Where were you when denuvo was cracked?

Where were you when denuvo was cracked?

Other urls found in this thread:


no idea, but from a cryptographical standpoint, I'd like to know how they did it

it's not cracked, it crashes when accessing singleplayer

I've already lost interest in the game at this point tbqh

I believe that this is just triggers in the game and not denuvo itself anymore. Should be anytime soon I suppose.

Great, now we just need to get the other 99.99999% of the game working and we're all set!

The guy says that the previously released games function similarly. So once this is working well soonish you will probably see the older games cracked as well.

> piracy is dead the said

Where are yall faggots now

And make sure you shitpost all over the baseddenuvo shitposters when it happens

Denuvo is not hacked, stop spreading rumors and talking about illegal warez activity.

Forum moderators, i'm requesting a permanent ban for user @339864829, ASAP!


Post yfw denuvo became irrelevant

This post can literally get you banned.



D-denuvo v4 will kill piracy for good! J-just wait!

Denuvofags on suicidewatch

>DRM software companies
>thinking they can stop LOS PIRATOS

I Guarantee you that right now the denuvofags are cooking up an excuse for this

I came

can someone aware me over whats going on? is denuvo over? can we play all denuvo games now?

Emergency meeting

What am I looking at?

the BTFO of the year

I hope this is true, not because of the ability to crack those games because I don't care, but because those fucking denuvo circlejerk shills will stop making those god damn threads every 5 minutes

Some slav guy got around denuvo after 5 months of tingling around with it and is now on his end stretch to get doom working.

It seems like he bypassed denuvo but now has to unfuck the game's checks as well. I'd guess the hardest part is done though. Apparently his solution works for all other denuvo games released so far but is not that easy to do yet so that it cannot be just applied and all games will be out tomorrow.

Expect something soon though.


its just another game
the problem with denuvo is that each game has its own denuvo drm


No, the guy specifically states: " other games are with same trigers but need a lot of time for fixing not ez…"

Just buy your games like everyone else you thieving fucks

I don't know when it happened and my memory is shotty, so no idea.


>Wanting me to buy something without being able to try it first.


Fuuuck yes ill be able to play muh doot after i finish with dank soulz 3 god damn feels good to be free like a pirate

looks like Denuvo has finally met it's doom

The codebase integration of those games must make that shit like swiss cheese.

I doubt Denuvo games will even be compatible beyond win7 8 & 10 for the sheer amount of recoding to remove it for backwards compatability once denuvo is debunked as useful (which is appatently this week).

Good thing all the games with it are also forgettable.

Oh Carlos

you can´t annoy an, or win an argument against an insane person, so what would be the point in that?

That guy is already a joke, sadly, one that is mortifying to hear.

Getting into the menu was done a week or more ago.

Come back when it's actually cracked and the crack is available for download.

It's been long enough I've lost interest in playing doom at all.


This very likely not only affects doom

>Denuvo is not hacked, stop spreading rumors
How is that statement better than a rumor?
And frankly, rumors are a pillar of this board, dumbass-kun.



>Chink Team, Reloaded and Skidrow too lazy to make a crack
>Denuvofags BTFO by a single slav

This is not the first time it has been cracked. It still achieved the main goal and that is securing the game while it's still relevant.

Though in the case of Doom it got cracked too fast, that's definitely a loss.

>pay off major cracking groups not to crack your bloatware drm
>some randum slav cracks it any way
>lose money on antipiracy software AND your chinese/ruski care packages, the recipients of which are laffin to the bank


Just because you can play Doomshit doesn't mean Denuvo is cracked. Come back when you can play all the other games because 1 game doesn't mean SHIT since Denuvo is sentient and adaptive

I hope you're speaking the truth and not just pulling my leg, because I actually want people to try out D44M for themselves to see if they like it.

>this denial


Its okay to be in denial. You can come back to this thread in a month when it will tell you that all other previous denuvo games got cracked as well ;)

>there are people here who pronounce id as eye-dee


>"they cracked doom? Oh well that's a shit game haha PIRATEFAGS BTFO"
kys, my man

>denuvofags on full damage control
It's nice to know the circlejerk threads will finally stop.

And let´s be clear, these threads are almost certainly made by one guy; tone, diction and syntax are always VERY similar.

This is fact btw desu senpaitachi

The publishers know they make all their money the first two weeks. Suddenly after hype marketing stops there's a crack. Ain't no conspiracy.

Keep on dreaming motherfuckers the team behind Denuvo are an assembled team of paid professionals with degrees from the highest ranking universities chinese pirates can't even compare to their superior cryptography skills I mean those chinks can't even speak english ffs

>Denuvo is sentient and adaptive

Good thing the cracker is slav then :)


Wasn't even cracked by chunks faggot.

>based slav


Denuvo is an absolute joke and you know it.
Cracking doesnt matter if you have the right connections.

Dis gon b gud just keep em comments rollin

Chinks got paid by Denuvo though, the slav doesn't even have a team.

I'm always glad to know that there are good men out there fighting the good fight in order to share things with others for free.

>hurr theyre this flavor of subhuman not that flavor

Get FUCKING REAL I can't even believe you faggots even live in the same country as me if you love your subhuman criminals so much go fucking join them America is white country ONLY you fucking race traitors

do they have experience in gorilla warfare?

> he thinks im in murrica

>It still achieved the main goal and that is securing the game while it's still relevant
I´m going to be honest, who cares about the people who want the game pirated at release?

I want the games cracked so I can judge if they are not trash, and I have always been willing to wait for their price to drop to the amount I deem them worth.

People who can´t affort games at all, those are not as haughty as to demand the game at release either, they are usually thankful to have anything to play in their financial situation.

The only people miffed by this are the assholes who "pirate on principle", so if denuvo takes a shit in their soup and then gets cracked after a few months I see no problem whatsoever.

But I know that this thought is illusory.

>Inb4 minorities cuck white americans out of existence

Proof that jews are behind Denuvo.

>my flavor of subhuman is better than that other flavor
Face it my man, America is a shithole because of retards like you.

Links anyone?

Yes, there are people who do remember that time.

Watch as denuvocucks jump the sinking ship

Anti-piracy is finished now. Companies might as well just release their games for free from now on. We'll never see a non-crackable game ever again. God bless the slavs.

Denuvo is austrian though, not many jewish people there, since that little malheure.

.t Denuvo investor
Watch out for those stocks, friend.

links to nothing? because that is all this tread is.

Not really. Denuvo is more part of the marketing playbook than a drm one.

It stopped easy piracy when most game sales are made. I doubt their target was savvy pirates. It was the chad who only understands how to unzip files froma kat search. They forced him to give into hype and buy the game. It succeeded there.

look for mkdev

I fully agree with you. I'm a patient pirate and I'm glad to have expensive games for free at all.

Of course I'm happy when I see a new release on trackers mere minutes after release, sometimes even before release. But at the same time it made me feel like the balance of power was perhaps too much in the hands of the pirate community.


Thank you, based Slavic man. How do they do it? Is it Slav magic?

Drink alot of kompot and eat blin all day.

source or leave

CPY is an Italian group. They have nothing to do with mkdev. In other words, just a shitpost. Expect the crack this summer.

Fucking pizzas shitposting the internet.

>pirating on win10
you're just asking for troubles

>Eastern European
>getting in trouble for pirating

>I doubt their target was savvy pirates. It was the chad who only understands how to unzip files froma kat search.

You mean to tell me there's a whole group of pirates out there that just casually crack Denuvo on their own, play the games and never let anyone know?

Found the uneducated sheep.

Because the guy can crack Denuvo but is unaware of the problems of Windows 10 spying on him.

>le sheep that doesn't know anything

little misinformed retard holy fuck you should just kill yourself. do you even know what windows 10 is? no, of course not. fucking retarded fuck. I bet you would have voted for obama if you were fucking old enough at the time

Shonen battle anime about super-hacker lolis:
"Be careful, 3dm-chan! I-it's a 「SECUROM」!"

m8 i m running windows 10 ever since it got onto msdna and do the same shit as always. Nobody cares.
