Pick 7 games

Pick 7 games.

How weeb or dudebro are you?

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all shit

since im not a dudebro weeb of a fucking faggot that plays on a ps4 il just pick nothing

None of those games interest me

>Persona 5
I couldn't even end up with a total of seven combined.

To easy to spot the Pcucks.

>Uncharted 4
>Gears 4
>Dishonored 2

idgaf about the others.

Where's Ape Escape 4? How did Sony get away with this?

>I only play the same games you can get on PS4 but on PC this makes the game different because my AA setting can be set to one higher than the PS4 even though my PC isn't up to snuff and so it runs at about 20-25 fps. :^)

Not even 7 games on there I want to play.

Mafia III: Electric Dindu WE
Ni no Kuni II

So I guess that makes me weeb in spite of the fact that I do not care about jappoland beyond games.

Only 7 games? I don't even like the most of them, except maybe
>Shadow of the Beast

If you can pick out seven games from that image that you enjoy, fuck you for liking games shit cunt.

>fucking dude bro as fuck
>post animu avatar
the fuck?

11 games

2 from the right, 9 from the left.

I am am more weeb than dudebro but I'm someone who can still see the other side of the fence, just not to the extent of liking full on dudebro shit like gears or dead island

The entirety of the Weebshit side looks like soulless boring crap.
Uncharted is a boring movie game.

I would pick:
Battlefield 1
Titanfall 2 if they fix the problems of the first game
Deus Ex
Gears of War 4

>can't even pick 7 out of 30 games
Do you even like video games user?

P5, Overwatch, Dishonored 2, Dayu sex Mankind Divided, Ni No Kuni II

That's it, I don't care for any others.

Star Ocean
Deus Ex

So I am the person with the highest number of games I want to play on the list.

this should be easy picks for a dudebro or a weeb, theres plenty of games for both.

I think the majority of you guys just dont enjoy vidiya anymore and need to gtfo your house because you're obivously a failed normie. Just be a normie, its easy.

Even if I had a PS4, the only game I'd be interested in playing is EDF 4.1

Trails of Cold Steel II
NieR: Automata
Dragon Quest XI
Persona 5
Uncharted 4
Titanfall 2
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

I literally want to play everything in the left side

Can only pick six.

>Mirror's Edge
>Deus Ex
>Titanfall 2
>Battlefield 1

Rest are trash or beyond trash (AKA weebshit).


>Atelier Sophie
>Nier Automata
So I guess that makes mea weeb, but only because that list is lacking in games.

just nier

like 80% dudebro

Nier Automata
Rest look like shit

No Mans Sky
Shadow of the Beast
Dishonored 2
Deus Ex
Sen no Kiseki 2/3

I'm honestly a huge fucking weeb.

>Says the rest look like shit
>Wants to play Nier

Opinion invalidated with that cancerous taste.

>people still pretending Cold Steel isn't shit
I don't get it.

I could reduce it to two if you asked. Those last five were hard to pick.

none are worth even wastnig half an hour on them. What a disaster of a gen.

Doom, Mirror's Edge, Overwatch, No Man's Sky, World of FF, DQXI, and Persona 5.

Pretty much the only games in the pic that I would ever consider playing, maybe except UC4 and Deus Ex.


>Weebshit with the worst of the Western selection
Could you be any more cancerous a blight to video games?

Everything on the left + Deus Ex

Doom, and Dishonored

The rest look like shit that has been done to the death, especially the weeb games.

>t. tired gamer pc cuck

Yes. He could be you.

Do I have to

Sorry, I don't care for your beloved Mirror's Edge Catalyst and Overwatch.

is this bait?

Nope. Just the individual taste of one person.

>no Nioh
OP is a massive cock sucking faggot.

P5, Atelier Sophie, Sega Girls x Neptunia even though I know it will be terrible, Deus Ex, Nier 2, Exist Archive and maybe Mafia 3. I've become disenfranchised with shooters and that seems to be 90% of the West makes nowadays. I'd kill for another Wizardry or a true Master of Magic or Doom sequel. Hell, I'd settle with Space Ranger, Populous, or Mechwarrior Mercenaries. And it ain't even just fucking nostalgia, I played and beat Mater of Magic a week ago on Impossible as black/red using massive amounts of chaos forged + deathtouched trolls. Shit was cash.

I'm actually surprised at the amount of people here who don't like Dragon Quest

It's like none of you have played 8

god damn it was hard enough to pick 6, I'm not doing 7


No Bloodborne ... fuck off

Uncharted 4
Nier Automata
DQ 11
Persona 5
Deus Ex
Dishonored 2

Nicely balanced I'd say

Dude, at least have some quality control. Never go full weeb.


Not really. Weebshit is never part of any balance. It's shit and should never even be considered.

>Implying I know or care about any of that Underage Panty Quest XXLVIII Jap-crap on the left

Its easy

Game has Japanese text &/or overdesigned logo on the case art?

Man with gun and war/explosion behind him?

>practically every game has the character looking at you
>except for Ni No Kuni

I'll take NNK 2.

There's a difference between playing things like Nier and Dragon Quest or a goddamn Neptunia game.

There really isn't. They're both completely garbage with no actual substance to their gameplay or mechanics.

Just pure trash braindead gameplay sold because of "muh whyfoos!".

Persona 5
Dishonored 2

More weeb then bro i guess

A variety of them.

Nier Automata
Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Nothing else on that list seems appealing to me. How dudeweeb am I?

It's your loss if you think that's the case.

keep your westernshit out of my face

Not really. Why would not buying into cancerous whyfoo bait be good for me or the video game industry?

Buying into flashy garbage just because of a pair of panties or tits is a horrible reason to buy into anything.

No man's sky
Dude sex
uhhh Nier 3 more times?

>Titanfall 2
>Nier: Automata
>Persona 5

And das it, cause I have no interest in anything else there. Would add Gears 4 but I haven't played the first 3 and I don't want to add something from a series I know almost nothing about.

Did the big bad weeaboo's insult your taste and now you're sperging or something? clearly weeb game ≠ game that have females in it.

Deus Ex

The rest can go in the garbage.

I don't even have enough room for a PS4. I can't even name 7 games coming out this year. Besides, the only game I'm really looking forward to isn't even in the pic.

Am I beyond saving?

As I said, it's your loss if you believe every japanese game is about waifus or panties or whatever.

Nier Automata
Persona 5
Atelier Sophie
Ucharted 4
Dude Sex
Star Ocean maybe

75% weeb

I pick every game from the middle to the left

neir 2
titanfall 2
deus ex
ni no kuni 2
everything else is shit

Name a single thing about Nier that doesn't make it putrid shit.

It's just another generic Japshit buttonmasher with I frames and flashy animations with whyfoo fapbait.

>persona 5
> overwach

>POSSIBLY no man's sky

nothing else here sounds particularly interesing to me right now

Day one buy/bought:
Tales of Berseria
No Man's Sky
Nier Automata
I Am Setsuna

Star Ocean 5
Atelier Sophie
Titanfall 2
Persona 5.
Valkyria Azure
Battlefield 1

Mafia III
Nier Automata
Persona 5
Gears 4
Battlefield 1

Well, I just happen to be a man of excellent taste.

Mafia 3 and Dishonored 2
And I guess Overwatch

>Uncharted 4
>Dragon Quest XI
>Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
>Persona 5
>Battlefield 1

Here is a trailer for Mafia 3
Seems like no one even knows about this gem

uncharted 4, battlefield1, shadow of the beast, no mans sky, dead island 2, doom, cod infinite warfare

>Deus Ex

I skip my third choice

Not him, but the music and design of levels. I've literally never even heard of anyone call anyone from it a waifu. I've also never heard of anyone taking bait this terrible, yet here I am.

>western games
>shooters on console

the gameplay looks really boring


>Deus Ex

I couldn't name a single name on the left side I like, when did jap games become so shit?

Actually, replace SO5 with Berseria or Ni No Kuni 2.
I made this before SO5 came out and turned out to be short and shitty.

I hope you know in this game you are destroying the Italian mafia as a pissed off black guy in the 1960's

Cold Steel II
NieR Automata
Dishonored 2
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Mafia III

4 weeb, 3 western. I'm in the middle, I guess.


>when did jap games become so shit?

when you became a dudebro normie, try getting some fucking taste. I wouldn't even bat an eyelash at your whole garbage list, besides Deus Ex since Human Revolution turned out to be pretty good.

it's still boring

Sorry m8, but most of the games on both sides are trash.

All presentation, no substance, not made by Rockstar. We're looking at a mid 70s metacritic game here.

Image is shit tbqhwyf. There better weeb and dudebro games. I mean Dead Island? Christ.

Ni no kuni II
Mirror's Edge
Doos Sex

I hope you'll enjoy Anita's game.