Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight thread continued from Beta Update 45_213758
June 2 - Dave Richard BHVR
• FIX: Basement chests are sometimes empty
• FIX: 3 Frequent UI Crashes in Lobbies & Main Menu

Beta keys:
*Must be 6pm or later or use a VPN/proxy, all 4 people who use your link get a code so it's less of a triangle scheme, can't post links because it counts as advertising (because hurr durr advertising a free beta)

Other urls found in this thread:

First for i'm having fun

Is there any site where I can read up on the killers? The shitty developer site has no information about the game at all and only barebones boring survivor shit.

If you're going to shill something at least explain what youre shilling and why I should care

unique gameplay and progression system

probably won't last long before it dies off, though

Explain further on unique gameplay shill

asymmetry and its emergent behaviors that arise from it

It's fun but holy fuck the killer is favored so hard. I've won one game as survivors so far. Haven't played as the killer. I'm sure it will die a bit quickly like evolve unless they can balance it out a bit. At least if it does die it's only 18$ so it wouldn't be much of a loss.

Reading up on this game. It's too similar to that Friday the 13th game being made.

So how can I get beta keys??

It's giving me an error but I have a beta key already so that might be why. You'll need to post your link you get in the thread or on steam so 3 people can click and save you. Keep checking throughout the day if it gives an error. Did that for me yesterday but worked this morning. beta ends on the 12th

>No more beta codes
Damn, when will there be more

it's just interesting because it's procedurally generated and there are multiple winning states (e.g., sacrificing yourself to buy time for your teammates or going back to save your teammates)

but like I said, it'll probably be dead in a few weeks due to hackers or exploits/cheesing

Oh nm it worked! I had to use a japanese vpn

Here's a beta link

help an user out

help a nigga out

thanks my negers

What the fuck. It says you got beta access but i didnt even though i used your link

thanks whoever

Looking for that beta

>want to play with friends
>already have a beta key
>friends are too dumb/slow to use someone else's link
>have to buy deluxe edition just to get more beta invites


>all 4 people that use link get a code
So where is my code? Do i get an email or something

it's on the page, you're supposed to leave the page open

Says all the fucking keys are gone now what the fuck all day ive been waiting for that fucking server not found message to go away so i can get a key and now its says there are none! Fuck this.

Dude this is all it says

you didnt click the link and sign in fast enough. Someone beat you to the key. Sorry user

Looks ugly thanks to random generation and not nearly as good or interesting as the Friday the 13th game

How would someone else be able to see my key though if i click the referal and saw myself as one of the characters.

>expecting anything from a game that they're too ashamed to show any fucking footage of

this isn't working for me

it says evil rises when something strikes 6 in the evening

So does the website store cookies or your IP address? For some reason even when browsing in incognito mode and clearing cookies and using a new VPN it still says that some User has already been saved. How does it keep knowing its me

>no more codes for now
fuck, is there a country I could VPN to get a key?

Japan or Hong Kong

>Referral links are explicitly against the rules and the OP of the last thread had like 3
No, it was a link to the beta site without any
referral and a link to the Steam store page.

Stop deleting video game threads mod jesus


Neither seem to be working for me, is there something else I need to do?

Not enough Overwatch shitposting for the mods tastes?

If you guys want to get the beta key before your timezone allows it, use a VPN to set your location to the UK and go to the beta site directly.

So basically this game is Friday the 13th without Jason right? I mean why.

who /dwight/ here?

Because fuck you that's why

3 different killers

level 4 dwight reporting in

Anyone has any spare keys?

>can't access beta till 6

I have never seen a more retarded gimmick for a "literally who?" game. The game should be renamed to Dead By Arrival.

Create lobby
>people never ready up
>one slot is constantly just switching between people joining and leaving
why is this a thing

I tried, but it said no more codes available.

I'm in the UK and the site says no more beta codes.


Log in with steam in the browser and it should work.

save me anons

>tfw this isn't battleborne


> game comes up at 6.00
> first come first serve
> like 10 codes

I don't know if this marketing strategy is going to pay off. People are going to lose interest pretty fast after 1-2 evenings.

Apparently there are no more keys? I was getting the same thing yesterday but when I checked this morning I was able to get one. Just keep checking when you can and it should work eventually.

Thanks anons ive been saved

I did though.
Alright, thanks senpai.




>people who put beartraps right in front of hooks

Kept tryin , have already done 2 links , goin for the third, i'll post the link here, just wait m8s.

Where does the hatch fucking spawn generally it's third time some guy disconnects and I'm left alone?

Should I search in the middle of the map or at outskirts?

it's random.

How come when I'm the killer there's 8 people and when I'm the peope there's only 4 of us?, how does it work

it was at the middle near the outside of the basement house for me



usually in the middle, I've found it normally near buildings

Sure is fun having people quit lobbies and rejoining every 5 second. I don't think I want to play anymore if they don't fix this friend joining nonsense

How's the game?

Dunno lol

Just wanted a key.

Trying to play with their gay lovers.

help me out and you'll be greatly rewarded

Last link for now.

Save my pussyboy ass!

Got it now

6pm est?

Thanks senpaitachi.

>killer puts you on hook
>bear trap in front of it
>still stands there and waits for you to die while your teammates watch from the distance

Fuck these people

It's saying getComponent(); is already saved.

user you can do it for them you know. I used two links to get my buddy a code.

I'm so sorry to all of you who are too slow.

Oh I thought it was one per Steam account or something.

What hatch? What does it do?

>killer that put multiple bear traps around me
fuck you man

secret hatch that opens if you're the last player and/or you find the secret key in one of the secret chests

Yeah I saw someone post that in the last thread, but it still worked for me using the same account so.

If you're the last man standing you get a new way of escaping through the hatch, provided you can find it.

>killer puts you on hook and fucks off to find more people
>teammate is right by you and can save you
>goes for generator instead
Your team can be worse than the killer sometimes as well. Assholes

Did they add the ability to play with friends in normal games yet?

I know that feel.

>players acting like retarded teenagers in a horror movie
It's like poetry

Nope, they're putting that in after I launch I think

Oh neat. I always die early so I haven't had a chance to see it. Does the killer know where it is so he can be a dick and just trap it? Also has anyone gotten into a game as the killer? The queue time takes so long I couldnt wait

How do I get a key?

1 hour to download, guess steams server is getting buttfucked too.

fuck that

No, the killer doesn't know either. Also it seems to be pretty quick if you just create a new lobby.

Literally have no idea what this is and only saw this thread but I guess I have to wait for more keys to come around. Seems interesting

What do you get in deluxe edition besides game itself and beta keys?

a bj from one of the developers
pls anons