You can no longer get gear through PvP at all

>you can no longer get gear through PvP at all
>there are no honor or conquest points




Is WoW finally saved? Sure sounds like it.

That doesn't sound like a bad thing

>implying it's a bad thing
It's far more balanced and let's lolholinka balance stuff far more easily and regularly so we don't end up with the same lolturbo comp for an expansion and get buttraped by druids

sounds great except for tanks removing 60% of everyone's healthbar in one hit and being functionally immortal

It's still in early beta, tunning only started 2 builds ago and they're still re-designing talents/spells based on tester feedback.

>raidfinder still exists
yeah no thanks

>It's still in early beta,
Launch is in two months. Little is going to change from now to then.

I sure can't wait for them to re-introduce it in 6 months and pass it as a huge content update

>Sup Forums actually wants a gear grind over PvP where skill matters

Sometimes I forget you children only started playing in Mists of Pandaria

> Raiders will have an unfair advantage over those that want to purely PVP
> People will still bitch about it

Shit game anyway, GW2 is the place to go for PVP

Sounds like an improvement to me. After all, isn't all you PVPers talk about is how skilled you are? Seems like now you can prove it since gear won't be a factor.

And meanwhile the actual meat of the game (questing, classes, zones, combat) look better than they have since Cata.

Blizzard might actually save WoW at this rate.

>Level up a new character
>Want to play arenas
>Lose every time
>Gear up
>Win every time

Am I actually the only person happy with this change? It's specially frustrating to play PvP and have no chance even if you are a better player than the others.

Gear obtained via PvP was fine because you had to PvP to get it, and eventually had to rank highly in rated PvP to get the good stuff. If you were skilled you would gear up appropriately, or attract the attention of someone who would cooperate with you to gear up.

Now you don't need PvP skill to get PvP gear, you can just raid. It's like if you got mythic gear from Ashran.

some players found the act of playing the game to be a chore. to solve this, we have removed the game.

They are fucking retarded. They are trying to fix literally non-existing problems while ignoring real ones. NOBODY complained about honor/conquest system and how you get gear in pvp in general. It worked perfectly fine and players could work towards specific pieces of gear they wanted with fucking stats they actually wanted. Then fuckheads made those random drops in WoD which EVERYONE complained about, how unfair and annoying they are, when dude gets 2 BiS set pieces from rated BG boxes and you get 2 useless trinkets. But at least we could still buy what we wanted with honor/conquest. Now they are removing this option, bravo Blizzard. And stat increase from ILvl is also retarded as fuck, this takes us back to BC times when high rated players have flat out better gear and create impenetrable walls for those who want to climb. Bravo Blizzard!

Instead of fixing real issues which make PvP shitty (like scripters) they did something unbelievably stupid.

PvP is literally the only way to gear up fast nowadays. As a PvE player, go fuck yourself with a cactus, I dont want to do it.

>NOBODY complained about honor/conquest system and how you get gear in pvp in general. It worked perfectly fine and players could work towards specific pieces of gear they wanted with fucking stats they actually wanted.

No, but it made the short list of WoD even shorter by giving you good gear in little time. It's obvious Blizzard wants to cut down how easy it is to blast through content so Legion seems long, even when it has even less content than WoD.

Neither of these things are true

like, what you're saying is blatantly false and you look like a retard

next someone is going to say the prune affected PvP CC or some more completely wrong bullshit

if this is a nostfag post, there's about 5 levels of irony and hypocrisy here

Having equalized gear and stats for pvp/arenas is always better than gear based pvp. Prove me wrong.

PvP hasn't' been skill based since Cata launched.

Yeah, except gear from ashran is at best on par with normal mode. Did you even play the game?

the only people who disagree shitters and nostfags who

1.genuinely suck and want to stop because they're neets who can play more than others because of mommy and daddy and/or autismbux

2.are just complaining about it but don't care because they're nostfags

the entire point of the fucking game is pursuing gear and progression

But it's not equalized. In fact it's far less equalized than it was in last couple of expacs where everyone had the same gear bought for conquest. Now you get stat increase with ilvl of the gear. In other words you will get fucked by mythic raiders in arena unless you are mythic raider or gladiator yourself.

>you can no longer get gear through PvP at all

Why lie?

You get gear from strongboxes still after doing a BG or arena. Gear doesn't matter too much though, as everything will be scaled in PvP, so the biggest difference will be 10% of power depending on average ilvl.

There's still a difference between arena stats which is bullshit. When I first climbed in Wotlk to 2250, I was pissed I had a 15% health, damage, and mitigation debuff just because I only had 6 pieces of furious.

PVP grinding is still cancer, hit max level with a new char in WoD and die in 3 seconds because I have paper plate with a 40% nerf off the bat to every stat. Literally the first thing I complained about when I first played WoW, especially classic WoW. holy fuck the armor differences back then were pure cancer and 0 skill

Oh no, the poor PvPer finally got something taken away from them, a-boo-hoo

>It's like if you got mythic gear from Ashran.
except the gear from Ashran is as good as normal mode upper gear but requires no grouping or PvE skill to get

>mfw mythic raiders now have a 10% stat gain on pvpers

>Why lie?
Because he's either a sensationalist or knows nothing about the alpha yet and just wants to shitpost about a game he's probably already preordered.

Well, to be fair PvPers didn't have a lot in the first place. WoW has been "raid or get the fuck out" for at least 3 xpacs already. They didn't even get new arena or BG in WoD.

The entire point of arena PvP is to have a competition with someone. How is it even a real competition when its gear based with advantages over skill?

literally every expansion, but no one complained for some reason

And now that all the top raiding guilds have quit it's going to focus more on world pve.

So did they fix the absurd arbitrary wait times and garrison rehashes or should I keep my money?

Because you people dont know what is good for you. We need to push past this era of neet grind and RNG and reward skill and knowledge.

>gear can only be gotten via raids
>artifact abilities (boosts and abilities) can only be obtained via garrisons


>did they fix this thing that hasn't even been implemented in the screenshot I'm using to bitch about it

Did they remove groupfinder? Are dungeons difficult again or do you still semi-afk AOE everything?

It's still shit and this is a minor change

You can fix things that arent released. Thats what beta/alphas are for. Hes basically asking if they went back on their plan to continue garrisons, and the answer is no. The quest board is still in. Not sure what he means about arbitrary wait times though.

>Am I actually the only person happy with this change?

nope. it's definitely gonna bring me back to PvP now that i don't have to pay for carries or deal with the absolute slog of getting one shot over and over again to save up conquest, or god forbid have to step foot in Trashran and deal with 39 other fucktards who are only there because it's faster to PvE gear than LFR

Soon actually yes

There were a ton of arbitrary wait times in the alpha/beta class hall to stagger your progress without providing actual content, I'm asking if that was a placeholder or an actual feature

Are people STILL playing this garbage? WOTLK was the last good expansion. Seriously, people are fucking stupid if they are still playing.

Nigga, if you don't know by now that Blizzard doesn't give a flying fuck about balance you need to look back at every previous WoW launch.

They'll release the game with some half-assed numbers changes and shit out a few patches to bandaid it, then promise than they'll fix it next expansion 30 months down the line.

Do BGs still have a maximum item level?

Don't worry, Blizzard is pushing passed the grind and RNG and rewarding retards and people who don't actually like playing.

Mythic dungeons exist now, which require you to actually follow mechanics and can't be found via the dungeon finder

They aren't too difficult though, I'd rate them as on par with non-arcatraz TBC heroics

This just means that this change makes things a bit more fair for complete LFR-tier shitters who can't even find a friend or a partner to grind some conquest on the bottom of the arena ladder (it literally takes only 1 day of playing at the bottom to fully gear a newly leveled character). However you will still be crushed but by PVE players this time.

How so?

Wait.. how do you get items then? only pve?

>Mythic dungeons exist now, which require you to actually follow mechanics and can't be found via the dungeon finder

I still pick up multiple packs of adds at once, aoe everything down, and ignore mechanics.

Is it harder in Legion?

They're tough if you're at the gear level they're meant for. Everyone's outgearing them now though.

How exactly it works? everyone gets the EXACT SAME gear?

By removing any actual content and replacing it with gated content that requires little thought and playtime to acquire.

>you can no longer get gear through pvp at all
but thats a lie, you get gear through pvp, just not with currency. why would you lie to these good folks?

That's called overgear, are you retarded or what? Try doing this in say 680 gear for which it was actually designed.

should've gotten rid of pvp gear years ago. if you're gonna pvp shouldn't skill be the determining factor between players? and it is the determing factor, at the higher arena ranks where everyone has the same gear and it all comes down to skill

although wow pvp is like watching paint dry anyway so who gives a fuck. only time it was ever fun was ganking people on your rogue.

Shouldnt have to earn content. The content itself is to be completed, not the unlocking process.

How exactly it works?

I do it on my alts all the time, not my fault you're terrible

You do the same shit in challenge modes aside from ignoring mechanics you stupid shit, and those are way harder

>Shouldnt have to earn content.
I hope you get cancer.

I don't think that's quite right either; as far as I know PvP gear is now the same (roughly) as PvE gear, and the PvP-specific stats have been done away with. It's just a different way to get gear.

Plus, having the same gear wouldn't be a bad thing. Variation comes from different abilities, rather than from very powerful gear which may act as a crutch for a worse player.

you get a random piece of gear after every maintinence if you do enough pvp during the week. yes its a shit way to get gear, and it takes a while, but techinically you still can get gear doing pvp. and technically is the best way to be right

>I do it on my alts all the time,
no you don't, not in 680 gear

Good. Pvp circle jerking is what kept devs distracted from actual content for 10 fucking years.

You want pvp? Fuck off to neutral zones and shit on some low level questers. If that doesn't satisfy, then again, fuck off


Yes, actually

Like I said, you LITERALLY aoe multiple packs down that hit harder in less gear in challenge modes

You Are Bad, end of story

Legion is going to be shit. Gonna laugh when WoW tanks even harder during the expansion.

We won't see any record lows because Blizzard are cowards and don't report sub numbers anymore, though.

>You Are Bad, end of story
not an argument, provide proof of your assertions

>tfw you're still collecting Abrogator Stones

That just means you have an overgeared healer you stupid shit.

>comparing cm where everyone wears very specific BiS items to mythic dungeons
my fucking sides

Yeah, that one new battleground per expansion takes all their resources

at the end of the day, youre both faggots for even playing this shit game

>he needed BiS for golds

Really? That's fucking embarrasing

A lot has already happened in the past 2 months.

If you're still on the stones do you even have enough time left?

good post

Yea, it's a pretty bad game, you got me there

I mainly play it with a few friends, but I've slowed down a lot

That just means PvE players will dominate the PvP scene thanks to gear as it is obviously much easier and more common to kill a mythic boss than to get a high rated PvP drop.

It takes a week now. Garrison and naval missions, Highmaul, and the weekly from Tanaan.

It shouldn't take that long unless you mean to max it to 795.

>Don't want to get my hopes up
>People in the beta are saying that it's really good aside from class balance and certain specs being trash
I want to think this expansion will be really good but it probably won't be. I'm kind of excited that apparently the story is what WoD should have been with all kinds of bad shit happening to everybody.

>there are no new battlegrounds or reskins of old battlegrounds
>arena is rendered completely pointless
>faction imbalance being ignored, just forcing everyone to play together as a band aid
>all aspects of the competitive side of WoW completely removed
I'm glad WoW is finally killing itself.

thats a wierd way to say WotLK

>having the same gear wouldn't be a bad thing
yes, yes it would. This means no more different builds. It's a way to have variation; if you played BC or Wotlk you should know. It's about what gear fits the best to your playstyle.

it wont be good, you're being tricked by Blizzard viral marketing again.

Enjoy having another case of buyers remorse, how many times will you fall for the same tricks before you just accept you're retarded?

>technically is the best way to be right
what? you just said it's a shit way to get gear.

Rating for gear was removed in Cataclysm. All you had to do for pvp gear since cataclysm is grind out your 10 weekly arena/rbgs

everyone had the same gear anyway

Everything feels like buyers remorse these days. Even if Legion is shit I expect it to be disappointing, it won't fucking crush me like Heavensward did though. All that build-up for fucking nothing. Fuck Yoshi.

>Variation comes from different abilities

Bro half of the abilities was removed in Cataclysm and again in WoD. You cant even use shit like scorch or arcane missiles as a frost mage, you gotta spam dat lance. Shit still pisses me off even though I aint played in over a year, all of those spells had uses you just had to be smart. Arcane missiles for targets going out of LoS, scorch for when your spelllocked, Arcane explosion to catch them rogues off guard, Fire Ward + Reflect talent the moment someone casts lava burst on you. List goes on and on.

yeah they stopped reporting subs after they slipped to 5 million because they've likely slipped to about 3 million at this point.

I checked just a couple months ago with a free trial, most servers are dead as fuck with only a few that are still going.

All those blizzdrones that come back to give $80 to blizzard just to play for one week, how the fuck is this game still 15/mo

Or you could pay with gold like normal people



>like normal people
like neet virgins you mean

Those too, but getting gold is so easy you might as well.

>even when it has even less content than WoD.
t. not in the beta or following the news about it

>you can no longer get gear through PvP at all

Except you do, the gear that is rewarded is the same as pve gear (so they can be used vice versa). Secondary stats are standardized in pvp for each class so the stats on your gear are meaningless, only ilvl matters.

Higher ilvl boosts your standardized stats slightly, there might be a 10% difference in stats from highest ilvl to lowest ilvl in pvp, which is not much compared to what the range of differences is on live.

>there are no honor or conquest points

There are honor points for pvp talents, but who gives a shit because gear is rewarded directly and only ilvl matters in pvp (so if you get a piece with stats you don't want it doesn't matter in pvp as long as the ilvl is higher).

Also kill yourself you disinfo spreading faggot.

he's implying most Blizzdrones will buy the collectors edition, because they will.

Gotta pay that extra dosh just to get an exclusive vanity pet in a dying game, you know how Blizzdrones are.

>buying legion with gold
oh yeah, thats true. Than ks for enlightening us Blizzdrone.