Why hasn't there been any Predator games in a while now?

Why hasn't there been any Predator games in a while now?

just wait until the new movie and there might be

because the only one you'll ever need came out more than 10 years ago


and it will be shit

We got an estimated release date for that?

There is only one good game involving the Predator.

The Arcade beatemup.

Nothing will ever top that game Predator wise.

The only thing they could possibly do is to make the entire first movie in video game form.

All with the same guys, same scenes, everything. I don't even care that I know what happens.

I'd love to mow down an entire fucking forest alongside the boys. I'd love to have a prompt for yelling get to the choppa. I'd love actually seeing what happens when Billy sacrifices himself to fight the predator to hold it off so the rest can escape or get away.

It'd be amazing. I'd love to see the shit from the predator's perspective more too.

"soon" in "valve time"

after how much people loved Predator in MKX, I wouldn't be surprised if a new game was coming

Ah, so right after Star Citizen fully releases.

>The only thing they could possibly do is to make the entire first movie in video game form.
That was basically the predator campaign in the AvP reboot for a while. It was fun too, just way too short.

A game that was completely about hunting commandos and evading traps and killing them one by one sounds amazing

No, you can't be the Predator if it's involving the first movie.

Because you always lose at the end.

Why do people hated AvP 2010?
I thought it was decent, not good, but decent.
Too short though and the MP is dead

I don't want a game about the first movie, just one very akin to it and in this case the hunt would be a success or I guess fail with multiple endings?
Who really cares about story, its a game about hunting people as a badass

Because nobody can fucking make it right.
Some try and get close, but nowadays everything is ass.

Yeah, that didn't fly too good...

evolve didn't fail because of it's premise, but because the buy in was crazy for what it was

also I'm just talking singleplayer. I dont think you could do an asymmetrical multiplayer with predator because of balancing issues

>tfw no yautja gf

>literal mouthpussy

I'd risk the broken pelvis.


>QTE to dodge the predator with Billy

setting traps could be fun though. that kind of gameplay is underused

was meant for




I thought concrete jungle was good. I'd hate to think my kid self was easily impressed by shitty games.

Idea for new game
>lush jungle and dope graphics bc new gaming tech
>cool weapons and tech
>fist and third person modes/sections (???)
Personally I'd like a blended story. One part is the action-shooter following a team of marines through a remote jungle to complete a search and destroy mission (not the same as the movie) while they and their enemy are getting obliterated by a mysterious foe and the other part is playing as the predator as it hunts its prey.

Probably because Alien v Predator was dogshit and everyone is too scared to try again.

Fucking £30 wasted



shitty meme thats needs to die

It's fucking Europes fault M8

I mean whats suppossed to be in the pic different from ops?

a shitty meme that needs to die

>imagine a No Man's Sky but playing as a Yautja
>literally endless carnage
>you can return to home planet and cash in your prey for weapon upgrades
>eventually you can try to face the xenomorph

if no man's sky makes a collab with sega to get alien and predator in it i will be a happy camper
