Flavio into a Hexer, Survivalist isn't super necessary and he needs to be one for the best cheese method. (Unless you go Archer parade cheese). I listened to faf's theme for 5 hours

Ur-Devil is DLC, the 31st floor that has the OP consumables and the anger inducing lvl 99 aggressive FOEs. He's weak to leg and arm bind. Double the HP of Ur-Child with a few new attacks and a doubled power eternal exodus.


How have I not heard about this yet?

Not really, in fact Stratum 6 is a good scrub check, and the base party is balanced around most of the game. Untold 2 stopped the hand holding for the most part, and opened up more game breaking combos, but in a way that made the game feel far less sterile and more fun.

Also the introduction of the secondary force powers that they started with 2 and expanded on in untold 2 was fan-fucking-tastic. Untold 1 is probably the most controlled and consistently difficult and fair of all the Etrian Odyssey games, but that didn't keep it from feeling forced and streamlined.

Are you 100% sure about that? Cause I got so close to beating Primeval SO many fucking times in 3, but there was a certain tentacle in the top left room I could simply never kill, so I always had a fear.

I'm assuming the Devil is ALSO immune to head bind? :C

I cant beat the fucking bird boss from the 4th stratum in EOU. I'm on Expert. Been stuck on it from months and lost motivation to play. Then I started EO2U and I just got stuck on the boss from the 2nd stratum. Fuck my life.

I can't wait to see the shitty altered-name titles online.
In before a huge wave of "nothin personel" titles.

That's pointless and even more tedious to manage.

>Tried to make a status/bind party in EOU1 with R/P/DH/M/H
>Yggdrasil core is basically impossible even on normal because of its absurd bind/status effect resistance and recovery even with that skill that lowers ailment recovery rate maxed
Th-thanks Atlus... The dragons were fuckers too for the same reasons.
Did you sneak up on it so no FOEs will join in? Do you have at least a level 5 volt wall? These are the keys to beating that asshole bird

How would you fix subclassing in EO3U? Also REMOVE BOOKS.

Iwaropenelep/Iwaopeln is a fucking asshole in Untold 1, I'm assuming you figured out how to back attack him by using the floor's layout to your advantage?

As for The Second Boss/Hellion, remember that the slimes are assholes and either
A: Must die or
B: Control the boss itself with status effects like confuse or stun, because he's immune to fear.

Basically you dont want to blow your load at once. He gets harder later on, save your force powers for when he's near 30%. Also remember that his ultimate attack is based on how many slimes are alive, and it cannot be prevented through binds. He can be fully bound and the attack will STILL go off. You either need to confuse/paralyze him, or kill the slimes.

If you have a protector, pop your shield near this time if you cant kill or control the enemies.

Yes, it's immune to Head bind. However, it's crucial that he gets leg and arm bind for max ecstasy damage if you cheese.
>point blank+buffs
>20000 damage wave
>88000 Akashic Nova
>40000 damage ecstasy
>40000 damage ecstasy
>I don't remember what he does, but he keeps poison or something on it.
Then try and take out the 20000 it has left if you couldn't kill it.

100% sure friend.
After phase 1, there are two things you need to do.

The first is git gud
The second is git lucky. After turn 40 it stays in offensive stance, gets big attack buffs, and has a random attack pattern. As a friendly fuck you.

The shit that drives me up the wall is when he's below like, 50% or whatever, he just randomly clams up, restores a lot of his health, and puts on that fucking counterattack shit.

It's that exact nonsense that I hated about the Drake in Untold 2. (And to a lesser extend, Ur Child, but it was predictable as fuck)

Yeah, managed to reach it with no FOEs joining the battle. I believe I have Volt Wall at level 3, didn't want it to upgrade to 5 since it drains Raquna's mana. I have trouble after it raises it's evasion and accuracy, then he procedes to rape my parties' ass.

The only way I can kill the slimes before he wipes my party with his special attack is by using the Fafnir force boost and attack with ice element attacks. I can only that that once. By the time he summons them again I'm always low on mana and with a half full force bar.


Is it worth beating the talking chicken 1-on-1?

>getting Guardian Slash or whatever the fuck it was called from the robot FOEs in Stratum 5 of EOU2
Fucking amazing. Multi-hit physical AND it grants you an attack buff.

Minami Star EO5 doujins when?

It gives you a gold belt, one of the best non class specific accessories in the game. It also doesn't matter what difficulty, so if you want you can be a total shitter like me and beat him on picnic for as many gold belts as you want.

I'm assuming you're using the storyline party in both games then? That's fine.

In the first game, get your boost to max and open up with a mixture of head sniping from Ricky and Smites from Raquna to lock that asshole down. Save your boosted elemental attacks for when his head is bound, because Elementals deal extra damage to head bound enemies. If all else fails, go grind for a level or two. Chances are you're missing an armor upgrade from resources in the fourth stratum anyway.

As for the Hellion, if you're using the base party, I sinceerly hope you have Ailment slash on Chloe. If you do, just fucking use it on the slimes. I dont give a fuck if they actually have an ailment or not, but Ailment slash pierces defenses and deals a metric fuckton of damage if she's wearing a good staff. I think The Hellion is weak to blind, so even a level 1 blinding shot COULD work on him, while the slimes are weak to about any status effect.

Once again, (especially if you dont have ailment slash) just grind for a bit until you have it. Ailment Slash can and will carry you through that fucking game once you realize how strong Chloe actually is.

I hear that the item you get is like twice as good as the one for 3v1ing and like 5 times as good as 5v1ing.

Almost any class with a hard status effect like Sleep, paralyze, or fear can do it easy.

You get a gold belt of +5 stats

So no. The thunder dlc boss drops the best boots in the game tho.

>badass music
>timer for getting to him
>adrenaline rush when you notice the timer is STILL GOING when you actually start fighting him
>high defense
>great design
It was emotional, they really drove home the point that if you fail it'll literally be the end of the world.

There's nothing I don't love about M.I.K.E.

He doesn't even have any malicious intent like a lot of "vilians" in games, he's doing what has been calculated to be the best course of action, and he's willing to fight one of his only friends to the death to do so.

You need level 5 on all walls. They're TP intensive but they are crucial. If I remember correctly Iwaoropenelep's volt attack also paralyzes so you really need to just completely nullify it. Binds are pretty nice too since a head bind will stop some of the more annoying moves

>accessories that boost all stats by a shitty amount as well as HP by a shitty amount and/or TP by a shitty amount
Why does atlus keep doing this shit? They ALL suck.

Test of Courage? More like Test of Picnic amirite fellas?

I loved the way M.I.K.E. looked. Ball shaped body on a quadruped walker with cannon legs.
>tfw 2 turns left until the end of the world

Not sure about you, but using the Almighty Belt in Untold 2 was fantastic on the Fafnir. I didnt switch it until I got their ultimate helmet in the postgame.

But that's because, other than War Magus, Fafnir is one of the few classes to actively use both Str and Tec at the same time.

In the original games it was more effective to wear nothing but stat boosters than armor.

Untold fucked that up.

The one with the Rhinos, right?
Yeah. Fuck that, Atlus. I ain't doing that bullshit.

Almighty ring rather. +2 to all stats.

It's actually easy to cheese the shit out of the rhinos with any given decent hexer.

Just fear them and use suicide once. They will completely annihilate themselves. Bonus points for head binding for the item, and they cant heal because they're committing suicide. EZ.

It was actually REALLY fucking hard with the base party.

I'd rather just have an accessory that boosted only STR and TEC by a decent amount than a shitty amount with all other stats.
That was when you could wear more than one accessory. Also, I'm sure that 4 didn't let you either. Not sure about 3.

>"Alright, time to bind this fucker's head."

Not soon enough, friend.

Fuck that. I'd rather wear armor that boosted str and tec than a shit accessory with 2 def.

Honestly, besides Grimoires, the only thing I don't like is that all the classes I've tried feel kinda weak. Landy without spammable Allslash feels on the weak side, Ronin dies to literally everything and sucks TP like mad, Survivalist damage got annihilated. Protector and Medic are fine for what they are.

>tfw grinded 36 Ragnaroks out of the Ur-Devil
Does this count as autism

I found it to be redundant on the Fafnir Class since it came with the endure thingy. Basically just trade all defense for offense on the fafnir and you're probably on the right track.

Ronins are awesome. They're paper thin but they're still the best damage per turn in the game. Just always drink the cordial to boost TP and give them TP boosting grimoires.

god it was awful. i really had to push myself to finish etrian odyssey. i loved the way stratum 6 looked, but then all the sudden I found myself back in town for the 20th time and I still hadn't found my way out of the fucking teleporter floor. Don't get me started about turtle pit land, i almost quit at that floor

Ricky is the one specializing on Binds, but man she really depends completely on luck to get one on. Will grind and level the wall it to 5 then.

Didn't know that detail about ailment slash. Will use it next time.

Cheers, guys.

I wont judge you, I DID quit on that floor.

But I ended up coming back later once I figured out you could retire and come back at level 71.

fucking this

FUCK ur-child. make me create a whole new party at the end of the game why don't you

They were underpowered in 1 because Survivalists were way too good, but they didn't die so easily. I got to the 6th stratum and even with the food HP boost and Front Guard they died in a single hit in Untold. Holy shit. I feel like they're better in U2, even if they're made of even more glass. U2 classes feel great in general.

the classes are not weak, the enemies have inflated hp

especially juggernaut

Juggernaught gets absolutely exploded by control teams though. Bind his head and tail and he cant do anything, and he's applicable/weak to almost every control status effect like Confuse, Paralyze, stun, sleep, and especially fear.

If you just let that boss do his thing, you're gonna get fucking destroyed, there's a reason the game gives us like 15 different ways to control bosses. (Then throws them ALL out the window with Ur Child)

Can we all agree that EOV's Second Name System will be the best system yet? Grimoires and Subclassing are shit.

I'm mostly talking about the first Untold. Though bosses had stupid amounts of HP in U2, I felt like I could output a ton more damage with stuff like Hurricane and Force Boost and Force Break. It's just that you had to control your damage so you wouldn't run out of TP at the worst time possible.

LAndy is hax in EOU2
2x landshark with lv20 fencer + double attack
Ronin with lv20 perfect chaser
Eight high power attacks per turn for only 18 tp

That's because Ricky isn't really built for binds. You're better off focusing on pure offense with Ricky. Binding bosses is ridiculous RNG unless you've got a Hexer, which then just makes it somewhat annoying RNG. But at least with a Hexer you can make binds last ten times as long.
Honestly if you ever get really stuck on a boss you might wanna respec your party. If your build is a little all over the place then it's generally not gonna perform very well, and while that will do fine in Normal on Expert you really need to know what you're doing. As a general tip you should really go for max offense on Highlander, Ricky, and Arthur, because dishing out insane damage is more important than anything else in these games (except 4). I had to rest my party around the bird and it really helped.
Oh and on the subject of EOU2 if you're using ailment slash put Chloe in the front row and Arianna in the back.

>Though bosses had stupid amounts of HP in U2
What was up with that? Yeah in the original EO2 bosses had pitiful amounts of HP, but this time around they have insanely high HP.


I think the idea is that because of how strong force boost/break is they inflated everything's HP to compensate. But they went waaaay too far and every boss becomes an obnoxious marathon boss unless your party is built for maximum damage output.
You can't even kill the Ur-Child on normal with the default story party without grimoire cheese because it just has too much health and Flavio is garbage

Probably to prevent people from doing one turn Force Break kill setups. Because once bosses hit a certain amount of HP, maybe 1/3rd of their HP or so, my entire party used Force Break to just melt through the rest of their health.

>Chimeria EO2 hp
>EOU2 hp

>Almost never used force skills because of "BUT WHAT IF I NEED IT LATER" syndrome

I didn't mind the bosses. It was kinda frustrating at times, but also pretty enjoyable since I had to control a lot of stuff. But maybe that's because my team only had buffs to rely on protection so it made things harder.

It's pretty annoying in the normal game but doable. It's just that you tend to run out of TP in long fights and you can't get amritas reliably until, what, the 4th stratum?
It only REALLY gets obnoxious in the post game.
>Every dragon has gobs of HP
>They summon cores with gobs of HP
>No real point to killing the cores since they just respawn anyway
>Have to dedicate one party member to spamming an elemental wall the entire battle because of it
That sure was fun and enjoyable! I especially love how you instantly lost if said party member ever got disabled somehow!