Gamestop tipping

How much do you tip your Gamestop employee Sup Forums?

I usually throw 'em a $5.

you have to be trolling


Oh my god dude it's bait!

>tfw there's a cute girl at the gamestop register

10% of the game
5% if used.
20% if she is a girl, so she lets me smell her breasts.

top kek...bane?

I know this is bait, but

>good service

Choose one

>Tipping anyone at all

Why people buy there instead of taget or walmart? I get some of you would not like to go to toys r us for your senrans kagurans.

I bet you tip at Sonic too, you faggot.

>tipping anyone for doing their fucking job, esp. when they forget you in five seconds after you leave the shop
I work in an online casino, and dont get tips.Why should a fucking cashier get them.

Tip people you think are assholes or pricks.

If it's not a job that requires serving people food, chances are accepting tips is against the rules. If they accept the tip, they'll likely get fired or at the very least receive a strike.

What do breasts smell like, user?

Not on OP's picture.

More like

>Being an Americuck and paying people to do their job
>Not being a fgt

Select one

Why does anyone buy any game at any physical location when the internet has every selection and you can almost always find the game you want cheaper online?

Underageb&s too young for a credit/debit card or Paypal, and mommy and daddy won't let them use theirs?

>B-b-but they don't get paid enough!

This is the excuse people always tell me when I don't tip.

Someone explain to me how tipping isn't just tax evasion.

Please, can Americans on this board start adding spoiler tags when they mention tipping? It triggers our European friends that post here. Giving someone a few dollars for providing decent service is utterly barbaric

>caked on makeup
>baggy clothing to hide huge gut

>companies actually being diligent on that stuff
They aren't

If they're cute I hand them a business card with my gamertag on it and on the back it says "Free game if u message me ;)))"
Works pretty well honestly.
I've slain quite a few game stop pussies if you know what I mean

I gave my Gamestop worker $3 when I bought a haunted copy of New Super Mario Bros 2 as thanks for being a dollar less than the retail version.

>act as usual, knowing that I disgusts her anyways

i tip them a complementary whiff of chili powder as i stomp out

>I've slain quite a few game stop pussies if you know what I mean

you've beaten them in a round of cod and never talked to them again? smooth

>high waisted pencil skirt

fuck off kid you have no idea wtf youre talking about. You cant hid a fat gut when you wear a pencil skirt son

Milk and salty coins.

Yeah. y? do u wanna face me big boy troy?

She's trying the best she can, user. Please show her some respect and test her on her game knowledge first.

You can even tip a chashier in a supermarket if you can't be bothered about the pocketchange.

Tipping is insulting, you're treating people as if they're beggars. If you want to "support" them then buy something expensive.

So I have, like, 6 old Pokemon games for the DS. Should I trade them in for cash or sell them online?

>not hiding a gut
>arms like hams


Income tax refers to all forms of income, including tips. It's only a problem if tips aren't declared.

It does screw over the worker by making them responsible for declaring their tips instead of having tax deducted automatically like any normal business does, which means they're likely to end up owing extra when filing their tax return.

Sell them online. Gamestop is notorious for giving you way less than what your stuff is actually valued at.

>arms like hams


I don't tip shit

>trading in anything every

Do people do this because they literally enjoy jew cock up their ass?

But for the record user, if you have HeartGold or SoulSilver, sell online. A loose cart goes for like $40.

At the end of the day tips are enough to get a 6pac

Restaurant servers have to claim their tip at the end of each shift. This counts towards tax purposes, I assume. The amount reported is a different story.

You forgot the gross fake red hair.

"Hey look it's Gamestop, gotta check what they got"
This was me until I decided to not buy physical copies anymore at all.

It's not like they're already paid to do their job.

I recently had a good convo with a GameStop employee while there returning the shit pile that is halo 5.
We agreed on Sup Forums's opinion on the state of games being cinematic, gimmicky bullshit.
Really no one here should talk shit about people who work at GameStop, they do what we do here and get paid for it.

I have Platinum, Pearl, Emerald, Leaf Green, and Sapphire.

Who the fuck still buys games in a store?

I can't go back to the GameStop literally 1 minute from my house because after I had bought a game I turned to leave and accidentally let loose a huge chipotle fart and smelled like death itself. I ran out and never returned. Didn't even pick up my pre order of pokken that I paid in full.

>potentially cute girl behind a counter
>she's turned herself into a veritable pincushion of facial and body piercings.

>giving money for someone because they did their (paying) job

I am never gonna understand americans

Fuck tipping those guys. They get paid at least min. wage, and most of them have shit taste anyway.

What will you do if something happens to the service(s) you have those games on?

Gamestop is notorious for delays in orders and forgetting stuff like giving out extras that are included in special editions where I live.

Obviously. Still kind of works though, because just the thought of tipping a Gamestop employee makes me cringe.

I've honestly never had bad service at Gamestop.

>"Hey what's up? Can I help you with anything?"
>"not much. Yeah I'm looking for -insert game-"
>"here you go"
>Rings up game
>"Would you like to preorder anything or sign up for -that card thing they have-"
>"No thanks."
>"Alrighty. here's you total"
>"Thanks for coming to Gamestop. Enjoy your game!"
>Accidentally tell him "You too"
>Lay awake at night wondering if she thinks I'm a dumbass
Every time. it's the same with waiters.

Wrong. I worked at Gamestop, and I was not permitted to say anything negative about a game, even if it was objectively bad. I told someone Bethesda did a lazy job on Fallout 3, that NPCs were by and large just presets with different facial hair, clothes, and/or skin color, design was lazy with shit like bookcases shoved into the ground to make a table (though that may have been Skyrim), combat is abysmal, movement feels like shit, and the overall design is so bad that NPCs will sometimes get stuck on rocks or various other little things on the ground that breaks any possible immersion you could get. The thing with the most effort put into it seems to be the voice work, and even that can be bad at times, and I'm not the most familiar with the lore, but I'm pretty sure that Bethesda fucked that up, too, and you know what? The guy in charge that day reprimanded me after the coast was clear, saying I can't say bad things about any game. It's total bullshit.

Well, with servers, they don't get paid min. wage unless they don't get enough tips to equal a $7.25/hr average to begin with. They literally get like $2.XX/hr or something, plus tips.

How much would a copy with Cart, manual, box and Poke Walker go for? I didn't know SS and HG were rare

That'll be tip

>tipping anywhere, ever
My local GameStop has gone the self checkout route, in lieu of paying $15 per hour. So when I get a game, I go behind the counter, retrieve it, scan it, swipe my card, take my receipt, do the survey and give myself a good review, and use the money I saved to buy Doritos and Mountain Dew.

i dont understand this shit, why dont they just pay their fucking employees? why does the consumer have to suffer the burden?