I set my blue eyes white dragon.
Your move, Sup Forums.
I set my blue eyes white dragon.
Your move, Sup Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
>naming the card that you placed face down
Are you trying to get sent to the shadow realm, faggot?
I place Buster Blader in the Field Zone
I also activate Pot of Greed
>he fell for the bluff
Posting Yugioh vidya to avoid thread deletion.
Are pre-DS YGO games even playable?
Pfft, this will be easy...
Fuck, gotta rewatch the original cartoon series.
Haven't played Yu Gi Oh in AGES Sup Forums
What has been the state of YGO? Should I go back in?
>set it in attack
I tried playing the 2004 world championship for GBA.
Never again...
>in the Field Zone
no one has ever said that ever, faggot
>setting a monster facedown in attack mode
>spend $150 on a new standard deck for MTG
>work evening shift so I never get to play in a standard tournament
I'm honestly considering calling in sick on Friday just to get to an FNM
In the meantime, anyone want to rate my deck?
waifu card coming through
Fuck off this is a yugioh thread
I'm diving in soon. Have the spookiest deck on order right now.
Get pic related on PS4/Xboner. It's like $20 plus $5 DLC for every series. It has almost all the duels on the tv shows, I'd suggest getting the original series DLC and then slowly move on to the newer stuff.
silent magician is also acceptable waifu material
Wait... Silent Magician is a GIRL?
But old YGO games make all the cards normal monsters, don't they? Well I've never played them.
It's certainly off putting at first.
This game is fun, but if you're looking for something that emulates the card game, it's not what you're looking for.
most of them do, yeah. it's still an enjoyable take on the game though.
someone ought to make a new Forbidden Memories with all the new cards.
>tfw your pet deck is finally viable
If you wanna watch the animes then the original series is good, 5Ds is good, and Arc-V has been good so far
This is assuming you're watching the Jap version, as the english dub generally sucks all kinds of ass outside of some moments in the original series
The card game itself is pretty fun nowadays once you actually learn it
Yugioh has changed a lot since I played.
What even is this?
it's been almost 20 years and we still don't know how the AI works or how to manipulate it properly.
someone call the half A press autist. he's the only one capable of cracking it.
I lay this card face-down and end my turn.
I think it's one of them newfangled pendulums I hear so much about
You don't have any lands out. You can't play that.
>be restricted to weak cards while you have to fight jurai gumo
end my life
What's happening here?
>Level 5
Where's your tribute fag?
Ah yes Yu-Gi-Oh: Twin Headed Thunder Dragon.
More seriously game was fun and music was awesome, but man was this massive piles of bullshit unless your whole deck is monsters over 3k ATK.
Get a penguin soldier, you dweeb heimer.
Com cheats in forbidden memories
That's Forbidden Memories with the opponent's hand being visible
Basically it did this
Blame the anime they set face up Defense Mode shit all day
the AI downright cheats in Forbidden Memories. there's a high % chance that they'll 'draw' their strongest card 1st turn.
and by draw I mean morphing something else in their hand like in the webm.
>not the Exodia one
its not that bad, just get mirage knight and build your deck to counter your opponent
what does Pot of Greed do?
I don't have the Exodia edit unfortunately
Hope you summon him again next turn
>Eldrazi Displacer
>Archangel Avacyn
>Goblin Dark-Dwellers
>Thought-Knot Seer
>Declaration in Stone
Do you have character decks, Sup Forums?
Obviously Slifer is in Yami Yugi's deck and Obelisk is in Kaiba's but I want to make a Marik deck because Ra is still in my binder.
I have no idea where to start because the Marik structure decks are sold out everywhere. Gimme a hand, fags.
Son of a bitch...I heard some anons saying this shit about this game but I didnt really believe it
to this day I don't know why people relied on THTD past the tournament.
I start farming for MBD as soon as I get back to Egypt.
I Summon Chris Chan. In attack mode.
you realise they get another extra turn when they cast Emrakul again on their upcoming extra turn, right? and you just bounced all your potential blockers back to your hand
draw 2 cards.
combine it with Graceful Charity, Painful Choice and some random +1s and you get an Exodia FTK that works 99% of the time.
Goddamn those are some vintage cards you got there.
>implying that isn't the best Yu-Gi-Oh game ever
Since this is a Yugioh thread might as well ask, what kind of card draw should I run in my Gladiator Beast deck? You know since Pot of Greed is banned and shit.
You realize no in their right mind actually hard casts him right? It's all mana ramp token play, or something like reanimate.
the OCG box is so much cooler.
Cards like emrakul are the reason I'm surprised more people don't know of stifle.
But I can't read japanese, user.
>Painful Choice
Which cards would you pick with this if you're trying to get Exodia?
I love cards that are shitty at first glance.
Meta's too fast for being creative now though.
Sorry man, Marik's deck never really got any good support at all
You could just try and go for dumb slime shit I guess
You could use Holding Arms, Holding Legs, and the Ra forms that recently got released too I suppose
>Main cards are original artwork and all ultra rare
My nigga.
>setting in attack mode
Playing this for the first time, haven't touched yugioh in over a decade. I actually wanna go out and buy cards again...if only for classic cards. Not too familiar with XYZ and 5Ds. Wish LoTD was on PC.
I only play Yu-Gi-Oh against one of my friends. The game just powercreeped so hard and there's so much special summoning and searching, that I lost most interest in playing the TCG around 2010.
But I still play against my 1 friend. I actually found a few cards last week at a garage sale for only 3$. It even had a few XYZ, Synchros, and pendulum monsters.
My favorite deck that I have is my Alien deck, its fun getting out Cosmic Fortress Gol'Gar and putting all those A tokens out.
Just all the normal Exodia pieces and some other random card
You can just Dark Factory to get them back in your hand
to be fair noone in their right mind even plays Emrakul because it's banned in the only format that it would be playable in (EDH)
Stifle stops the extra turn but you still have to deal with the body breathing down your neck next turn. not like Stifle is non-niche enough to be playable anywhere
A lot of people didn't really know till pic related.
>original artwork
Neither the Dark Magician nor the Blue Eyes cards are original artwork
>banned in the only format it's playable in
That's only because eldrazi modern got fucked hard because it was taking over the format.
>original art cards are worth something now
How? When YGO hit my home town everyone and their dog had 5-6 blue eyes.
the point is to mill your entire deck in 1 turn. it's easy to draw Exodia if you only have 5 cards left.
3 Painful Choices weed 15 cards out, 18 if you count the spells themselves
.the head is an effect monster. I'd wouldn't rely on Dark Factory because it can be stopped from hand.
otherwise the only way to stop it would be Droll & Lock, which is why you should always pack Forceful Sentry.
I only play for fun so good support doesn't matter. I'm even using the unplayable god cards.
Well ain't this some shit. I want ten.
Quick question. Did Yugi use BLS on his duel against Atem? Should I leave it in the Gadget/Silent deck?
But what if he wants you to think it's a bluff?
No he did not
I'm pretty sure the only monsters he used were the Gadgets, the Magnet Warriors, the Silents, Gandorrah, and Marshmallon
Would you like to say that again?
Pre-ban Modern Eldrazi was all about speed though, Emrakul would never get played there because you'll never hit the 15 and there's no way to cheaty it out. If anything Emrakul would be in Tron but even in that 15 is way too much Sneak Attack in modern when
I've never played a card battle game in my life. How do you start your deck before a match? Do you randomly distribute it like an ordinary card game? Do all players have the same cards?
umm GB never needed draw power per se it was recycling and field control so just run proving grounds x3 chariot and the recycle guy dont remember his name dont run respite its bad
>Unplayable God Cards
No, most games have you build a deck from cards that you own
Yeah you shuffle it
Patience, young one.
to be fair noone in their right mind even plays Emrakul because it's banned in the only format that it would be playable in (EDH)
> banned in the only format that it would be playable in
What is sneak and show?
I really like this card design. It's simple and very characterful.
>How do you start your deck before a match?
You shuffle it then draw 5 cards.
>Do all players have the same cards?
Nigga if that was the case every card would be worth absolutely nothing.
I meant the red, blue and yellow versions of the god cards. Those can't be played in an official duel.
Depends on the game. Any TCG where you build your own deck has rules though. In magic, there are different formats like Standard which only allows cards from the last ~2 years. Then you have to have at least 60 cards in your deck and no more than 4 of the same card.
I summon Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon in attack mode!
So what stops you from building the most OP deck possible?
>sneak attack modern is never ever.
You can cheat up emrakul using ornathopter and possibly storm.
Its an actual viable modern deck. I was so surprised
Other people also building OP decks
People hardcountering the OP decks
Actually, yeah. I was wrong about Blue Eyes. Picture is the first OCG release of the card.
?pics for ants
Does the other player get to see your dick before the match?
I don't know how to play YuGiOh, I only know how to play heroes.
user, thats the point.