What is the absolute most dog shit game Sup Forums has ever tricked you into playing, and explain why you hated it

What is the absolute most dog shit game Sup Forums has ever tricked you into playing, and explain why you hated it.

Pic related is mine. The AI is fucking atrocious, the Ayy animations are awful, the level design is fucking garbage, the game is nothing but a door opening QTE simulator, and the amount of backtracking was fucking insulting.

At no point was I absorbed into this shit atmosphere that relied on nostalgia more than world building, at no point was I scared by a monster that couldn't see me even though I was sitting in an open and lit corner, and at no point was i having fun playing brain-dead mini games and pressing A to turn the lever.

Fuck all of you. The game looks really good at least

Okami, it's just fucking gay. That's all.

okay pal.

however I cannot refute your comment, as i have not played said game.

definitely undertale, I thought Sup Forums was immune to all this muh feels bullshit

Completely agree with you op. Alien Isolation takes the cake (with Spec Ops the Line taking a close second). Garbage game with one trick up it's sleeve and it gets boring and old fast. Couldn't even bother to finish that shit. Not even scary, just annoying.


Trails in the Sky
Garbage combat system, and even more garbage dialog. I don't know why people thought the writing was so good.

in b4
>you didn't play long enough
I gave it an honest 3 hours, which is more than fair.

Risk of Rain

AYY gameplay mechanics are hugely debatable
to be fair, it is beautifully toaster friendly


Kill yourself Okami is great.

>it's not great but it's not THAT bad, it didn't deserve that much hate
No, fuck you user. It's horrible.

But that's fucking wrong, user.
Dead fucking wrong.

Dark Souls

>shit taste general

Do actually think posters lied? Or are one of those people who never takes responsibility for their mistakes.

Sup Forums overrates the game a lot, but it was still decent IMO. My main issues were it stopped being scary as soon as you learned the Xeno is always within a certain distance from you, the game had a ton of padding, and the AI was a little too predictable. But the atmosphere is incredible, and the game plays pretty damn well. Had they cut the filler and had the Xeno actually roam the ship instead of staying in your immediate area (seriously, the ship's full of people so why does it only care about you?) the game would have been great.

>"""""""puzzles"""""" and """"platforming"""" a 3rd grader could solve
>shorter than most movies
>multiplayer relies HEAVILY on your partner not being a fuckhead going as fast as possible to the end of the level
>impact of the snowstorm at the end becomes meaningless after your first/second playthrough because its the same every time
>getting the special cape means fuck all because you still cant fly forever
>have to use the sixaxis for the motion tilting nobody ever uses

its a fucking walking simulator with a jump button

fuck you


I feel undertale was painfully mediocre. It is in no way deserving of the following it has.

A game? Yeah, right. Sup Forums tricked me into upgrading to Vista a long time ago. I still remember this smug motherfucker who kept telling me about the Vista and how great it is. Fuck you.

I enjoyed it but I only played it once and my co-op partner was a bro. Was pretty memorable when he died (or disconnected, I dunno) at the part with the two flying eel things or whatever they were. No idea if that was supposed to happen since I never replayed it but it was a neat moment.

>I gave it an honest 3 hours, which is more than fair.

It really doesn't get decent until 15 hours in, which really is unacceptably long and I don't blame you for stopping.

>barebones dungeon crawling + JRPG combat
>shit dialogue trees and answers
>half the game is just stat-building by choosing one of 5 locations to visit
>basically a visual novel
>MC is a Gary sue
>for a game apparently based around character interactions, talking to them more then once during a time of day just has them repeat the same dialogue over and over again

Mine is any MGS game except V. Just a bunch of linear clunky stealth puzzles hidden amongst indecipherable storytelling. That being said, fuck you OP. Alien was awesome. The AI is linked to the difficulty setting and theres only as much backtracking as happens in the movies, the rest is optional Metroidvania crap. The atmosphere is the one thing thats consistently praised in all reviews so you're just not doing it right.