You will never play Uncharted 4 for the first time again

>you will never play Uncharted 4 for the first time again

Why even live bros?

Other urls found in this thread:

>why even live
No reason. There is absolutely no reason. Just kill yourself alreasy.


Or for the first time period if I can help it

I would rather play 2 for the first time again.

I would not want to. It was pure trash. Also, see

why would you watch this movie for starters?

That final boss was nice. Dialogue during it was good too. Good antagonist.

>tfw Naughty Dog originally had a part in one of the flashbacks where Young Nate and Sam would duel each other using the same controls as the final boss, teaching you the mechanics to the final fight.

Honestly, I would disagree with this meme about the first 3, but it is right with 4

oh man, that'd have been great

Most of the time it was a slog to play through. Literally the only great part is the middle act of the game.

How do you take Uncharted, a game about momentum and thrills, and fuck up the pacing this badly?


I feel like you would've seen it coming if the mechanic came earlier. Maybe you could use either button to dodge throughout the whole game...?

Just finished the game

that was the most fun i've had playing a game in quite awhile, the thing about the uncharted games is that they're the epitome of the saying "Jack of all trades but a master of none" the gunplay, the plot, the puzzles, the set pieces and the graphics are all by themselves great but nothing revolutionary in their own right but it's the fact that they're all tied up into one neat package is what makes the uncharted games to be an outstanding series, sad for it to Uncharted 4 is a fitting end to the series in my opinion

But if there was a dodge button (like in 3) then there would be no excuse to get hit by Nadine :^)


they didnt even fuck up the pacing, it was fine. The game was only slow at the very beginning when you were scuba diving

stop having ADHD about the climbing parts and turn the difficulty up if you are breezing through the combat sections. Every game in the series has climbing parts between combat parts between puzzle parts, I dont know why you guys are acting like it was supposed to be different this time and be all combat or something

I don't know. If it was during the second flashback, not the first one which was the tutorial, most would probably think it was just some little minigame and fit in with the rest of the level. Just fooling around with all the artifacts and shit.

>and the graphics are all by themselves great but nothing revolutionary in their own right

Let's be serious here, this is running on a $300 console and its basically high settings on a $2000 PC. I'd say thats pretty revolutionary

>Tfw you played through this part
>Tfw you remember the reference while playing through this art

More like I will never play Uncharted 2 again with it's multiplayer because holy shit Uncharted 4 was hot garbage.


IMO it is a jack of all trades that is also a master of cover shooting and climbing simulation (and storytelling and animation).

I just beat chapter 20 on crushing. I keep hearing people say its the hardest part in the entire series but its not that bad. They give you a lot of weaponry to use against all that kevlar, you just have to make sure you utilize it

It kind of sucked really. Arguably the worst Uncharted.

It was the hardest part of the game, definitely not the series.

The hardest in the series were the sewers in 1 on crushing.

Is that where you fight the vampire nazis? I remember running in circles and blind firing, unable to be touched, for that part.

No, the part with the Nazis was easy since they throw you ammo and you only have to run. I mean the room full of water.

this sucked unless you knew the turret glitch. what's even better is that they kept the glitch in the remaster

Oh yeah, fuck that part. It was just as hard in U3's co-op.

oh shit I totally forgot

>The worst Uncharted.
At least it reminded me how good early Crash Bandicoot games were.

Uncharted 4 is the second worst in the series, Golden Abyss being the worst. Gun play blows, worst story, worst environments.

Uncharted 4 is a bigger let down then Mass Effect 3. Really bums me out

I still haven't finished it yet. I got a bit past Madagascar and then got super busy with work and haven't picked it up again. I'll probably just re start it when I have time to play the whole thing some weekend. What was everyone's playthrough time, I've heard around 15-17 hours?

I'm on chapter 16 and I stopped playing.

God it's boring

I agree with most of what you said except this U4 raised the bar for console graphics by quite a bit

stop playing on moderate / easy then

I'm not, and that's no excuse

lol can someone tell me why this is "the worst" uncharted game? everyone here is just stating it without offering an explanation

honestly this is on par with U2 for me but i'm genuinely curious why people don't like this game as well

easily worst and most boring "game" of the year


uncharted games become twice as fun playing on crushing

Come on dude, the game's story gets dragged out a lot further than it needed to be. I can't be the only one that couldn't stand driving around looking at towers.

Agreed. 2 was objectively the best. Most extiting set pieces, good action vs downtime balance. Uncharted 4 was good but there are way less shootouts.

Nostalgia goggles. It's the same reason why everyone claims GTA V is the worst GTA. I think Uncharted 4 gives 2 a run for it's money. The set pieces and pacing might not be as good, but the sound, gunplay, climbing, and obviously graphics were a lot better in 4. 4 was the first game in the series when I didn't feel like I was firing a pop gun, the firearms actually felt like they had some weight behind them

>I posted it again!

Nah you're right. That part had bad pacing.

Time to play the multiplayer, it's pretty good and requires way more skill.

Gun play feels the worst to me, the stealth blows. The pacing sucks. No super natural stuff. Plot is predictable. Sam is kind a shitty character.

I would like the multiplayer a lot more if all the players weren't bullet sponges. It seems like I'll play smart, flank the enemy, and then after unloading half a clip into someone's back they just duck to cover. Hell, you can snipe someone in the chest and it's not a one hit kill

>he wants supernatural stuff
Supernatural stuff were the weakest parts of the games. It would always come out of the left field and feel disjointed from the rest of the game.

>plot is predictable
And the others arent? They arent really bent on twists or the like, they all have predictable stories, nothing wrong with that.

>Sam is a shitty character
How? He was fleshed out pretty well for one game, He loved his brother, covers him from the old lady pointing the gun, jumps in front of a bullet, doesnt blame him for prison, he was generally funny too.

The only thing that changes between these games are the stories, the characters and the set pieces.
The story is pretty generic, it's a basic 'find the treasure' and when given the chance to focus on a more interesting idea (Libertalia) it just swings back to chasing treasure and puts Libertalia in the background to 'Sam wants money'.

On a smaller scale it takes key stuff from all the previous games pretty much verbatim. Elena showing up to save Drake was a cool twist in a previous game (can't remember which) and she does that here as well and they play it like it's a twist here too - then she does it a second time in the same game and the game treats it like we should be shocked! Ugh.

It lacks punch too and there are several chapters of pure filler, not to mention how often they go to location x to find location y (I mean obviously it's a staple of the series, but they do it like 4 or 5 times in this game ffs).

Lastly the characters, I liked the bad guys, but they sideline Sully and Elena to shove Sam down our throats. Then they act like there's some unbreakable bond between Sam and Drake, which we don't feel cause we just met the guy, then they try to have a twist of him lying to us (I can't imagine anyone didn't see it coming). Eh, we had a poor connection to Sam and he took center stage at the expense of established characters. Unnecessary at best.

i played through Uncharted 1-3 and i feel the gunplay is the best out the series, explains why

yeah the stealth is the only issue i have with the game myself, feels unnecessary and isn't implemented very well

i felt the pacing had nice balance of exploration, puzzle solving and gun battles throughout, it felt less like uncharted 3 where the pacing was really unbalanced with the whole boat section taking more than an hour with it adding virtually nothing to the story for instance

the plot seemed fine to me

and i liked Sam as it added to Drake's backstory and his addition to the crew was nice with him being Drake's equal

shame you didn't enjoy uncharted 4 as much as you could have but thanks for telling me why you didn't like it

PCucks will never know

I disagree about the supernatural stuff, I always liked it. And this was by far the weakest plot, even the globe trotting got annoying. I found Sam annoying and had his entire plot line figured out slightly after meeting him

Part 4 has good pacing for sure and great quiet moments. Like exploring libertalia with sam. But id rather explored it with Sully or even Elena.

I just played through Uncharted 1 2 and 3 before part 4 came out. The gunplay is not the same. They slowed it down, made it more cover focused. Plus the added stealth is awful, AWFUL i say.

If you go listen to Gamespots Lobby and The Giant Bombcast you'll hear the reviewers talk about how the gun play is not that great.

Also all of Scotland could have been cut, they could of also made a better excuse for the globetrotting. Instead of some new bullshit at the end of every area they could have made it so Avery had like 4 parts of a map hidden and the cross told em were it was. Would of made the "sorry your treasure is in another castle" stuff a little better

Sam is a better character than Nathan.

to be honest i liked the globe trotting aspect, it was a nice change of pace from the whole hidden city hiding a supernatural evil theme the past 3 games had but i can see why some people might find it annoying

Elena has been pretty involved in all 3 uncharted games and even though sully was absent for most of U2 U3 was pretty much centered around Nate's and sully's relationship so them taking more of a backseat was alright with me and Sam was an excellent addition to the cast of characters in my opinion

i dunno man i really like the gunplay in U4 out of all the games in the series, it just feels the most solid

if i wanted to watch a movie, i'd watch one. but one without a shitty plot and is over in about 2 hours.

this game is indiana jones fanfic that let's you press x every couple of hours or so

I liked Uncharted 4 a lot and was glad to have a PS4, but it's not my favorite game of 2016.

No accounting in taste, I just found it I dunno to slow I guess?

I hated Sam as a character, change the plot around to it being Sully getting Drake back him by him laying about being in debt to the drug guy. Can frame like Sully needed one last job so he could cash out and retire it.

Would have liked it a lot more

Agreed, Ratchet and Clank was more fun

That would have demolished the trust between Drake and Sully that the entire series had set up. Sully wouldn't lie to Drake if it meant putting him in danger. Did you play the game? Drake explains to Sam before the auction the amount of trust him and Sully have built with each other.

I don't disagree, I also liked Doom more.

Uncharted 4 was just a little better than Quantum Break in my opinion, which itself was actually not bad.

I really don't get why people enjoy the same game over and over again.

>those opening credits


you know you dont have to stop and look at the towers. Nor do you ever have to stop and collect journal entries or do optional conversations. I dont get why people complain about that stuff like you cant skip it

you can just cruise through the area from combat encounter to combat encounter in like 10 minutes of driving around

And he didn't trust his own brother? I mean come on dude

Worst part of this game is the epilogue.
Nate's kid was originally a boy but Neil Cuckmann changed it, just like he changed the old lady and Nadine, and turned the epilogue into a CW show.
Uncharted 4 would've been GOTYEY if Hennig's vision was corrupted by SJW kikery.

>It's a Troy Baker overacts episode

Is this game worth buying the Collection for? Ive only beaten Uncharted 1 and half of 2 years ago on ps3

the game was already a sausage fest

did you want the only female character to be Elena?

I'd rather have that then cringeworthy moments like Cassie being like "OMG NO WAY DAD, NO WAY YOU WERE TREASURE HUNTERS THIS IS GETTING WICKED HEAVY 2BH"

>No super natural stuff
What do you mean? Nadine holding her own against veteran killers like Nate and Sam bordered on fantasy fiction

White men are sexist and racist goy.

The collection is fun, but 1 aged horribly so it's only worth it for 2 and 3 if you think you'd really enjoy the series, I think it's under 20 bucks now. Otherwise I'd just watch the story recaps of 1-3 on youtube and then jump right into 4



How are either of those posts bait?

people say U4 had the weakest OST but I disagree. I love how the music dynamically adapted to what you were doing in the game. The tense music that played when enemies were searching for you was awesome, and so was the actual combat music (for which there were a bunch of different tracks depending on the stage).
Literally felt like I was controlling an action movie

Joke's on you, I havent even bought a copy of it yet.

are those people drunk

>1 is dated as hell and it shows, especially with that fucking boat section
>Still like it more than 3

All the collection did was make me realize how much I didn't care for 3.

It's an issue because it's not an open world game. If there were always any number of towers you could just skip it wouldn't effect pacing. It's a linear treasure hunting game which expects you to unravel the mystery, and the towers are worked into the very narrative by way of telling that each tower was meant to be a lookout. You can't not expect a player that far into the story to not want to explore each area in hopes of uncovering more of the mystery. Thus it it should stand that there should have been more interesting things to learn about Avery's pirate alliance past in those towers.

But nope, here's a useless collectible and a letter that exposes nothing of interest in the grand scheme. So I disagree, exploring those areas should have been more significant to the story.

The very first chapter of Drake in Catholic boarding school sets up Sam as a dubious person.

i could feel Sam and Nate's connection pretty well, but Sam still is kind of a bland character. I feel like making him more of a conflicted villain mightve made him more interesting. who knows

GA was better than 4, stop kidding yourself.

in terms of overall quality (by modern standards)
U4 > U2 > U3 >> U1

in terms of difficulty:
U1 > U4 > U3 >> U2

so were you guys able to beat the game on crushing or was it too hard for you and you had to cheat?


for overall quality

You can cheat it?

they were interesting enough the first time you play through. On replaying I would skip them though

Most of the game's SP replay value comes from trying to beat all the combat encounters in the game on crushing

Oh look its Tomb Raider without challenge, thought, imagination, substance and gameplay

It has aim assist and shit.

be careful, you're about to get 100+ angry replies from pc fags

you can unlock bullet time, infinite ammo etc from the Bonus menu once you beat the game once.

there is also lock-on aim you can turn on at anytime but when you use that it marks the chapter in Chapter Select with a note saying you are an auto-aim using scrub


Does anyone here have the speedrun trophy? Any general advice?

>trying this hard to start a flame war

When does the Uncharted Vita game take place?

You mean Tomb Raider?

>Shit gameplay
>Shit story
>Shit graphics

This screenshot is from 2007.

Step it up Sonygger.