Why doesn't Sup Forums ever talk about Super Smash Flash 2?

Why doesn't Sup Forums ever talk about Super Smash Flash 2?

Because Beta isn't out yet

Because it's trash.

Get some taste, user

Since fucking when

I only played the first one. Does it still have sonic donut steels in it?

All donut steels are gone thankfully. There is still anime characters, but there is only 3 and they don't plan on adding anymore since people fucking hate them. Here's the future roster, Issac isn't in the current version though.

Also, I forgot to mention Luigi, Mr. G&W, Pit, and Pac-Man is coming even though they aren't on the roster I posted of a future build.

He's being added to the newest version, along with native controller support

DMCA'd when?????

Oh god I feel so stupid, but I just loaded this up and literally how do you even start a match? Shows the ready to fight, and I assumed you'd just have to click that to start, but that does nothing.

Dunno about the third party characters, but Nintendo knows they exist. They even allowed them to be at a smash bros event that they were sponsoring. So probably not, unless they try adding like Crono or Quote or somebody touchy like that


Thanks m8, don't even know how the fuck I pressed everything but that.

It should probably be more clear.

Does this game let me play as Bill the Extra Guy?

I'll tell you why.


It's autism incarnate. They'll never get taken seriously till they remove the dumb anime characters.

Fucking this

I fucking hated anime characters being mixed with video game characters, they just don't seem to fit together very well.

It's fucking the same as Mario Maker DLC filled with non-video game promotional characters

They should just split them into two separate games. Jump! And Smash.

oh fuck dude, I wonder if those comics still hold up

>They'll never be taken seriously if they don't remove content
Seriously just get over it. No point to remove them so far into development and they even said they aren't going to add any more Jump shit. Goku is fun to play as anyway.

Marina when?

They are but the site is dead. Some new guy game in and tried to revive it with his shitty comics but it didn't work.

Some weekends I do story times on Sup Forums. Keep an eye out because I'm probably doing Mario Busters soon.

OP asked a question, I answered tge question.

The project feels like the work of a 15 year old, rather than a profesional fan-mod.

>hurr, just get over it
I'm merely expressing why people have disinterest. You can't FORCE people to play your flashgame if you don't make it enticing for them. The anime characters feel out of place, and if they want more recognition, should be removed. They should make a seperate JUMP game if they wanna have a bunch of anime characters.

Autism General?