Shill Simulator 2016

Is this the most embarrassing leftist circlejerk in videogame history?

Other urls found in this thread:

But wouldn't Trump like this?

my girlfriend and our mom are going to vote for Trump and you can't stop us

no, he hates video games and wants to outlaw them

>Liking video games


They couldn't put Hillary in because it'd be too difficult to operate on her.

Everything is crooked.

This makes no political statement one way or the other

looks like a tranny



t. Burn out cuck

I like it.

>Not Voting drumpf means you're left
Youre a real nigger


It's being used as a tool for faggots to say "LOL I LET HIM DIE BECAUSE HE IS EVIL!!" and that really irks me, man!

What better way to let leftist shills alleviate their anger than use him as a punching bag? You do realize this is akin to those virtual celebrity puncher games made in flash, right?

Please god libera me from hell

The point of the game is literally to save his life. You're a faggot.

took me a moment

You're looking too much into this
Trump is popular so by adding him they bring more publicity to their game

It probably is, which makes sense given this retarded content.

>people who make le fanny meme games for youtube are trannies and gamer gurls
What a surprise


I love how this entire election is about him.

You realise you're just as paranoid as the people you hate, right?

The election is about the future President of the US, so why wouldn't it be?

If you're not voting Trump then you're a nigger.

Stab the cunt to death

Based Trump, save me from this curse.

Like what?

It's just a reskin.

holy fuck i cannot wait for the day of the rope

How is it paranoia if I'm always right?


How are you right? You are pulling baseless, paranoid delusions out of your arse based entirely on your own prejudices.


>there are neo-cons posting on Sup Forums
go to bed old man

I'm not sure what that webm is supposed to convey but my point stands, shitskin.

isn't it illegal to use someone's image without their consent?

Couldn't Trump sue?

You shouldn't get mad.

Them getting violent just proves him right.

good, a president that likes video games is not president i want, i.e Obama

Dat is logik it is.

She looks pretty cute

How do people like you end up so militant about everything?

>tfw political threads on Sup Forums always remind how many regressive subhumans you share a board with

Isn't there a law against using someone's likeness without permission?

Both Hilary and Trump hate video games and want to restrict them.

Shoo shoo, Drumpf Drones
Hush hush, Trump Tards

>inb4 he sues them

>negro ragdolls away
my sides

I guess, man. It's just so hard seeing this in my Activity log on Steam and ignoring it. Damn, I wish all the leftist scum would die. I'm depressed.



lmao look at this edgy teen who's never had a conversation with a blackfella in his life spout his favourite Sup Forumstard maymays

I'm glad you're depressed, anime faggot. While the happy Leftists go on to live meaningful and appreciated lives.

>mfw they would never do this with Hillary
still if you get triggered by this you are a faggot

He's right though


>overplayed stunner fall

Is that you Rocky?

At first, I couldn't bring myself to believe that I share a board with the identity-obsessed progressive left. What business would they have here? But seeing is believing, and I've seen more than I wish to know.

>american politics has degenerated so much the choice is actually literally between a douche and a turd


I get over it by hugging my Kriegsmarine flag and drinking hot cocoa with little swastika marshmallows in it.

>anime faggot
Do you even know where you are right now, sweetheart?

are you people seriously implying that he has ancestoral ties to a European country, that is beyond racist and triggers me.

i wish you would stop this meme, it perpetuates a right-wing lie.

yeah I'm sure his opinion completely changed since

The irony of this post is shocking.

You militant, easily-offended faggots are just as worthless and hypocritical as ultra liberal tumblrites. As far as I'm concerned you all need to end yourselves

One of them already spent political capital and time doing so in the 1990s.

The other is focused on economic matters.

I wonder who is actually more likely to do it?

It's easier for stupid people to be extreme one way or the other. Complex matters are hard to understand for some, so having a single reaction makes things easier. It's the same process behind us vs them mentalities, two sides and stock phrases are easier to wrap your head around than a whole spectrum of opinions.

>no Black Souls PvP.webm

>Some of these people believe that an individual who votes for anyone but Bernie Sanders is mentally ill
> They create a mod in which these people will most assuredly enjoy mutilating a retarded orange man with a shitty toupee

Yeah, because you guys are the truly morally superior individuals. This is totally healthy. Yep.

Which is hurting him. If it was about Hillary, she wouldn't stand a chance.


Depends how many votes it will get him.


Not him, but it really is funny that whenever an SJW icon says stupid shit, SJWs go on and on about how they've changed, even if it was a year ago, but when their enemies say stupid shit, you never hear the end of it, even if it was 7 years ago.



Opinions discarded



Steam is a place where I can ignore all politics, and then this shows up in my Activity log? How could I not be angry at the pitiful libtards trying to bring the political front to random, unaffiliated videogames?

Euphoric response. You keep hiding that shit from the wider world knowing you would get your shit kicked in otherwise, Tighty Righty

>trumptards this upset that they can perform life saving surgery on their idol

>tfw not voting at all

Thank god someone said it. Fuck these maniacs.

It's not even political you faggot, and besides that the point of Surgeon Simulator is to SAVE THE PERSON'S LIFE. Worthless faggots like you with dicks the size of walnuts that get more offended than the dyed hair hamplanets on tumblr at shit this petty are an embarrassment to your entire cause.

Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan when?

There's a difference between being offended, and being a wet blanket sissy NEET.

They each blame the world for their problems, but go about solving them differently.

sadly everyone does that, it's not only the PC retards

Anyone who votes for Trump should be killed because it's just a massive sign that they're racist before they do any harm to the country.

Not as much triggered as I am completely baffled as to how hypocritical proponents of the left and right are in our contemporary society

Go the fuck back to Sup Forums and kill yourself my man ;)

In a game that leads you into mutilating every single patient you have with ease, sure.

>The megaphone

I literally forgot she even existed.

You don't know much about Surgeon Simulator, do you?

speak for yourself and get good

>this whole thread

Really makes you think, guess I'm a #cruzmissile now.


>this post

>America has to pick between two very polarising candidates
How did you allow this happen, lads?

I see Trump still triggers Neo-Sup Forums.

moot left this board in good hands.

I know that you win by "properly" completing a transplant without killing the person. Not that that component is even relevant anyway.