>EA adds custom gender settings in Sims 4
How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
>EA adds custom gender settings in Sims 4
How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
who cares
who cares
Now I can make cute reverse traps
My futa fetish cries tears of joy right now
Have they really ? I want to create traps
I'm more appalled that it's been 2 years and the game is still a barren piece of shit.
boypussy is always good
Great time for mpreg fetishist I guess
They're milking the Tumblr audience for sure
I forgot they even made a Sims 4
pretty much this.
Who gives a shit.
Oh shit, gotta pirate this then. Time to fap.
>can this sim use the toilet standing?
I love this, for some reason.
>Can this sim use the toilet standing?
I am laffin'
extreme fetish fuel now
You could already get male pregnant in The Sims, even without mods
Aliens impregnate men by default when they abduct them
I'm not a big Sims fan, so I don't really care. Can't see how this could possibly bother people though.
10/10 shill, was quite successful.
That's one update I won't be downloading. Thanks for the heads up. Actually I don't care about this but I won't update the sims 4 unless it's dlc or an expansion.
Yeah I gotta say for one, people have been making traps in The Sims series for a pretty long time now, like even people on Sup Forums and not just SJW Tumblr people.
Also IMO The Sims 4 is shit and this isn't really going to persuade me to play it over 3 or 2. They'd have to add a lot more features to bring it up to par to them for me to play it, it becomes boring pretty fucking quick.
How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
It makes me feel like /d/
They're tired of the world catering to the mentally ill. There are 2 genders, that's it.
>Can make females who stand to take a piss
10/10 GOTY buying right now.
I think that if you just don't change anything in the options menu everything is by default. I'm not sure about randomly generated townies though.
>not making massive dicked futas in every game you can
you're a god damned faggot
Nah I wouldn't say that.
There are certainly two normal genders but outliers exist like herms.
Should we cater to them?
Should it matter if they're included in games?
I don't care.
I used to loved fucking around with any option mods gave me in the Sims 2 so this is pretty fucking good.
I'd also like an option for the sim to both get pregnant and impregnate tho desu.
To have true futas they need to give the option for the sim to be able to impregnate and get pregnant.
But does it have good sex mods yet
It has some but 2 and 3 are still superior
>choose masculine physique
>choose able to become pregnate
How does he birth the baby?
literal boipussy
How is babby formed?
ea makes a game with gender equality Sup Forums turns into a disgusting sex fetish maker
That's actually pretty funny, having female sims pissing standing up and shit.
>Enabling people with a mental illness
What has this world come to?
Somewhere between indifferent and mildly excited that I get to make cute traps.
I very seldom play the Sims though. I might put an hour or two into it over the course of the next year if even.
Reverse traps aren't disgusting.
sims has always been about making freaks
Hasn't it been confirmed that the downfall of Maxis wasn't EA but SJW?
Overpopulation. We need these people to never breed and just die off, hopefully consuming as little resources as possible before they go.
is it free? im hoping you have to pay 9.99 for transexual DLC
We enable autistic people. We enable bipolar and schizophrenic people. Why not enable transgender? If anything of all of the truly mentally ill people listed above they are the least likely to commit crime and most likely to be productive members of society. What is your problem exactly?
It's a free update yeah
Cue the inevitable uproar from feminists about female characters having to define their clothing preference as "masculine", as if it's abnormal for a woman to just wear what she wants without being labelled.
If they can get someone pregnant, why couldn't they pee while standing?
There's already people bitching that the game doesn't refer to people by their sims' preferred pronouns
People who are upsey about this don't habe any imagination. Even if you hate trannies this opens possibilities
I'm not upset by it, I just find it funny that they've been pandering to the Tumblr crowd pretty fucking hard in TS4
>no both option for able to get pregnant and get others pregnant
Yeah, but they still can't get pregnant when they take a hot load in their boypussy. They're just trying to head off the modders at the pass.
literally every single person who is transgender is doing it because they have a sex fetish for it
>EA tries to appeal to tumblr
>inadvertently makes a great fetish game
How do you get a futa pregenate if they have no pussy.
>tfw am vanilla
dodged a bullet
Don't bother yet, this update just came out and there likely aren't torrents for it yet.
You get their ass pregnant instead. Do you even /d/?
>EA makes this adjust to appease the mentally challenged xe's xir's xim's of the gender-neutral community.
>Infact, EA is only making it a harbor for 4cucks to use it for their own sick fantasies/fetishes to create shota-traps, futas, and effeminate fuccbois.
Can I prevent the game from spawning genders that aren't female or futa?
>no trait option for hating trannies
They blew it.
The problem with pandering to people like this is that the people other than fetishists who would care wouldn't play the game anyway. They don't play any games, they're just looking for something to complain about.
Father and mother are biological, and presumably part of how the game functions. Fuck people.
It's pretty obvious the game will only spawn normal people on its own. They're not going to weird out normies by having pregnant guys walking around unless they ask for it.
Still no horse cock option
Are there nude/sex mods good enough for this game that its worth a torrent now?
i just want to bang kids
Considering they are just check boxes with no obvious visual representation (you can make a beautiful sim regardless), no it doesn't bother me.
Besides no one seriously plays the Sims legit besides for fetish fuel or house designing.
>normal people
Be careful user, you might trigger some tumblards
We really don't enable them, though. We have psychiatrists to treat these people, we try to turn high functioning autists into productive members of society, we have drugs to treat bipolar and schizophrenic people's disorders.
With transgender people though, instead of treating the person with the disorder, we want everybody else to pretend you can change your sex on a whim, we want to change the rules of nature so the reality can mold to a mentaly ill person's "truth". This is like telling a schizophrenic person the voices in his head are his headmates, and he should listen to them and talk to them because it's normal to have friends on your head.
This is irrelevant, but I would still like to see those statistics on autistic/transgender crime rates, though.
>we enable schizophrenic people
No we don't, enabling them would be telling them their hallucinations are real.
seems like a nice option that was handled well
It makes me feel happy that I don't entertain mental illness with my own game.
>hard toggle for masculine or femine build and clothing
that's disappointing, I thought they would just make it completely open. What if I want some masculine outfits and some feminine outfits?
Cant wait to make a man that wears women's clothes, pisses standing up and can get pregnant.
So you now have to make sure you clicked several boxes right just for your character to be male or female? How annoying.
No, you default to a normal male/female
Seems like the appropriate game for it.
>radio buttons instead check boxes or sliders.
I forgot they even made a Sims 4. How the hell is it that they made such a stripped back version of the Sims and it's the only one that didn't get a console version?
The Sims has been shit since 3, well it was okay but it did not top 2 in any way. Kinda surprised they made 4 even worse
Sims 4 is shit anyways, people are still playing 3
Plus, you could get males pregnant, with alien babies at least
Only in a sick, degenerate, Jewified, morally absent society is such a thing possible
TS4 is a joke.
EA killed the Sims series.
I think that it is great. More options to the player is great for this kind of game.
>can't get others pregnant and be pregnant yourself
Ugh, shitlords
>How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
Good. I might actually buy it now if I can play a shemale who knocks up all the girls.
Did they end up fixing all the retarded shit like no terraforming, no pools or babies etc. yet?
If they don't have a pussy they're not a futa.
Fucking tired of trannies and fags not understanding what futa is. And I'm really sick of trannies claiming they're futa. Were you born with both a vagina and dick? No? Then YOU'RE NOT.
>implying transgender people arent by majority all disgusting fetish enthusiasts
im okay with this
So, is this stuff randomized with npcs?
If my lesbian sim fucks the cute pizza delivery girl, would she risk ending up pregnant?
... I'm not sure if that's rape or not.
Not even that guy
Unless they changed it, "try for a baby" is a separate option to regular sex.