Why is she so perfect?
Why is she so perfect?
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baby face, thic = pefect woman
Why is she such a shitty character with a shit personality, a shit voice and the worst thing only complete shitters play her.
because she's literally an alien parasite
Get lost you retarded faggots
Neck yourself shitter
>all the obese girls cosplaying as Mei at cons now
What the fuck does that even mean you stupid ass Yuropoor? Speak English you fuck
>doesn't what neck yourself means
Neck yourself fatty
>It's a Mei looks deep into your eyes as hypothermia takes over and she whispers "Don't struggle" and you slip away into the darkness episode
Yo where's the vidya?
>incredibly cute
>excellent physique
>kind and compassionate
>extremely clever
>passionate about animals and the environment
>clearly loves a good, hearty breakfast
>adorable accent
>fangirl of Western movies
>undoubtedly loves snuggling and talking about feelings on chilly Winter nights
>appreciates the art of crappy puns
What's not to like?
reminder that Mei is a psychopathic mass murderer with a fetish for hypothermia.
Mei is pure evil. She's worse than Widowmaker and Reaper.
in your mother's sloppy cunt hole you gargantuan fucking faggot
shes not fat btw
>fangirl of Western movies
Where'd you get this from?
she looks white, not asian
pick two
>retarded cutesey act to disguise her true nature
>cold and emotionless
>dangerously intelligent
>hides her true self behind fake compassion for animals and the environment
>overeats constantly
>stupid accent
>is the protagonist of a certain western movie
>undoubtedly loves freezing people to death and firing icicles that can easily pierce steel through their skull
>makes shitty puns
>kills people in the most cruel, and still somewhat efficient manner imaginable
How do i deal with Tracer as Genji?
>Too fast to be hit by shurikens
>If i hit her she can just rewind and go back at spraying me in the face
Kill yourselves
Also go to /owg/ it's turn for other games to be shilled here
Agreed.....so thiqq
Ah so it's a shitposting thread? Very well
no u
>Why is she so perfect?
Because you project qualities of your ideal partner to a character you find physically attractive who has the personality of a blank slate.
>environmental scientists has an icicle launcher and a freeze ray
Sudden storm my ass. She froze everyone in the station and dumped them in stasis chambers. She's a psychopath.
I'm fat, brunette, AND I wear glasses!! You guyz I'm totally Mei!
I can beleb dat
Inb4 >thic-
Why did I even bother.
Can't wait until a few months from now. Confirmed McCree her removes the only hard counter to Mei. She becomes the new staple for competitive. Then she gets a deserving hard nerf
>Confirmed McCree her removes the only hard counter to Mei.
Pressure her into using recall early, deflect early so it's up later in the fight (Tracer v. Genji can take a while). Count the blinks and go for the rclick/melee/dash combo when she's used recall and/or 3 blinks.
*Beep beep beep*
I never bother fighting Genjis as Tracer.
When is a Tracer in a position where she is confronted by a Genji?
Some faggot mod will probably ban you for posting that pic, but I approve
Also, when Tracer is low health with recall on CD but plenty of blinks she will go for the nearest health pack. Pre cast shurikens in her path or at the pack.
Depends, but I've had plenty of Tracer/Genji matchups where the Genji is protecting his backline or happens upon me as he comes back from spawn in the middle of my flanking.
Then just get out of there.
Genji is not a bad matchup for tracer, but one you don't have the time to play.
I usually just blink away, but sometimes you just need some RULES OF NATURE in your day, y'know.
That's not even the full thing
Source on this "confirmed McCree nerf"?
>its a shitter actually think Mei needs a nerf
wah you couldnt run away as most honorable samurai.
Someone dump Candlebar's Overwatch pack
reminder that hypothermia is objectively the best fetish
I want to fuck that belly button.
All I see is a Blizz post saying they'd "test some things"
Why do people think McCree is overpowered anyway? Mei's just as good at 1v1 everyone.
why is he so perfect?
>Why do people think McCree is overpowered anyway?
Burst makes him look stronger.
Mei's just as fast when it comes to killing people, but it's less noticable, because her damage is spread between the freeze ray and the icicle gun
>hide around corners
>stun tank
>rightclick to kill
was smough natty?
I like how all the fatties delude themselves into believing she is a fat character. I don't like the fact that when I go to PAX this September there are probably going to be a lot of fat asses dressing like and thus ruining this cute character.
Hit the gym fatties. You'll be a lot happier in the long run.
Eh, still too fat.
I want to pick up fat chicks, is the gym a good place to find them?
Could you make this just a little, tiny bit, thicker?
Also, fatties, look at this image, this is what your "fat representation omg strong womyn!" character looks like. Cute big breasted Asian chick. Eat it fat asses.
Yup. Almost a certainty that you'll find a couple walking on the treadmill.
With Tracer if I havent killed a nigger in 5 secs I bail out and come back after another 5. Your wear her out strat is retarded at the very least.
>implying Roadhog isn't best boy
76 is a CLOSE second.
What would be the ultimate Omnic removal lineup?
>killing Genji in 5 seconds as Tracer
Are you on console by any chance?
Perfect, thanks for the info
>jannies deleting the good stuff
Low-test bitchbois.
Perfect for dropping loads on
Play shitty game get shitty results
Shit nigger I can't fap now, I'm in the waiting room at the dentist
Too bad you can't save it for later....
what do you even mean lad?
Happy Thursday boys
>that leg hair