Update soon fellow juicer
Update soon fellow juicer
Other urls found in this thread:
never ever
oh boy, a tiny onahole is stuck in the window glass
Is it another Poppo?
Fernet is best girl
Map editor, new card pack, or NONAME DLC when?
>he doesn't know
it's not april fools, user.
I hope the update give us a stage with only male characters.
That achievement is almost impossible to do unless you rig it someway.
(Because who the actual fuck play male characters in this game)
When I go full cheevo whore I just play singleplayer unless I know some people that are like "fuck it we're doing a cheevo whoring server."
that said that shit's still not as bad as waylaid.
I do, Kai is best character, even if hes underpowered as heck.
With pure skill, you can even beat the cheapest and/or most overpowered characters, pic related.
Fernet best girl
Abandon thread
>not using filters to ignore cancerous blights
And you, get some taste. You're pathetic, likin Fernet and shit.
Despite what some video game characters have told you, luck isn't actually a skill.
Choke on my dick. Fernet is second best girl after Yuki.
taking all bets
Well, no matter how OP someone else is if you catch them with Protagonist Privilege it doesn't matter right?
I wonder what the new update is? I'm pretty excited!
I also hope we get Acceleration of Suguri 2
Just a reminder if you ever set up a game this tripfag joins INSTANTLY kick them out.
But you can't kick people out of matches, yet.
Why, what's the problem?
What's it gonnna be?
>kicking people out
>in 100% OJ
Point at him, point at him and laugh.
Oh sweet more fucking bullshit DLC.
Kae a best
>expecting a board game not to have expansions
pls let this be a sign that Xmas shu scramble is coming
is that lady stuck in a sphincter?
So what buffs will Kae get this update?
Find it. I'll give you a hint. You need a link to view it since it's private.
>100% OJ porn
Why is that a thing.
Hypothetically speaking, if some drawfag were to make a 100% OJ doujin, what would you like to see in it?
Checked ge, nh and ex with no luck. Can't imagine what else there is.
yoshi pooping eggs
Futa Marc and bunny being bullied.
Did any of you guys play 200% Mixed Juice?
I was so happy that I was Suguri the whole time
I did, I was pretty impressed by the bait and switch really.
Protagonist isn't even you, it's Suguri. You just assume it's you since Protagonist starts off as a faceless, silent self insert like character. Protagonist slowly loses relevancy in the plot until the story is all about Marc, QP and Sora which leaves Suguri free to slip off and become the final boss.
Suguri isn't even the final boss.
Tender lovin with Aru because she's my favorite OJ and everyone just bullies her.
Somewhere on steam
Ya I know she's not the real final boss, but Suguri is my waifu so i'm glad she was the final boss before the person i dont remember
and ya i thought it was interesting how "protag" and "navi" completly disappeared around episodes 3 and 4
Soon is so vague.
The achievements JUST got added.
Not a Hero got new achievements like 2 weeks ago and there's still no update
I love Kae.
I am fucking terrible with Kae.
I have never gotten a total attack roll of 4 when I use Blazing in my entire life, and I've used Kae enough to get that achievement where you use Kae a lot.
It's almost improbable how fucking terrible I am with Kae.
I've rolled 6s and killed more people with the seagull.
Kae is fucking fun to play though, especially when everyone starts screaming as you play Blazing
What about her?
You don't
What the fuck? Jesus, no wonder I never found the damn thing.
Just kill her at the very start and never ever stop aiming for her
Basically make sure she gets enough stars for Big Rocket never
The screams you hear when you have 3 Blazings stack plus other is great.
Cute girls only
Dont. You're just buying time for Poppo to pull a win.
>futa Suguri
2 more
Two more please.
is that by the same guy who draws tales of valoran
>Play 2 Blazings
>Chasing an Aru
>Land on battle space
>Kae vs Seagull
>The entire chat bursts into screaming since my defense is so low (and seagulls roll too fucking high all the time) there is a legitimate concern I'll die
>Roll for attack
>I have +3 attack stat
>Roll 1
>Have a measly 4 attack
>Seagull rolls 6 evade and 6 attack
>The chat explodes
One more you fags, come on now.
I love a good OJ thread. Reminder to join the group because it's D E A D
who's this semen demon
>Joined the Steam group
>You can't disable pop-ups
>Leave group
Fucking Steam
Wish I was as dead as my favorite games.
Slow down buddy, not like that.
>>Roll 1
Such is the life of Blazing
Like the game.
I think it's Raiko from Touhou
You "think"?
I just know it's not BenBen so that's all i'm guessing it on.
>its not Benben
Oh user, get your shit together.
Map editor?
that was fun, thank you for hosting
Good and cute bunny made for headpats and star collecting.
So who are the worst players you guys have met online
Who are the best
If she's made for headpat then how many dicks does she pat a day
At least 4
I like playin with Sjam because their bad luck is worse than mine.
Can't say I've met any "bad" players. It's kind of hard to be bad at this game especially considering it's about 90% based on luck.
In a game of pure RNG how do you pick a best and worst
I should clarify
I meant bad as in toxic personalities and what not
if you guys like orange juice, I highly recommend Talisman, fantastic board game with more control over the game than being at the whim of RNG
but does it have cute girls?
But being at the whim of RNG is what makes 100% Orange Juice so good.
The only point of the game is to either laugh at the salty tears of your friends or for them to laugh at yours
there is still RNG, but you have more objectives and options to go for, more playable characters, the ability to more actively pursue and grief target players, etc
The cute girls is a deal breaker here, user.
The tripfag in this thread. I gave that fag one chance, but the guy is obnoxious.
And probably any player has been toxic some matches, especially when you roll 6 times 1 in everything and you are at 2 norma when everyone is at 4-5
there was one guy that just spewed memes the whole game but I havent seen them in a while
Link to the group?
tavern maid is pretty qt
I'm glad that's not me.
Well, where's the fucking lobby? Is this a fucking Risk of Rain thread?
>not the vampiress
>doesn't even have cute animal ears
pretty shit, wouldn't play as.
>digital version of the classic board game
Damn, never heard of it.
100% OJ board game when?
never because physical weeb content providers don't exist outside of nippon
let's hope for another great success like 200%