Another Pokemon Game

1996 Red and Green
1997 Blue
1998 Yellow
Red and Blue
1999 Gold and Silver
2000 Crystal
2002 Ruby and Sapphire
2003 FireRed and LeafGreen
2004 Emerald
2006 Diamond and Pearl
2008 Platinum
2009 HeartGold and SoulSilver
2010 Black and White
2012 Black 2 and White 2
2013 X and Y
2014 Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
2016 Sun and Moon

This is getting... tedious. Anyone else feeling like they are reaching (or already reached) point where they should turn this franchise one way or another by 180 degrees? This series is basically refurbished tapeworm after lifting now.

Other urls found in this thread:

>This is getting... tedious
Why do you take a pause while typing?

You've... only just... noticed? I noticed this in... 2002

They'll keep beating the dead horse when it stops spitting out money.

Nintendo makes their cash by releasing a new iteration, fresh enough for kids and samey enough for older players. It's a cycle.

>by 180 degrees

Oh, do you mean the main game series? Blame gamefreak.

Sup Forums kept defending Nintendo when I asked about this game and Mario, saying Assassin's creed and other games are much worse, and deflecting blame.

I haven't played one since b&w so I'm not really burnt out anymore.

You don't need to get every new game ever generation. If you're being burnt out just don't buy the next couple. The games are there for those that enjoy them.

each generation is a new engine with new content

each assasins creed is the same engine with the same content

This is the worst thing to come out of the Pokémon series tho. Way too slow, should have just thrown Pokémon characters in the tekken engine


>worst things pokemon has produced
>pokemon channel
>when gates to infinity exists
>when best wishes exists
>when fucking pokemon shuffle exists

Hey You Pikachu was bad. Pokemon Channel was a worse version with less to do.

Yep. Remember how super fucking fantastic FF became after they changed it? Series should always change because change is good. Just look at Dragon Quest, worst thing ever.

Sonypony show his true face.

To actually answer your question and all questions like this: It sells, usually well. Low risk high reward is what investors want to hear. The companies don't give a shit about "integrity" and "originality" as long as they make money.

>turn the franchise one way or another
Why fix what isn't broken? I haven't played since gen 3 but I don't see why nintendo would want to change up what is working. They already have plenty of spin off games and will continue to make more when they want to try new stuff with pokemon.

Just speaking franchises in general I rather them stay true to the origins of a series rather than trying to force unprecedented changes that weren't staples of the games to begin with. Infact most times they do that it turns out for the worst (Hitman Absolution being a prime example) as it will obviously piss off the loyal fanbases.

New generations of Pokemon for new generations of kids who've never played a Pokemon game before. It'll keep going forever with minimal changes and a few bones thrown to people who care about muh nostalgia.

Consider picking up the side games, OP.

A lot of Japan's series have worked this way. Take a break every so often.

this. mystery dungeon series is GOAT and miles better than the main games

>Why fix what isn't broken

This. So many series have turned out for the worst because the developers thought they had to change it just for change's sake.

>Pokemon Channel

>pokemon shuffle
Nigga you're the shitposter here

It's a fun casual experience and a good time sink what is there not to like? It's not my favorite or obsession anymore but the consistency I can always count of (If a little shaky at times

>Professor Juniper
Nope, not in THAT crazy.

Open world 3D Pokemon needs to happen already.

People need to understand this is how almost everything works.

Video games

Reboots and sequels aren't for the longtime fans, it's to hook the younger generation so they can support their IP for years to come, just like the aging past generation did.

There will always be more money in hooking in the audience that has the most disposable income, and as 90's kids get into college and outgrow a bunch of shit (at least they're suppose to), they will throw less and less money into their hobbies.

....I agree.

>that artist
>that glaceon
>that sylveon

>diamond and pearl came out 10 years ago

Don't forget, Pokemon Clover is set for "some time this year."
And Sage is still coming.


Dragon Quest is fantastic. What the fuck do you know you dyel basement dwelling manlet

I'm a grown man with an actual proper job and my buddy and I play every new generation because I enjoy playing pokemon games with new pokemon.
The nostalgia appeals to me and it's nice to relax with.
I don't want them to change the formula because I don't play pokemon for innovation I play it for pokemon.

If you're like an intense smogon competitive guy I guess I could see why you would bee feeling fatigue.
