Admit it Sup Forumseddit, you guys hate ASSFAGGOTS just because they are popular

Admit it Sup Forumseddit, you guys hate ASSFAGGOTS just because they are popular

I just don't enjoy fun anymore

No, it's because I used to play DotA on Garena back in 2007.
I'm ashamed to say it took me a few years before realising how bad it was.

I generally hate every multiplayer co-op game, but ASSFAGGOTS is a special kind of bad and boring
At least a match in CS is like 10 minutes, not 40

ASSFAGGOTS time has come and gone. It's boring now.

Sup Forums hates fallout 4 because it's popular

Sup Forums will hate the witcher 4 now cdpr are mainstream

I don't hate ASSFAGGOTS, I just think they're outclassed by other genres. Also Heroes of the Storm is the only one I'd bother with simply because it doesn't involve grinding for loot for 20 minutes as a base mechanic.

I hate them because I'm bad at them and really don't have the time or commitment to practice to get better.

>The game forces you into roles you might not want to play just so others can have fun.
Who in their right mind would play a game that forces you to not have fun?

HNNNG those socks

>Sup Forums hates fallout 4 because it's popular
No its because FO4 did everything wrong FO3 did plus worse, it also scrapped most of the RPG aspects of the game in favor of making it seem like a shallow open world shoot em up. It is a monumental failure and disappointment compared to New Vegas.

I just don't like single-unit RTS gameplay. I like Smite, Super Monday Night Combat, and Awesomenauts, but doter and lol are just not fun to play. You can add all the numbers and procs you want, but click-to-move and shit pacing makes me wonder whether you actually enjoy the game or if you play it because it's free.

I hate it because of the balancing is done assbackwards, Devs are cunts and because of the bugs that have been there 3years+.

but I hate all mobas

please git gud

so we are're hipsters ?! xDD

Nope. I played LoL to max level and played some ranked matches. The whining in EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN GAME and the complete negativity of the community makes me hate it.

>The whining in EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN GAME and the complete negativity of the community makes me hate it
you do realize there's a ''mute player'' option in the game right?

nah its grindy and not the right mix of teamwork for me. I like a game with some team work. With MOBAs if your team is shit and the other team isn't you lose gg no re.

There will of course be tryhards that say they can 1v5 np ez but the truth there is the people they were playing against were shit too.

I just don't like putting in 30 minutes when I know I will lose after 5.

You guys have good points but i still find it fun even when I am playing solo. League just strikes a particular chord with me i'm not sure why tho.

No, just that a crushing majority of them aren't fun nor satisfying anymore.

It's like going to a job that you hate but each day is that little bit different.

also what's up with the new Nida splash.

dota is better than league of legends
this is an objective fact

No because they require little skill and needs teamwork

When those come hand in hand, you attract nothing but shitters

See Overwatch
See CoD

I don't care for MOBAS but there's definitely irony to autistic nerds who sit around playing final fantasy knockoffs and call others casual

you'll drop it once you're older than 13

I only care about ASSFAGGOT lewds

I don't mind playing DotA with my friends, it's playing with randomers that I hate. The player base is absolute cancer, as with all such games.