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Video Games #3398
Video Games
Why is this game so fucking good? What would make it better?
Why does SS Link get such a bad rap?
What's a good boxing game?
When did you realize John Carmack is a hack?
What's the Aubrey Plaza of vidya?
Total War: Warhammer
(1) Thanks
How did they fuck up so badly?
What are your thoughts on Wayforward?
Did the addition of survival and Far Harbor make this game worth playing? Fallout 4 thread
So user, what do you do for fun?
REMINDER: You did NOT buy a 40-60 dollar game to have some asshole faggot stranger from god knows where...
Relaxing Video Game Music
Here comes another Overwatch killer
U agree? y/n
ITT: Creepy shit in vidya
Completely fucking lied about bringing SoloQ back
How do you feel about the Pokemon of the sun being a psychic/ steel type? I think Arceus did a woopsie and just forgot
Sonic 25th Anniversary
ITT: Games that actually aged well
What went wrong?
What is some essential /lonelycore/ vidya?
Can we all agree on HUDs being one of the worst things in video games?
Literally game destroying and needs a nerf just as much if not more than McCree
It's High Noon
Games that cater to your tastes in qts
Hey you! Yeah you! Got a horror game idea? Well, this is the thread for you! Post your spookiest ideas!
Are visual novels/text adventures/dating sims/eroge OK for Sup Forums...
Didn't see a 3x3, so fire them up Sup Forums
You have to make a Party with the characters in the image
Well, just played Mass Effect for the first time, and it was pretty great. I know 3 got a load of bad rap...
Dead by Deadlight
What video games did you play today Sup Forums?
ITT: Vomit tier redesigns
How can people still pay for early access products?
Favorite Overwatch hero? Pic related is mine
So Sup Forums's favorite devs...
Give me your best ass shot
How did they take the theme of "Generic Space Marine" for making Doom Guy's armor...
Gamer fuel thread?
15 years old
Suikoden on Steam
2016 is shaping up to be the worst year in vidya history
What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Game starts with a quote
What kind of feeling does this image evoke into you, Sup Forums?
Does someone knows about the leaks of DR4 from yesterday that I missed...
I'm going to trade these into a game store tomorrow. Any guesses on how much I get...
It's a game where the good guys win
Anyone else think Overwatch has an incredibly low skill ceiling compared to every other popular multiplayer...
Joining a Sup Forums guild
Filename thread?
E3 2016
Including expansions, can we all agree that this is the best game of the generation?
How do i get good?
Now that the dust has settled:
ITT: Vidya cringe
Play this shit for an hour
THE Overwatch thread
Why is this thing not backwards compatible?
Itt your favorite skyrim quest
Low difficult
So Doom was actually pretty great
ITT: Post a photo of yourself and have others guess your favorite videogame
It-it'll go 60 tick once competitive mode is out
This game is pretty good mechanically
Is there any videogame that will have an instance of something like pic related?
CoD has bad graphics
Based Xseed has registered for the domain
Xbox E3 Spongebob thread
How about we literally pit Battleborn and Overwatch against eachother?
That feel when you could never do some of his attacks as a kid
Current tourney ends at 10:50PM, at which point we'll be switching to FFA...
I've never played Final Fantasy before and i'm told to start with 6...
What titles have good archery in the gameplay?
Have you played it yet?
ITT: things that you would never see in modern vidya
So, when's the last time there's been any real news about Colossal Kaiju Combat?
Tfw no time or energy to play vidya
Yume Nikki
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
What are some good video games where you can play pretend Sup Forums?
There's no way they'll announce it
So NoA censors XCX, Tokyo Mirage, Fire Emblem, and Fatal Frame. Tits are bad for American players...
Game deletes your save if you die
ITT: When shit gets real
What are some games that feature porks as playable characters?
ITT good games nobody played
Who do you watch on twitch and why
Best DOS games?
Keep it vidya
Legacy server when
How're you faggots spending your Friday night?
playing games with my butler
Screenshot thread?
Why are these vidoes everywhere, and why are they cancer?
THAT part of the game
Wtf I downloaded Warframe and it's AWESOME
So, how's the new Hitman? Is it anything like Blood Money or is it Absolution 2? Is the intro pack worth it...
What next for the Sonic franchise?
How is this? Planning on getting it upon release...
How come game designers suck so much at level design? This level for example...
Name a bigger failure than Battleborn
Playing GTAV
Whats the best f2p game right now
How dead will Midair be?
Same Voice Actor Thread
Hey I tried Sup Forums but was redirected here. So here's my problem, hope you guys can help
Kevin Butler
When did DR jump the shark for you?
Hey V, a family member gifted me their gaming laptop. An MSI CX6I 2QF...
So I'm playing through Blood and Wine right now and an idea hit me...
This is a good game
Recommend some good games
Is this game good? i never see it mentioned in ps4 threads
ITT: video games that normalfags keep raving on about, but you don't see any appeal in at all
No video game is safe from an industry that's always chasing the hot new thing...
Why are older brothers so much worse at video games?
Play RPG
How can one girl be so spectacular?
Humble Monthly
What does Sup Forums think of Game Sack?
Just played the demo, why does this game feel so fucking good to play? Goddamn
Why does Nintendo always designs their girls so sexual?
Less than 3 year lifespan of games
So now that the dust has settled...
明らかにする 6.23.2016
What the fuck happened? Was it all a dream? Why did they make Kat, Yunica and Raven so cute?
Mysterious "ARG" to uncover a leaked game
Benevolent Leader
Zero Time Dilemma
What would dying from touching a Goomba feel like?
What are some games that reward me for being neutral,morally grey, or indifferent to major plot conflicts?
Bethesda E3 2016 Leaks
Where did it all go so wrong Sup Forums
Pick 7 games
What are you playing on your smartphone?
Here's your controller bro
Memes and jokes aside, you have to admit Valve have treated Half Life fans like absolute shit
Greatest video game scenes of all time
Game is "pedo weeb trash kusoge"
Why are Metroid fans so cringy?
How come sonyfriends do 90% of all the shitposting on this board?
No Morrowind Thread?
Hey Sup Forums, I would like to ask you guys your opinion on Xbox One and Ps4
Let's settle this once and for all
Will video games die in our life time, just like pogo sticks and tabletop D&D faded away?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how mad was Sup Forums about how popular Overwatch is?
Wow man, just fucking wow. This is the most hamfisted liberal wank off I have ever seen...
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Is it a bad idea to buy a GTX 1070 before Polaris comes out?
Is Witcher 3 the greatest game of all time?
Can we discuss gravity rush?
Why are the men of Overwatch so sexualized?
WEBM thread
Official Sm4sh Tourneyfag Containment Thread
So, this came out today. Who has it? Are you enjoying it...
Why don't PC games have built-in support for DualShock controllers?
Saving Crying Brian
Why can't Nintendo make a good Mario Party game?
I set my blue eyes white dragon and end my turn
The Humans/Omnics thing is clearly an allegory for interracial relationships, but the metaphor doesn't work
How can real women even compete?
What does Sup Forums think of this game?
So I just got back into Mario Maker after a 5 month break. Still one of the best games ever, and super fun...
"I am but one individual that will be the primary cause of the worlds major plights."
Why does everyone here hate this game with a passion?
New Sup Forums goes to E3 thread
I'm looking for a game to distract me from my shitty life
Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube
Hey Sup Forums, remember me, the best handheld ever?
Did anyone ever follow the '15 min break per hour' advice back in the day?
I really want to play games Sup Forums but I have no motivation to play anything
How could Kenji Inafune go from directing classics like Mega Man X, and Mega Man 9 to Mighty Blunder 9...
I need the crack for Doom, why none of you faggots is working on it
This is your date tonight
ITT: studios that have never made a bad game
Hidden gem thread
Post your 3DS Game Collection
Is there any hope?
Animal Crossing Thread
Its time to suck blood Sup Forums?
I'm going to kill myself
Risk of rain: Weekend edition
Anyone here NOT fucking playing this goddamn game?
Thoughts on this Sup Forums?
Denuvo cracked and played DOOM
More DLC?
Why hasn't Nintendo rebooted the Pokemon series and removed all the shitty Pokemon introduced after gen 1 and come up...
How the fuck do I kill these clams
EU passes law requiring all handheld devices to use the standardized mini-USB port instead of proprietary chargers
Giant Bombs are cool
Who do you pick?
Tell me games besides Vampire the Masquerade and Legacy of Kain where I can be a vampire...
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure game
This is for the players
Well, Sup Forums?
Will bloodborne ever come to PC?
Where were you when denuvo was cracked?
Is Bloodborne a sequel to Dark Souls 3?
Quick Sup Forums, someone is shooting up your workplace or school. The last weapon yo used...
TFW it won't be out until 2017
Swing sword at point blank, upward of 20 times
What games made you fail in school Sup Forums ?
Spanish colonization of the Americas
I've just beaten Mgs V, is mission 46 really the true ending? What happens to the false big boss?
What games are you going to play tonight, Sup Forums?
What video games have the stupidest endings?
Will it survive after EVO 2016?
Filename thread?
Wonder Boy 3 remake
THE Overwatch thread
Hard difficulty
Hey, I'm starting a Thief thread today. Ya wanna come with?
Name something funnier
Is he literally the pewdiepie of gaming?
Why is she fat? They could've put her in the game without making her fat
37 years old
Why don't girls like video games?
It's High Noon
So VR turned out to be another shit cashgrab gimmick, right...
Shitty stealth
Let's have a Hyperdimension thread
MFW league of Legends is imploding
Are they right, Sup Forums?
Witcher 3 hearts of stone has pissed me off
Where in the hell can you find old gems like this?
R/v/ to E3 2: Electric Boogaloo
What did they mean by this?
Hello Sup Forums I've been subscribed to humble bundle monthly for the past 4 months and have collected quite a few...
ITT: best CastleKino EVER
This masterpiece just released on Steam
What was your first legendary skin, Sup Forums?
Why is this allowed?
What went wrong?
How do you feel about the Touhou games as a whole? Where would you like the series to go in the future?
What does Sup Forums think of pic related?
Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?
So, how's that video game podcast coming user?
Have you ever had a relationship in an online video game?
Any crack for this game?
We solemnly swear we're up to something good
Mfw pcfags will never EVER get GTA V
Sup Forums btfo
So Sup Forums, which OS do you use for your videos of game?
Where's the ME hype at bois?
What's your opinion on this dwarfortresslike?
He ded?
Have you ever added anyone from Sup Forums before on steam/xbox/psn?
Bloodborne Thread
Final Fantasy XIV
Why do you hate belt scrollers?
Being a "________" fan is suffering
3x3 thread
Bump for memes
Guilty Gear thread
8000 player peak at release
Wait a minute that claw
Speak with Minfillia at the Waking Sands
What's your opinion on the new Pokemon cast?
Video game Cosplay
Ever stole any of your vidya?
Tfw it's raining outside IRL and I've booted up morrowind...
Why the hate?
Itt - bad games that you were tricked into buying
What's the online game you've played for the longest time...
Bored yet?
ITT: Games you wanted to live
If obsidian made Harry Potter game, what would you want to see in it?
Have you ever wanted to solve improv cases just like in the Ace Attorney series with other people...
Smash Sup Forumseekend
Man, FUCK Dwayne, all he does is call and bitch and be a beta fuck...
So since the RDR remaster is essentially confirmed at this point...
Why are they the most prevalent hackers/cheaters in multiplayer games...
You should be able to solve this
Why hasn't there been any Predator games in a while now?
Why does a cowboy have a flashbang?
Just how do you fuck up this hard?
Hydra Edits
So I'm getting a Vita today. What games do you Sup Forumsirgins recommend me...
What are some video games where I can make spicy Italian food?
Why do you hate the FGC? CANT HANDLE THE BANT?
Overwatch lore thread
There are people on this board right now who don't play Zarya despite her pubstomping ability ONLY because of her...
The one thing that can save Nintendo
How do you act?
ITT: characters in vidya that you related to
Why is she purple? Is it because she is French?
R/v/ to E3
Will you main Mai in Xenoverse 2?
I'm going for ze total steal
5 hours
IGN will have information about Persona 5 and what atlus is doing at E3 on Monday the 6th
Can Pokemon ever compete again?
More like this?
LITERALLY too hard for me with my current character, equipment and knowledge of the game
Twisted great Hammer associated with Smough, the last knight to remain at his post, guarding the ruined cathedral
How does Sup Forums feel about affirmative action in Game Dev?
Go to
What is a reasonable price to pay for a pre-built gaming pc? $800?
Well Sup Forums?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or fallout,which is better and why?
There are people that pay 5$ A MONTH to WATCH people play video games!?
Von Karma got caught with fake evidence
Why is it so fucking hard to get homebrew on a 3DS
Get a dead by deadlight beta key
Splatoon; competitive team based shooter this gen
Did you beat it, Sup Forums?
NuCRPG ranking
What did she say Sup Forums
One Piece Burning Blood
What's the general consensus on Derek Smart?
What is the absolute most dog shit game Sup Forums has ever tricked you into playing, and explain why you hated it
Game is turn-based
DAWN OF WAR 3 stream. Don't expect gameplay, just some behind the scenes stuff and other shit
Why should she be nerfed?
Make a strawpoll of your backlog
I want to protect dem titties
What was his problem ?
Every crackgroup gave up
Post characters that trigger Sup Forums, because they don't understand their mechanics/character
Got 16$ in my PSN account. What should I get?
What's up with this new trend or buzzword/meme whatever of 60fps?
Amerifats will defend this
Just picked this game up for cheap
ITT best in game music
So given that within another 2 years your cellphone will be more powerful than a ps4...
UHM BROS? How are league and fucking hearthstone ahead of OVERWATCH™??
Criminal Girls 2
Where were you when spiral knights was no longer kill?
What is your honest opinion of this game?
Where that sequel at boys
You've been appointed CEO of Nintendo
Risk of Rain
SMT: Nocturne
Are the Arkham games any good? Should I try one out?
Toussaint is top comfy
Can we get a cosplay thread going
Time travelling video games
Hey Sup Forums what time is it
Dark Souls #2 Storytime
Wonder boy
They're stealing our Sup Forums memes again
Will there ever be another real Metroid game?
What games do you play with your girlfriend?
Tales of Zestiria
What is in all honesty the absolute worst game you have ever played?
If you play Persona for the Gameplay, you're a fucking idiot
20 years ago - pic related
Ace of Spades
Any thoughts on what new characters could possible be introduced for the next big update?
Outdamages Dark Sword with base stats and 40 luck
Will you finally admit how good it was?
Valve drones will defend this
Fixing MMOs?
Mfw Star Fox Zero failed
Future Trunks comes to warn Goku about Evil Goku from his timeline
Alright, I got $31 on my steam account. What should I buy, Sup Forums?
Skate 2 Xbox One Backwards Compatibility
Doctor, we're losing him!
There a name for this type of cyberpunk? Clean and utopian-looking instead of the usual, gritty, grimey setting?
What kind of animal is she?
So whats up with modern day fps, how can people enjoy doing the same shit over and over again?
Literally no shota hero
Will it be good?
33m to go, what's it gonna be lads?
Why does no one take Reaper seriously? Wouldn't you be afraid of someone dressed like that?
A delayed game is eventually good, but a bad game is forever bad
What's your favorite arcade machine? Hard mode: Not a light gun game
800 players online
Do you guys think vidya are the hardest "drugs" of any entertainment medium and that people more prone to thrill and...
How come Mercy is 37 years old and not yet married?
Anyone else think that older games look better than newer ones...
Which is better DaS III or BB ?
Whoa whoa WHOA
The new animated Mega Man series will follow Aki Light – a normal, upbeat...
Best F2P games out there right now? I'm poor, cant afford the good games like overwatch,doom, etc...
Total War Rankings
I want to play through all of classic doom games (Doom 1, 2, Final doom). Should I play through them using brutal doom?
The things BattleBorn did right
Remember when people did this shit for free?
Oldfag here. explain to me this twitch culture
Start skyrim
Mei speaks chinese
8 Y E A R S
When did you realize that consumers ruin franchises, not the developers or publishers?
I set one monster and end my turn
Whatever happened to seeing full sentences/speeches that characters could make in RPGs?
Name 1 game i should buy that released in 2016
Weren't CDPR supposed to be good guys?
Worked at G4 from 2006-2011
CEO of Take-Two Strauss Zelnick doesn't believe in VR
Now that the NX will have VR is Nintendo saved?
Is this videogame series dead ?
How were you suppose to know about pickpocketing?
Worth $15?
What videogame character has the best hair style?
Donatello sucks, Michelangelo is best
What's the most useless weapon in MH, and why is it Lances?
Game with knights
Russians ruin yet another competitive shooter game
Aqquire Double barrel shotgun
Overwatch has a low skill ceiling!
What game has the most satisfying head shots?
Hearts of Iron 4 drops monday
>Game journalism
21 days left until #FE
What happened?
Is it murder to preemptively kill someone who would certainly try to kill you if they just saw you first?
Did anyone else sperg super hard on the demo of this on PS4?
Say it with me:
Someone actutally made an ed edd n eddy game
Is anyone getting absurdly high temps in this shit...
There are people on Sup Forums who think McCree is most in need of a nerf when Widowmaker and Hanzo hitboxes are as big...
Admit it Sup Forumseddit, you guys hate ASSFAGGOTS just because they are popular
Dark souls 2
Which one of these would you get?
Why did Nintendo make this game?
Dark Souls 3 60 fps on PS4 petition
So this homebrew app lets you download any 3ds game you want straight from Nintendo's servers for free
PC gaming just became hella expensive
How did a blind cripple train Solid Snake?
Hey Sup Forums what's your favourite League champion or skin?
So now that the dust has settled, is The Old hunters still the best Expansion pack ever made?
What does Sup Forums think of the Street Fighter girls?
Screenshot thread
This game is so unrealistic!
Is Hard Reset good?
I have had amnesia for 5 years. recommend me some simple games that an amnesiac can enjoy and understand
Can someone tell me why the fuck they're fighting rats? Why are there only rats and no other enemies...
Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering...
How does Sup Forums feel about trans acceptance in vidya?
Is factorio easy to learn for someone who's never really played the whole building, survival, logistics genre before?
Free code
We will never get an MGS3 remaster with these graphics
ITT objectively bad video game design choices for which there is no reasonable excuse
The great debate
MS E3 Rumors
What do you think of prequels?
Fuck Konami and their Pachinko machines!
What was the point of this thing?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on achievements? Do you think they're an okay thing to have...
I'm going to play 1 more Atelier game before Sophie comes out and so far I've only played the Mana Khemia duo
Webm thread!
What should i choose Sup Forums?
Well written video game protagonists
Revolver can fire across the map, but shotgun is a melee weapon
Sakura Dungeon will be released tomorrow on steam!
This is summoner Luna (male)
Suck my dick. Choke on it
Subtle, CDPR
Sixth generation appreciation thread. The last generation to be purely about video games...
Discussion thread. What do you like about this game?
Games that have good music
Is Rance a good protagonist?
Hello v
Witcher 3 is a masterpiece and the best game of the past 5 years
What are the best games with Death in them?
Is there any other way to earn money solo in this game, besides repeating contact missions over and over?
Give examples of good kickstarter projects that are coming along well or actually made good games
Riddle me this, PCfriends. If the PC is so "superior" for mods, why are 50 times the users using mods on Xbox than PC?
Je, nada personal, chico
Well, Sup Forums?
Filename thread
Th-thanks, sony
Who do you main in Chess?
How do we fix MMOs?
ITT: Overwatch player facts
How do you feel about a superior version coming out to the better system with all the DLC and mods AND for cheaper...
Something something autism
You're going to buy my next game when it comes out, right user?
Another cinematic experience proudly presented by Sony
Hold up... Just what exactly did CDPR mean by this?
ITT: Games that aged badly
Dead by Daylight
What's the best Sonic game?
I honestly never got all the hatred towards this game
What kind of vidya did Michael Jackson play ?
Toshimichi Mori, Creator of BlazBlue, wants to make a RWBY fighting game
The best
Liara is the best romance option in Mass Effect
9 days until E3
Okay but why are they actually fighting
South Park avatar
Why don't we get any more Burnout games?
Why is it okay to sexualize male characters but not female characters?
Why does she play overwatch if she has her own character model in battleborn?
Who is worst girl, and why is it Symmetra?
Character designs that you hate deeply
Wasn't SFV supposed to attract a new and fresh playerbase?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on eSports?
How do you feel about pantsu in video games?
L O L O L!
How do you clean out your computer, Sup Forums?
Who's played VIDEO GAME here?
Confess your vidya related sins
Game has no options menu
DaS Lore bread?
No Morrowind thread? Let's change that
Games only you replay ITT
Fallout: New Vegas
Shall we play some Gwent Sup Forums?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Look at what just came in
Is it the infamous tick rate?
Dark Souls
Post characters that deserve their own game
Is it true that the girl with the biggest breasts is best girl in any game?
How are the hype levels?
If console gaming dies out where will the peasants move to? Mobile?
MineCraft discussion thread! Talk about what you hope get's added...
ITT:Characters that are literally you
Are gaming chairs a meme?
360 had games while PS3 movies
The NX is not a replacement for the Wii U
Cyber Punk Will Never Die But You Will
Vidya tattoo
Eternal GOG shilling thread
I want to live in Silent Hill, it's such a comfy place
What is his purpose on giant bomb?
So is this game pretty much the anti-tortanic...
What are the oldfags thoughts on the DOOM reboot?
Old Runescape Music
Stracraft's fall from glory
Sony won
Can we all agree Overmeme is just going to be a passing fad and it literally can't compete with the big games?
So is the only one not up to some fucked up shit in the Overwatch universe?
Let's all wish a Happy 8th birthday to Loss.jpg!
Is it ironic that I can play PS1 and 2 games on a PC, but not on a PS4?
What are some games with a vaporwave aesthetic?
Why does her best skin have to get rid of her beautiful face
Western VS Japanese games
I'm Big Boss
The Electronic Entertainment Expo 2016, better known as E3, is now just a month away...
What games have zombies that are cute?
Warcraft 4 Reveal at Blizzcon
Best game of a trilogy is the second one
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward - Patch 3.3
Are there any must-play Xbox 360 games...
Why cannot I like this game? Its not like I WANT to go against the grain, but every time someone calls this a good game...
Now that this game has finally died (seriously can barely find any people online), can we admit it's not that great...
Literally possible
Thoughts? I'm tempted
Why do people play on consoles?
What is the appeal of this game?
Shill Simulator 2016
Battleborn 2016-2016
What went wrong with Fallout 4
The "make your enemies cry like an anime fan at prom night" was a good joke guys
Any stupid purchases recently?
Overwatch - Mercy
Why doesn't Sup Forums ever talk about Super Smash Flash 2?
Zero Time Dilemma
Senran Kagura is actually top sellers of Steam
Guess what's getting multiplayer...
Has any piratefags played this yet? Was it any good?
Our Yugioh threads keep getting deleted
This girl walks up and challenges you to Pokemon battle
Metroid is dead
Blue Team is back in action
What happened to this game ?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...