I'd like to join the mustard race and I got about $1200 (canadabux) to blow

I'd like to join the mustard race and I got about $1200 (canadabux) to blow.

Any input on this build I'm working on? Thanks.


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Looks solid op, but go with western digital for the HDD, Seagate are known to fail a lot. I personally wouldn't go with MSI they have heat issues. Otherwise nice job.

>go with western digital
Ok, is there a difference between the colors like red and blue or no?

>I personally wouldn't go with MSI they have heat issues
That's good to know, thanks.

Wait couple weeks, and then get the GTX 1070.
It's stronger than the 980

If you're getting a z170 Mobo, why not spring the little extra for the 6600K version of the I5? I regret not doing that.
I also would suggest waiting another month or so for the GPU so that prices fall. Aside from that, looks pretty good.

Also, those Canadian prices look like murder, how do they match up against median income?

Seagate failure rate is high due to 1 bad product, their 2TB drives are fine.
Don't buy a GTX 970, 1070 will be out soon.



the WD color code does mean something
I think Black is the gaming/workstation class and Blue is for everyday users and the others are for servers/mass storage or something, not sure.

why a 970 now? literally the worst time to buy one
you could probably get a cheaper mobo like MSI Z170-A pro and you'll want an aftermarket cooler for the CPU. just a Hyper 212 would be fine

>GTX 970

Wait for the GTX 1070 which is coming out very very soon

>$1200 (canadabux) to blow

You can probably get a nice meal at McDonalds sorry, at Tim Hortons for that much.

I did that at first but saw that it doesn't come with a stock cooler and I've seen so many thermal paste horror stories on here that I thought I'd take the easy path. Maybe I should man up.

And yeah, being in Canada has it's downsides.

Didn't know this, will definitely wait and see.

Gotta makes some compromises, but I'll definitely save up for those new Nutella and Maple treats they got. I hear they're damn good.

Thanks everyone.

Very similar to the build I just finished. I love it

Glad to hear it user.

Retards buying 1070 when two RX 480 in crossfire cost about the same and outperform 1080

Thermal Paste is pretty easy to apply honestly.

>$1200 for a PC with current Canadian prices
Well, you can buy a case maybe.

>Kingston SSDnow v300
bad ssd, I got that one, if you're going Kingston get the HyperX instead

>400+ CAD
why the fuck would you get this card when rx 480/1070 is coming out

>Z-170 mobo
>with a non-oc cpu
you don't need that mobo

>windowed case
oh wait, you're a gamer, so sacrificing noise levels for looks is normal

about the only good thing you have there is the PSU

>mfw non windowed cases are more expensive then windowed ones

>get the HyperX instead
How about I just get the Samsung 850 evo?

>why the fuck would you get this card when rx 480/1070 is coming out
Everyone else has pointed this out already. Gonna wait.

>you don't need that mobo
I don't know anything about mobos. What would you say goes well with the 6600K?

>oh wait, you're a gamer, so sacrificing noise levels for looks is normal
Saw that the case was cheap and had good reviews. Got any quieter case suggestions?

CF and SLI are fucking terrible.

Good lord OP why the fuck would you make a 970 build right now? Not only are the 970 prices still shit in Canada, the 1070 will be widely available by the end of the month and cost maybe $70 more while offering significantly more power. If there's one way you could improve this build drastically while spending barely any money it'd be getting the 1070 instead. Also, maybe consider 16GB RAM because that's about $30 more. So for $100 more basically you get a significantly beefier PC and that's pretty goddamn good.

Samsung evo is fine. If your getting a k variant cpu, stick with the z motherboard, but only get them if you plan on overclocking in the future.

sound proof non-window cases are more expensive
the Define S, R4, and R5 non-window Fractals all have padding that kills noise, but I find it worth it, they're also at or slightly over 100 CAD

the NZXT source elites with no windows are pretty cheap

samsung is overpriced but not garbage, if you can find one on sale get the pro over the evo

this is an ssdnow v300

you don't have a K, you have a non-oc i5, so any non-oc mobo will do

>Got any quieter case suggestions?
anything with padding + no window

remove rx 480 from list, the price is a wild ass guess due to how fucked the canadian dollar is

pic of ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/9dCXsJ
also the rx 480 will probably be fucking 400-500 CAD, the 1080 is 909 CAD already

anyone have any ideas how much new 1080s will be? they announced as 700 but now people sell it for 800-1k which is bullshit. can it be ever about 600?

maybe when the 1080tis drop
if you bought evga gpus and have the step-up program, you might want to look into that