Metroid is dead

>metroid is dead
>the new paper mario is going to be a copy and paste of sticker star
>when they realized that nobody is going to watch their E3 just for zelda,the also added pokemon sun and moon in the treehouse

how much time they have left to live ?

Other urls found in this thread:

Public Execution of Miyamoto on the 15th

It's not likely they're going to die anytime soon, as Pokemon alone is enough to keep them afloat, but that third-place standing looks like it's going to stick.

They don't even have a playable game at E3.


>metroid is dead
Fuck off

how is that federation force ?

But they do, Zelda and Pokemon will be playable.

They also have DQ VII which means we'll finally get a damn release date.

might as well be. no one at nintendo cares about it anymore.

>nintendo has reportedly delayed nx production for vr shit
>has reportedly cut their number of nx orders by 10 million

I'm legitimately worried about nintendo. Unless they just go third party, which I think they'd rather die than do that, I want nintendo games to still exist, but nobody wants to buy their consoles any more

Nintendo never cared about metroid. Japs never liked it as much as westerners. Other M was such a disaster that nobody at the company trusts the brand, nor should they.

this to be honest

metroid doesn't sell anymore,so nobody does care about it anymore

they are trying to focus on zelda and pokemon sun and moon because they know that they are going to sell a lot

reported by who? your uncle?

Well, considering the last Metroid game with Metroid gameplay came in 2007, I can safely say the series is dead.

My hopes are their only 1st party game at E3 is Zelda, but will have announced a massive shit load of 3rd party support.

If that isn't the case, they are fucking gone.

they're not announcing anything
there's nothing to announce until the NX reveal


Sup Forums Please do me a favor and shut the fuck up, this all you faggots do "muh Metroid is dead, oh boo hoo I'm a 5 year spoiled bitch who's still mad that I never received a god anal raping from a barred wire bat" I'm tired of hearing it. So fucking if Federation Force bombs, they're two fucking Producers. I'm already certain that since Miitomo isn't doing so hot anymore Sakamoto's crew could be working on something for the NX platform (don't fucking say anything because Nintendo already confirmed that all of their EPD teams will work on games for their NX platform and mobile, so that means both for the uneducated faggots).

>massive shit load of 3rd party support.
...For Wii U? Are you serious?

Or do you mean NX games?

If the point of view triggers your autism.


I know you metroid fanboys are incredibly fucking salty, but there's no reason to take it out on people who are just speaking god's honest truth.

Imagine if every series you ever loved was dead.


Sup Forums Please do me a favor and shut the fuck up, this all you faggots do "muh Metroid is dead, oh boo hoo I'm a 5 year spoiled bitch who's still mad that I never received a god anal raping from a barred wire bat" I'm tired of hearing it. So fucking if Federation Force bombs, they're two fucking Producers. I'm already certain that since Miitomo isn't doing so hot anymore Sakamoto's crew could be working on something for the NX platform (don't fucking say anything because Nintendo already confirmed that all of their EPD teams will work on games for their NX platform and mobile, so that means both for the uneducated faggots

I'll wait for a source that isn't based purely in chinese manufacturing business rumors.

As a Metroidfag I agree to all posts he objected to.

I'm not salty, you are the faggots that are salty, you don't hear me coming on Sup Forums every fucking day announcing "muh Metroid dead" and then making a 200 post thread about that shit. I don't even care for Metroid Prime: Federation Force I just ignored it planning to wait for Nintendo to announce this NX Platform in full. You're the ones complaining I honestly think you should be more concerned with Star Fox & F-Zero, both of those franchises are dead.

And you clearly have a brain tumor.

But we do hear you coming into Sup Forums every fucking day announcing muh Metroidposters are annoying" and then making a 200 post thread about that shit

That controller patent better not be real.




>Metroid and Paper Mario games coming out in 2016
>they're dead

Can you stop shitposting Nintendo, Sonyfags?

>metroid is dead

Aren't we getting Federation Force this year though?

You forgot 2D Mayreeo

It's a real patent, and no, it isn't going to be the controller, because you don't reveal your upcoming product in a fucking patent description.

It's not Metroid posters, it's Sup Forums as a whole your opinions are shit, and you can't even have a cohesive thread agreeing with one another, you just start a shitty argument, post porn everywhere and then your shit threads get deleted. In truth I will be happy when a Metroid General is made over at /vg/ where I can talk to REAL Metroid fans who love both the Metroid main series and the Metroid Prime series and not have to deal with pessimistic assholes every day.

Sup Forums Please do me a favor and shut the fuck up, this all you faggots do "muh Metroid is dead, oh boo hoo I'm a 5 year spoiled bitch who's still mad that I never received a god anal raping from a barred wire bat" I'm tired of hearing it. So fucking if Federation Force bombs, they're two fucking Producers. I'm already certain that since Miitomo isn't doing so hot anymore Sakamoto's crew could be working on something for the NX platform (don't fucking say anything because Nintendo already confirmed that all of their EPD teams will work on games for their NX platform and mobile, so that means both for the uneducated faggots

>Federation Force

Don't forget Pokemon GO, which is shaping up to be "Yet Another Mobile Game Formula You've Seen A Million Times!"

Nintendo thought ahead obviously.

Metroid and Starfox are just takeaways from the real goal: Zelda.

they aren't dead because no new games comes out,but because they suck

paper mario color splash is literally sitcker remade,they will never make a game as great as TTYD

same thing goes for federation force

Retro makes more money with dong freeze.

face it fappers, metroid is never coming back

In order for a "Metroid general" to exist, Metroid games would have to come out. And that ain't gonna happen. It's dead, Jim. Pessimism is realism.

>hating on a game before it's released

Nintendo has never made a bad game and FF won't be a bad game at all.


>Nintendo has never made a bad game
I see you're a retarded drone. Carry on.

as long as they don't fuck up kirby,it's ok for me

And I will be glad when we do get another mainline game that way I will no longer need to post on Sup Forums anymore at least I still got Halo General to go to.

What a horrible night to be mentally retarded.:P

post your face when no new metroid game is going to be announced at the E3


Nintencuck, the post

Who the hell is expecting an announcement at E3 you should be looking more at when the NX Platform is finally revealed.

Ninty home consoles are dead to me after the wii u, and to a slightly lesser extent, the wii.

Still gonna buy their handhelds even though sony's are better, just because they have guaranteed third party support

I give two shits about any Nintendo game at E3. I haven't had a Nintendo console since the GameCube and I haven't had a Nintendo handheld since the GBA I just want to play a new Metroid 2.5D sidescroller.

E3 is pointless and irrelevant now and so Nintendo isn't putting effort into it for the same reason nobody gives a shit about E3 or is going to care about any announcements from there anymore.

Nintendo would rather announce their games in their own time with their directs which is bigger than E3 now in terms of viewership and hype.

>get another mainline game
In denial you are. For Metroid only death there is.


fun fact: super metroid bombed horribly in japan.

>"the next mainline metroid is game is going to come out, just wait for it !"
>"they aren't going to announce it at the E3,they are going to announce it in their own way !"

holy shit the denial is true

pride is the end of reason it's true.
What nintendo needs to do is open her consoles to 3d parties, and try to have a strong, machine that can support games other than their own.
A nintendo machine with Zelda, Mario, FZero, Mario Cart, Dark Souls and Witcher, and perhaps Doom would be a dream come true.
I don't get this company's policy.
I really don't. They don't need to be innovative right now, they need to make a machine that can stand up to the competition, (PC and Consoles) and have a LOT and I mean A LOT of games - along with their exclusives, which are arguably some of the most succesful titles ever.
If they don't they will vanish. And they will lose, in a game no sane person could ever lose - and in which they had the headstart by a mile - with a million loyal followers (some were retarded some not - i'm not judging).

Japanese have shit taste when it comes to platformers. They want bouncy happyfuntime curafur shit

>Thinking Sakamoto is done with Metroid
I really don't know who is in denial here, cause it sure as hell ain't me.

back for a second round of raping huh? didn't get his fill the first time?

Metroid needs a totally fresh look from experienced but outside people who haven't been involved with the franchise.

But I don't see the sales numbers for the franchise being where they need to be for some studio to take on that project, or for Nintendo to take the financial risk publishing it.

More like Nintendo is irrelevant now, not the other way

Sakamoto is done with Metroid, bro. It's over.

It's pretty obvious when they just have Zelda and some other shit there.

Or girls with the anatomy of an extraterrestrial.

They've already said they aren't bringing anything but Zelda to E3.

>Metroid needs a totally fresh look from experienced but outside people who haven't been involved with the franchise.
Nah they'd just make another 3D shit. 2D or let it be dead.

Why do u need a new metroid game when there are plenty of old ones?

Reread that interview, he's not done with the series.

Still haven't gotten that barbed wire baseball bat anal raping did you?

>Reread that interview, he's not done with the series.

>Thinking "doesn't rule out" means anything when no one in a company ever closes the door on old franchises and says "yeah it's dead"

>open her consoles to 3d parties
Open her womb to 3D parties

Why do u need new games when there are plenty of old ones?

Because they never finished the story. You don't just leave a story hanging with a cliffhanger without finishing it. At least Nintendo isn't being Gabe who won't talk about Half-Life 3 period.

I dont care anymore. They censor all their games, I really just cant muster up any energy to care about them.

>make a shitty metroid game
>nobody buys it
>assume its because people don't like the series anymore
Wow Nintendo sure are the best aren't they guys, way better than those other soulless corporate suits, look! Miyamoto is dressed like link isn't that epic?! :))

The main console market isn't big enough for 3 players. It's not even big enough for 2 players. Xbone is seriously lagging behind. For Nintendo to enter into direct competition NOW would be an enormous risk.

Maybe if they had done it back in 2012 instead of putting out the Wii U, but that time is long since past.

Is Hyrule Warriors a Zelda game or a musou game with a Zelda skin?
The right answer is the latter.

Miyamoto straight up said that they have no new ideas for F-Zero and that guy who worked on the Mother series said the series ended with 3. Those statement are as clear as day that those series are dead. With Metroid Nintendo stated they have ideas for both Metroid and Prime, hell Tanabe is talking about future events in Prime.

What story exactly do you want to be finished? Have you imagined how the Metroid series would end story-wise? It would end only in sorrow.

You don't, which is why remasters are better than most "new" non innovative shit game. Only a capitalist conformist would be shallow enough to always want new things. Enjoy what is good, not what is hot. These corporations are clouding your judgement on what you should value.

It's not a risk to throw all in if you are losing anyway.
And imagine a snes of our era - and by that i mean a console which would be stronger(or equally strong) than the opposition and have all Nintendo exclusives, along with the greatest console hits.
Nintendo, couldn't lose - and yet they are. They are THAT retarded.

>series has always sold like shit in Japan, the native market
>put a lot of money behind a new game, made by a respected studio, headed by the original lead director of the series
>it's a pile of shit and it bombs hard in both territories
And they should take this risk again, because some weirdos in America are obsessed with metroid.

Sorry user but I can feel it. I have somewhat obscure yet interesting looking games on my backlog from the SNES and Genesis era and it almost feels like why bother? The game design will be archaic and clash so much with what I want to play now that it will be more of a problem for me than if I just ran off and played some shitty indie game with updated mechanics to be more in line with modern sensibilities.

>>Metroid is dead
>new Metroid coming out soon
LMAO are you serious? Summertime is here.

So, doesn't matter does everything has to have a happy ending? Samus is AWOL, she got Chozo animals in her ship, Zero Mission gave us an insight on ancient Chozo, their is a corrupt faction in the Federation, lots of story to tell before they finish the series.

>metroid is dead
So what? The galaxy is at peace, what more do you want?

They wrote them selves in a corner with Metroid
Paper Mario always sucks
You'd be surprised with number 3

Until the Yakuza doesn't want them

>Miyamoto straight up said that they have no new ideas for F-Zero
He still left open the idea there would be another game though by saying they'd need some situation or hardware that is suited to innovating in an F-Zero game

They're just making the shit up as they go along, user. They've never had any grand plan for Metroid's story and most players don't care about the story in Metroid games. They just want muh atmospheric exploration.


>He still left open the idea there would be another game though by saying they'd need some situation or hardware that is suited to innovating in an F-Zero game
You're worst then Metroid fans, your series is dead.

What do you mean "losing"? Nintendo is a business. They're interested in being profitable, not "winning". Right now, they aren't very profitable, and they're attempting to pursue a strategy that will help them become more profitable. Gambling on a desperate scheme to muscle in on a shrinking market is not a responsible strategy.

YOU want a "SNES of our era" because you have an emotional connection to Nintendo. That doesn't mean SHIT for Nintendo's bottom line.


Has nintendo even done anything relevant in the last 20 years? All they've done is coast in with the success of their previous poducts.

So you actually think that this strategy that they are following is profitable?

also it's not about my emotional connection - it's about the snes being the last perfect console they made.

F-Zero is not my series though, Metroid is my series.