Which Senran has the fattest ass? Is it Homura?

Which Senran has the fattest ass? Is it Homura?

Not necessarily biggest, but fattest.

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We don't know for sure but Yomi, Haruka, Ryoubi, Hibari and Homura are all good candidates

Yomi? Isn't she the poor girl who can barely eat herself full everyday?

Which Senran is most likely to be a dirty shotacon?

Easy, Haruka.

Haruka, how is this even a question.
Haruka, this is literally canonically in the games.

Ryoubi's whole story about starting a hometown empire features her and Yomi as the largest.

Do you have picture proof of this? And I don't mean fanart now.

Do you have reference material from a Senran Kagura game where Haruka's ass looks fatter than Homura's does in the OP image?

I've played through all of EV and this is not true.
It does show off the fact that they're more hometown oriented tho, which we kind already knew.
I think he's talking about this

Does Murasaki have a fat ass to go with her fat tits?

Yes, that Yomi.

Its above average but not on Yomi or Ryoubi's level. 90% of Murasaki's fat goes to her breasts.

No way Yomi has a fat ass.

>literallly canonically in the games
Really, I dont remeber any instance of her showing a shotacon side? Was it when they were looking for jobs?


Its true. Her ass is tied with Ryoubi's as the fattest in the series. Don't let the beansprout thing fool you, she eats lots and lots of other things and will gorge if she is allowed.


Proof, please.

How would people know if EV isn't on PC yet?

Yomi can barely eat herself full because her stomach's almost bottomless. Though honestly if you lead any Senran to food, odds are they're going to eat you out of house and home.

Because they aren't PC mustard race secondaries

Even EV doesn't say who has the biggest ass, the only thing that comes out of Ryoubi's EV heart story is what characters have a big butt.
The only reason Yomi and Ryoubi are together at the end of her heart story is because Yomi is the only one willing to go along with Ryoubi's crazy bootyland idea.

How do you mean?

Ryouna's ass is as big as Ryobi's.

I'm not the only one who wants to cum on Yomi's stuffed belly, right?


S(he)'s like a cute crossdressing shota in an incest doujin who is blessed with a cock that's bigger than his father's.

Mere words.

OP image is proof that Homura's got a fat, flabby ass.

Image proof that any other girls have this? Or is it just Homura?


non-lewd mod when?


Mirai is not a shotacon, and she's not a crossdressing boy. She's just a futanari is all. Please do not spread lies about her.

OK, this is on the same level as Homura. Good work.



what is this from

Which senran has the same birthday as you?

>pic related; may 5th
who the fuck is this?I started playing with the steam release and was just looking for some news of EV being released as well

Are we sure this isn't relaxed muscle jiggling?

That doesn't say anything about them having the biggest butts, it's just a callback to Ryoubi's EV heart story
also holy fuck have you even seen my posts?

Never played a senran kagura game before, Estival Versus on PS4 or Shinovi on PC?

You shut your fucking mouth

Kafuru is the smuggest loli and the best Mikagura sister

Fucking PC fags

No you are not.

Speaking of PC fags. Whats the deal with chapter 2&3(hanzo) being one mission after another, without going back to the school inbetween? I always have to manually abort the missions, to go back and change costumes or go to the store.

Is that on purpose or did I click something somewhere?

and adorable.

What about Mirai? She has noo boobs, but what about her ass? Is it fit?

My favorite senran is the blonde haired one with funny eyes. Don't know her name , only know what she looks like.

Mirai has a cute little butt.

Dis one?

You literally ask this every day and it's Muramasa the loli robot

Indeed. But how is the consistence of it?

stop responding hes trying to make it a meme

Nah she's not a loli.
That's her! Thanks user! post more pls

It's firm and tight like the rest of her body is.

Nice me.me

i like the senran with the big tits and the personality of a dumb dog

why the bear imprint

Why not?

I disagree. Have you seen how much it jiggles during cloth destruction in SK2?

It's very jiggly.

lay off my wife

Venture over to the general

She's actually in the top 5 for butts (tied with Ryouna)

i understand it's an /e/ game but do jap devs know how to write dialogue about anything that doesnt involve pussy butt boobs or butthole

its a /jp/ meme


hottest senran 2bh

What would be the point in taking screenshots of that?

and memes

What the fuck are you guys doing? Post the brown senran

Mirai is absolutely the least likely to be a perverted shotapedo.

I'd say Haruka.


Japs are literally autistic so no.

There's a reason they can't produce high art like everyone else on the planet.

None of them has any ass in the 3D model but Ryona has the best everything!


I meant she was most likely to be the "victim" of shotacon. I didn't know we were referring to the "offender".

Why is Imu such a cunt

It's not Imu's fault that Hikage is such a bully.

For the first mission for the middle ninja school are you supposed to play as the girl with the bucket?

I can't win as her and I want to play as the blonde one but the game refuses to let me.

>Sup Forums tells me Yumi is shit and boring
>she is actually super cute and autism moe puri

How could you possibly hate her?

If you wanna get technical, Hibari has the fattest everything. Growth magic and all.

Maybe HIkage shouldn't look so soulless all the time

>everyone's ass is flat as a board

Please tell me the other games fix this. This is a travesty.

I really wish Katsuragi was really nobra in her shinobi form like in the CGs
Mods pls

Too stoic and no character

Imu pls go

When will they make a game like this of all high school men and boys?

>How could you possibly hate her?
>autism moe puri

There's your answer

Hopefully never.

The boy she loves won't return her feelings.

How do I set the difficulty settings? I head there was hard mode

The in-game graphics are unappealing to me in general.

I prefer the official artwork way better.

I just want to play as best boy desu.

Which Senran has the smelliest farts? Just wondering for laughs haha

They did.
It's called Uppers.


It tells you how in big letters when you are selecting a stage.


Yomi or Minori.

Didn't that get delayed?

Will Gessen's story eventually show Yozakura trying to get her siblings back and finding out they hate her for abandoning them?

Holy shit he has tits! What happen to his body? Mod to give Miyabi a male body when?

Because they were worried people wouldn't be interested in it because of the lack of titty ninjas. (even though it has femJotaro)