dont mind me just being the best Witcher game
Dont mind me just being the best Witcher game
don't you get sick of seeing that face though? it's so boring
worst thing about these witcher threads is not the actual game, its seeing that dumb face every fucking time
Yeah, the box art is really fucking uninspired, Geralt too :p
I like a lot of things about the game but's it's the weakest game in the series
1 > 3 > 2
this is correct
Ooh someone gonna be flamed today. I liked them all.
But TW2 made some bad design choices which they mostly fixed in 3.
I agree.
Best writing and characters in the series.
should wait a couple more secs next time desu senpai
TW2 has the least terrible combat in the series. You know I'm right.
For what ?
100% right.
There are barely monsters in W2 to kill.
CDPR nailed it and did something every game dev should aspire to achieve
3 > 2 > 1
3 > 2 > 1
heart of stone is the pinnacle of the series
>heart of stone
lel, literally throw away DLC that pretty much just unlocks a town and few quests in the corner of the default map
Souls games>Nioh>Fallout3/nv/4>TES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bitcher games
>this is now a "souls" thread XD
i have never played the dlc and im talking out of my ass - you
>dont mind me just being the WORST Witcher game
TW1 > 3 > > > 2.
>heart of stone is the pinnacle of the series
Doesn't fix the combat, so no.
3 has the best combat
2 was a good game, it's just that the story requires investment
I was able to appreciate it far more after reading the books
That's like comparing a turd to liquid shit.
The three Witcer games are in completely different genres so it's hard to compare them.
1 started out as a traditional CRPG. It uses the Neverwinter Nights engine and it was supposed to be isometric. It's weird mix of things.
2 is closer to a Bioware RPG. It's pretty linear and it barely has any witchering in it. It relies on the "choices and consequences" that was already in the first game but for some reason they chose to market it this way. It has some pretty good writing and it's pretty interesting how the second half of the game can be dramatically different. But overall it's the worst game in the series.
3 is an open world game but not in classic CRPG sense
It's closer to today's open world games
Why are From autists still so mad about the Witcher 3 winning game of the year ?
>supposed to be isometric
Wrong. It was way too "console" like. I still liked it though, completed it twice, but still. Its the weakest in the series. Third one is the best, while the first one is the most "classical" Gothic-like RPG which is also great.
you read that correct.
There's even the option to still play it in the isometric view, like a real oldschool CRPG. Some people actually like it more like that.
In my opinion the Witcher 2 is absolutely incredible with much less flaws than the first game and tighter design than three. I'm not saying its the best but it really pisses me off when everyone shits on it or says the combat is bad. I love the combat very much and enjoyed the hell out of it on the hardest setting how its mean to be played. The only serious flaw I would say is that you cant turn away from enemies without revealing your back and the menus take too long to open and close, are less practical than the first game. Not only is the plot well written, but I also found it immensely engaging just like the combat. Loved every second and am about to replay it to see the different paths.
>It was way too "console" like.
What is that even supposed to mean? It was PC exclusive for a full year before they ported it to Xbox 360, and that wasn't even a very good port.
You know exactly like I mean if you've played it. Its too constricted and the areas are small and have set paths you have to follow.
Agree. Also had the most difficult choices to make, there's no real answer.
I played both versions of 2 and aside from the obvious graphical downgrade the console version was better. I don't know if i'm remembering this right but the menu navigation was way smoother and they made the combat with a controller way more playable.
So you're upset that it wasn't le open world meme like 3. Opinion dropped.
That may be true, but you can use a controller on PC. Not worth playing it at 720p
Yea there is very few RPGs with writing like that. A lot of PC classics still don't come close.
Yeah, kindof sad witcher 3 has objectively good choices. The only debatable one is the tree, and even then I'd rather save the Baron because the game does nothing to make you feel bad about killing the kids.
I felt bad, I did it on accident and felt pretty fucking awful.
Two is the shortest, combat and alchemy is really not thought out and balanced.
It was a rushed game and it shows. If they added in one or two more chapters and made the combat and alchemy more polished it would be on the level of the other two
But it also has the best villain and main story
>That may be true, but you can use a controller on PC
I'm saying the way the console version controls is different. The controller support for PC version was done as an afterthought and the 360 version was designed with controllers in mind.
OP Here, I misclicked on the wrong image, sorry
Here is the real best Witcher game
Oh, sorry
Why is the first game the only one with drinking competitions? They could easily have fleshed that out in the later games.
>first chapter
I liked the end of the chapter, where you have to choose wether to save or burn Abigail
That doesnt make sense. Pretty sure the game has maxed out rating anyway due to all the violence, nakedness, drug use and sex. And you do get drunk with NPCs and for quests several times during the games, just not as a minigame.
vodka ?
I actually think the combat and stuff would have been received better if the over the should view wasn't in the game or was buried in the options or something.
This guy is the best villain in video games. I really have never seen a better one, he fights you like an actual Witcher not holding back, and his motivations are so well thought out. The only time I actually didn't want to kill the bad guy in the end, couldn't believe it when I just walked away.
Turds are infinitely better
you're so fucking wrong
I actually like 2's story the most of the 3 games. But there's like no monster hunting in it and it almost feels like a different company made it compared to 1.
3 fixes most of 1's problems but has shitty story pacing and the worst choices in the series. Nothing from the first 2 games matter.
From this, you can easily tell TW1 is a PC game, while TW2&3 are console games.
>these are some old ancient elven ruins
>let's fuck in em
I'm not really sure why people get so crazy about the love scenes. Besides from Triss and Ves, the others are just the same scenes in a different order.
Well he wasn't a bad guy technically. Aside from the few innocents he killed he only killed corrupt and despicable people with a pretty clear goal in mind.
>Not saying no and getting a magic resistance trait
Witcher 1 had the best girls
I said no the second time, even after she asked a few times to come with me to get the rose. I really didn't like any of the sorceresses and told them to fuck off when I could.
TW2 and 3 had too much stuff. In TW1 getting a new sword or armor was a big deal since they were relatively rare. In the sequels you get huge amounts of "relic" gear dumped on you constatly, making the feel trivial.
>playing b&w
>can't fuck vampire chick
>can't fuck empress
>can't fuck bird woman
If this was the first game geralt would have done all 3 and called it a good days work
It's true.
You actually fuck a vampire chick, a princess and a fish woman in 1
Yeah, I let him go and didn't kill the Dragon either.
>fish woman
When I met the lady of the lake in w3 I was so disappointed that I couldn't complement her ass again.
>sat down and had a few drinks while chatting with the man you have been hunting and risking life and limb to find
>shake hands and walk on outta there with Triss
One of the best endings to a game.
The revamped inventory screen irritates me.
>Can't fuck succubus in vanilla W3
>Can't fuck the girl you teach swordfighting
Can you even fuck the viking girl?
1 was shit in every way except the story.
you're the dick-bait here.
TW1 has best everything, sans polycount.
I liked the wild hunt more when they were just wraiths instead of grimdark elves.
You can't do cerys. But you can fuck this random sidequest woman. Felt really out of place because of all the woman that you can't.
I started with the Witcher 2 and I like it the most.
1's story was good, but I didn't like the gameplay.
3 was pretty good but I didn't like the main plot and the fact that it's open world.
Witcher 2 has some problems, sure, but it's the only game in the series I've played 3 times.
Fuck you. I fucking hated the part when the battlefield become a zombieland or what the fuck and we had to lift the curse, I played the game once, I didn't have patience to do that again because of that.
the virgin effect at its best.
I fucking loved TW1, played it a good 4 times in a row, and was super hyped for TW2 afterwards (which'd been out for months at that point).
You can't imagine my sheer shock of disappointment I experienced with #2 though. It just sucks, and is a major downgrade in every possible way.
>We are the same geralt... Witchers Two... Assassins Of Kings.
Jesus Christ really?
i know that feeling
i never beat it because i got bored
This is why all answers for what's the best Witcher are correct - because they are all very different from each other.
>3 is an open world game but not in classic CRPG sense
>It's closer to today's open world games.
Test what is the difference out of interest? What's the difference in open world design between Skyrim compared to say arena?
Switch 1 and 3 places and then we have a deal
Arena is just empty proceduraly generated terrain, I dont know what he mean by classical CRPG open world since that was shit
>running around for hours on end """fighting""" boring monsters with the worst gameplay imaginable
Gas yourself. That game was nothing but running.
Witcher 2 is like 25 hours.
If I hadn't player 2 before 3 it would've felt like a prequel expansion to Witcher 3.
Witcher 1 is closer to a Bioware RPG seeing as it's basically a neverwinter nights module with rhythm game combat.
How dead is TW 3 that they are already dredging up TW2?
Played Witcher 2 twice.
Couldn't play past 30mins into W3, though it may have something to do with how fucking awful the movement feels even using alternate movement.
nice blog post, where do I subscribe?
>I've always found Dwarves fascinating
Which dwarf do you think deflowered the Virgin of Aedrin?
I spared the dragon in the first playthrough and a FUCKIN ACHIEVEMENT spoiled me the second one
It is far from perfect and has its shitty moments.
This bullshit boss for example.
Not him, but I did notice the movement felt really odd in TW3, still like it, but it's taking some getting used to.
In terms of dialogue, best written character right here
>A thousand years from now a dim witted human barbarian will sit atop a pile of bones and proclaim "I win!"
>But what about the non-humans in Flotsham?
>Pfft, they're more D'oine than you, Gywnblaid
The magic resistance you get for denying sex with Triss hints at a more sinister relationship than what you might first assume.
Triss is manipulating Geralt.
Finished reading the books, so i moved onto the Witcher 1. It was actually pretty good, but i lost interest around halfway into chapter 2, skipped to Witcher 2.
I recently finished 2, i enjoyed it a lot, but i have many issues with the game. Preparing for battles seems to be a central theme within the game, and in some respects it worked, especially when it came to monster contracts. You knew what you were fighting, so you knew what types of potions to take, oils to make, etc. Except it fails in lots of other areas. For example, fighting letho in flotsam. There is no warning that you're even going to fight here. So you're stuck into a fight you had no idea was going to happen, without knowing it prior. If you're lucky you might have an oil you can apply to your sword for at least something, but that was handled very poorly imo. It doesn't help that letho's fight is very bullshit too, but i won't delve into that.
Overall, i did enjoy the witcher 2 a lot, but it has lots of small issues that keep me from liking it more.
Any tips or suggestions for Witcher 3? I just started it.
>people who actually struggled with the kayran boss
>people who actually struggled with tw2 combat
Serious fucking pleb tier I completed the game on dark mode first time playing blind it was so fucking easy.
how many times did you die against the operator ?
>>people who actually struggled with the kayran boss
Isn't that the boss where there's a trick to beating him and the game just flat out tells you what the trick is? How did people struggle with that?
Honestly, I thought the game was too easy and apparently so did others because they patched in a harder difficulty mode. It pissed me off so much when I absolutely slaughtered that big guy in gameplay and then it cut to the "YOU LOSE ANYWAY LOL" cutscene. Maybe I'll go back and actually beat the game one of these days.