What games would you label as comfy, Sup Forums?

What games would you label as comfy, Sup Forums?

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Playing these along side reading the book was comfy as fuck!

Sleeping Dogs

is that shadowrun?

Can someone help me out. Does a game like a sci-fi game exist that is very story driven and you get to be in your comfy room, kind of like the OP ;3 anyone know a game like this, it doesn't have to be 3d

How does it compare to GTA? Might be tempted to give it a try.
Yep, Hong Kong.

Fallout 3 and New Vegas

>no keybind for hiding the HUD

I fucking hate going into options every single time.

Interstellaria to a certain extent, I guess. Had a friend that was a big sciencefag and that was one of his favorite games(along with stuff like Mass Effect, Dawn of War and Sanctum).

China is shit.

Yakuza is much comfier.

games that are boring that i need to justify buying

so this is the power of the ps4...

>How does it compare to GTA? Might be tempted to give it a try.
Opposed to being a gangster, you're both cop AND gangster. It feels like a better True Crime.
Only true gripe is that you need to buy vehicles to store them in a garage, opposed to GTA's "steal and store" system.

If you can pick it up for cheap, it's great.

>Yakuza is much comfier.
I'll have to take your word on it, as I don't own any system it's available for and PS2 emulates like ass on my computer

I play Minecraft and Civ V: Vox Populi for ultimate comfort

>Only true gripe is that you need to buy vehicles to store them in a garage
But that aside, it plays pretty much like a GTA game, yes?

is there a good porn mod for that one

MM6 especially paired with music

Minecraft. its great for watching shit on one of your other monitors while you play.

4x games are pretty great if the difficulty is low enough/you're good at it

MMOs can be comfy at times

>Distant Worlds Universe in sandbox mode, fully automated

Throw that on, practice guitar for hours, occasionally injecting myself into the gameplay at key moments in my civilizations history.

Comfy as it gets, also don't feel like I wasted my time after 5 hours of this nonsense.

Just beat this recently. Great game. Adept onslaughting everything ftw.


>playing as a disgusting inhuman orc
Not comfy at all. Gobbet is cute though.

user, that's a troll...