How can justify stealing software Sup Forums? It's as simple as this

How can justify stealing software Sup Forums? It's as simple as this.

Someone works to produce something, then you pay for it. There's no ambiguity in the exchange. You're stealing food and shelter out of people's hands and through some sort of twisted logic you attempt to make people defending their work the bad guys.

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Fuck them, I can get free games
Whats the matter, goym, feeling bad cause your favorite companies are losing a bit of cash?

>You're stealing food and shelter out of people's hands
>stealing food and shelter from people with enough time and money to put together a video game

I'm not following

Majority people wouldn't have bought it anyways.
Dosen't hurt sales whatsoever.
Why do you think "drm free" games do so well?
Look at undertale for example.




it's free advertisement really, I may not buy this game but if I enjoy it enough I may consider purchasing the sequel or another title from the same developers

If it's not indie, you're not actually paying the developers.

Are you saying that EFTs don't count as money?
Are you fucking insane?

No matter how many times i pirate FE Fates, it's still a best seller, i can't change the future.

Gonna use my conceptual money to buy some theoretical shoes and some hypothetical pants.

They don't all do well. The free rider problem is exponentially worse with them.

>consider purchasing
>when you already pirated the first one

whats stopping you from pirating the second one and just outright not buying it?

That's stupid. You don't play the concept of a game and money doesn't buy you the concept of food.

You're still enjoying the fruits of people's labor and not every game can be an undertale with a buying population strong enough to make up for thieves.

By the grace of buying customers who know how the transaction works and has respect for their media's creators. Not to mention the smaller studios banking on the sales of their game while living worse than hand to mouth.

how will they piratesplain their way out of this one?

>have income
>don't mind paying for things I want

What has become of me?

software isn't a physical commodity being taken from the premises, it's something infinitely copy-able that requires 0 resources to do so

>Majority people wouldn't have bought it anyways.
>Dosen't hurt sales whatsoever

lol this fucking guy

Giving away your product for free is not free. Products have costs.

Stealing can be justified if you as a consumer are treated like shit for being a consumer.

Piracy can be justified if it's to preserve a game that would otherwise be lost forever

for an example
>game was complete
>was ready to be shipped
>parent company bought out by EA
>they say "nah fuck that, too violent and would hurt our rep"
>game gets cancelled
>all copies are to be destroyed or saved to an archive

Do you
>let EA have their way on something you worked hard on only to have it be treated as shit
>release it for free for anyone if they wish to have it even if you go against what your new parent company told you

In one end you get nothing, in the other end you give something back for free so you still get nothing.

Which do you choose?
This is basically the story of ThrillKill on PS1

Fuck off with that bullshit. I'm tired of seeing it.

It's simple.
1. Make "good" game
2.people buy

I generally pirate the first game in a series and buy the rest if it interests me. Recently did that with Trails in the Sky but I don't really justify it other than just being cheap and cautious.

>Someone works to produce something, then you pay for it.

Do you pay for all your porn?

Do you pay for all your music?

Do you pay for all your TV shows and movies?

Do you pay for all your anime and comics?

This entire site infringes copyright, or in your words, "steals" property every second of everyday. The concept, an image board, cannot legally function. The only reason Sup Forums can exist in the US is because threads are temporary. Reddit, by contrast, isn't an imageboard. That's not a coincidence. If the law could somehow work as fast as a Sup Forums thread, there would be no Sup Forums.

Has Sup Forums contributed to the Internet? To culture? Well, you're on it. Asking questions. I'd say the proof is in the pudding.

He didn't want the bike in the first place, man.

So obvious.

notice the word consider

I wouldn't have bought Witcher 2 or the second and third STALKERs if it wasn't for piracy

I even bought CoP eventually.

>Majority people wouldn't have bought it anyways.
>Dosen't hurt sales whatsoever.
You should look up "oxymoron"

You again?
It's still stealing. It doesn't matter how you are or aren't treated.
If the Feds found a reason, they could take you for everything you have in a heartbeat.

Would you imagine Da Vinci going apeshit and suing the hell out of everyone that has a copy of any of his paintings? No one gave him a single cent for a reproduction permission, they just went ahead, made a copy and sold it to people.

Developers should be thankful there are people nice enough to pay for their games.

And game companies steal assets from other games all the time and nobody will bitch about it either

whats your point user

I pirate because I like free shit like any human being.
Pirates who make excuses for it are the worst.

How is it stealing? When I buy a pack of M&Ms, there is no DRM on sharing the contents with other people. The same should hold true for video games.

I'm gonna charge you $200 dollers for this single burger that everybody eats. Down the road someone is selling the same exact burgers for free. Now if you think that burger is worth $200, you can go and buy one.

if they make shit game then i'll just pirate it

if they make good game then i'll just pirate it

spend my money on ramen packets and women. u mad?

>It's still stealing.
Except for the fact that it isn't, legally and by the definition of the word.

Literally the federal government legally defines software piracy as Not Stealing and yet you chucklefucks continue to spew the same lobbyist talking points despite the fact that it's been refuted a thousand times over already.

people will be advertising games they weren't going to purchase for the developer in the first place if the games are good by discussing them online or with friends

it's the same as devs giving a youtuber an early beta copy of a game only less legal and on paper is wrong


They're public domain at this point.
Do you know anything about intellectual property law?

Should have stated;majority of people don't have means of paying or intention of.

Well you're not sharing half a game, either.

You would have an argument if copyright durations weren't continually extended to practically infinity so long as Disney is in buisness.

>You're stealing food and shelter out of people's hands
If this was true, I'd pirate a thousand copies of every EA game in order to starve the company to death.

You can get punished similarly hard, and functionally, you are doing the same thing, digitally.
But they do bitch about it. Lawsuits happen over it.

Didn't the DRM removal clause of the DMCA get stricken down?

But Van Gogh is public domain.
Do you want people to continue creating, or do you want a clusterfuck of IP stealing like China has?

>You can get punished similarly hard,

By this logic manslaughter and robbery are functionally the same thing. It's a false equivalency and you know it.

>and functionally, you are doing the same thing, digitally.

This is objectively incorrect, functionally, semnatically, and legally. You are functionally not stealing by making a copy without permission.

I justify it because it's there, and I'm fucking poor.

It's still illegal, and I can still get caught, so if I get busted for it I know what I'm getting in to.

>But they do bitch about it. Lawsuits happen over it.
on a regular bases they take world of warcraft assets to build their game world. sometimes they modify the assets slightly to make them seem original. its very common practice, yet youd only know this if you are in my line of the hobby.

if companies will steal from other companies, then whats the fucking problem at this point. lawsuits rarely happen unless its stealing a whole game from another developer.

It's almost as if there's a reasonable medium between no IP protections and IP protections that lasts 80 years

You are depriving them money for SaaS. You can't actually steal SaaS, since it is intangible.

What is the difference between playing pirated software and playing a demo disk? I am able to enjoy both without buying the publisher's game.

>You can get punished similarly hard,
Not really, considering software piracy is in most cases a civil offense whereas theft is always criminal.

I don't even know where to start with you, let's say da vinci is still alive, and their pieces are less than 100 years old, do you think he would get mad or he would be grateful to be known worldwide?

Companies started bitching about copyrights just for the money, nothing else, art should be free for everyone to enjoy.

You cannot steal potential monies.

Also nobody in the real world respects SaaS. People expect to own the copies they purchase, no amount of legalese and EULAs will change this.

You should look up "oxymoron".

Both of those are still lost sales, especially the latter.

> art should be free for everyone to enjoy.
So should food, water, housing and all that jazz. But it isn't.

Demo disks do not give unfettered access to the full game

You have a nice philosophy, but copyright protections exist to reward creators of art. Without them, why would anyone bother? It'll just get fucking stolen.

>let's say da vinci is still alive
Could da vinci still be alive?

SaaS is fucking huge, now. Look at every client-based video game. Look at SAP. Respect it or not, it's here, and customers' expectations do not affect ownership rights.

Companies try and get away with everything they can abusing the law. Scammy advertisements, demo footage, promises, PR lies. Why can they abuse the system and the consumer can't? Piracy is a grey area and no effective rules exist against it. You are just gonna have to deal with it as a game creator.

The odds of getting caught for piracy are incredibly low, and on average games are not worth their 60$+Season Pass price tags.

>So should food, water, housing and all that jazz. But it isn't.

Because scarcity equals value. Video games, at least modern ones, have no scarcity. There are literally infinite copies, so much so that everybody could own a copy. If food, water, and housing were so plentiful that we lived in a post-scarcity society, that stuff would be free for everybody too.

Actually, very black and white rules exist to punish it. Enforcing them is the difficult part.

>Without them, why would anyone bother?

For the love of art and the desire to create?

So anything digital should be free? Are you crazy?
Where would be the incentive in producing any software?

You can't feed yourself and afford a house off of good vibes.

>Actually, very black and white rules exist to punish it.
Nope, you are clueless. Clear rules exist against the one person who shares the files (in this case release groups).
There are no actual clear rules for people downloading, and every rare token victim of this has been the results of companies paying out the ass to try and get the government started on this matter.

Except germany that already has.

If everything digital with their limited copies (paintings weren't exactly something that could be shat out at lightning speed but you still thought it was good to have them 'stolen') nobody will fucking make anything digital.

Because they wouldn't make money and wouldn't be able to buy those "scarce" things you need to survive.
>unauthorized copying is against the law


in the same manner falsely advertising a game is stealing food from and shelter from people who otherwise would not have bought it

come back with the company moral high ground when you stop being thieves yourselves

Free stuff. Stay mad.

ART, what kind of idiot confuses art with water and food.

I'm not saying creators should not be rewarded, they must receive some kind of payment besides praising.

There are countless of ways for them to receive money, figurines, special editions with goodies, that sort of stuff that can't be copied easily. Why not make "buy the figure, get the game" instead of "pay way more for this game to get this figure".

They owe everything to their fanbase, without us they wouldnt be shit, I'm not asking for free stuff, I dont want free stuff, I'm happy to pay for their work if I feel they deserve my money, but not everyone thinks like me.

If it worked before with shareware it should work now.

I found a better method, buying extremely cheap russian keys.

I don't justify it
I get my free games, I gloat, I make newfags cry
Deal with it

unlimited copies I mean.

>ART, what kind of idiot confuses art with water and food.
What kind of idiot thinks that all that -they- define as art should be free? Why would anyone produce art if they wouldn't get money for food or anything?

Why wouldn't I spend less or zero money to get a thing when I feel like it?

Into the trash your argument goes.


Without copyright protections, people could make knockoffs of the branded products. EVERYTHING about the game could be copied and reproduce. Making it in the video game industry as a new developer as hard enough, and without any IP protections it would be nearly impossible. Bigger companies could steal your IPs and make better games with them and run you out of business.

Because I can

>How can justify stealing software Sup Forums?
Is stealing from a thief a crime? Because it's like this.

>dev/publisher claims his game will have outstanding graphics
>game is out
>it doesn't have outstanding graphics
It's called "scam" and no one prosecutes publishers for doing it.

>the same people that go to youtube and listen to music, with adblock enabled
everyone is guilty. these threads are stupid because not a single person posting in them is free of guilt. be it movies, music, software, television, or photos, everyone has stolen at some point, and continues to do so each day.
Does this better spell it out for you?

i use adblock on my own videos

>All these fags complaining about piracy while using AdBlock on all their favorite websites

I've had steam / psn accounts closed down from having my credit card stolen, thus loosing all games linked to the accounts so I stopped caring about pirating shit.
Also, it'd be nice if people gave demos out more so people could actually try a game before playing it to see if they like it and how well it runs on their computer.

People are already making knockoffs regardless, there are like a thousand CoD and DoTA clones in the market and that won't stop.

Blocking ads is a security issue, as they can contain malware.

I have multiple disabilities and am in pain every day. Playing games, watching movies, and listening to music help me cope. I also feel like they can help you grow as a person, if you use them for self-reflection.

I still buy stuff that I really like when I can afford it, but I feel like I would be left behind if I didn't pirate anything.

I've never viewed a piece of media I haven't paid for unless it was public domain.

>False promises = stealing


Did you even read? This is why many people are milking the Videogame industry as fast as possible, it is retarded to force people to pay for enjoying their work, if it is good enough, people will throw money at you, no questions asked, if it isn't you can ask them nicely, you can offer them something else.

So is DRM.

"If you lend your friend a copy of a game you bought, you should go to prison for stealing" - OP

piracy is literally the same thing
someone had to buy it originally to get the files :^)

Woah, I feel threatened.

How many people you know that gave money for Winrar?

>it is retarded to force people to pay for enjoying their work
You're unemployed, aren't you?

when buy it on the premise of the things it doesn't have, yeah it's a scam

>I can't read
False promises = scamming

Pretty much the very definition of it.

You are retarded, aren't you?