Where did it all go so wrong Sup Forums

Where did it all go so wrong Sup Forums.
What was the exact moment you gave up

When my autism was cured

I told the witch her house was destroyed

The patch that added the hunger bar and the spell table with experience points and shit. Was a fun sandbox before that

adventure update

adventure update


The point where Notch added the infinite world generation.

Fuck that, it made it so fucking boring. Should have kept it more focused.

''Quirky xD'' youtubers popularised the game to autistic kids

The adventure update.
When they added the Nether, I was hyped as hell. But when they started adding shit like the nether fortresses, the jungle temple, igloos, potions, enchanting, I started to hate it.

New realms is a great idea for cool blocks. But all that shitty work playing with sub-optimal combat was a joke. Not to mention they added shit that was unimportant to adventure. Like, where was the massive amount of monsters? The huge suite of weapons? What about spells? If they didn't want to add the basics, they should have just kept minecraft the direction it was going.

Now it's a mess. An absolute mess. One of those games that modders really do save entirely.

>mfw I download a pack that adds a dozen new metals, automation, machines, fucking computers, teleporters, etc.
>mfw I go a complete different direction and set up a magical base with spells, hunt out abandoned castles, interract with kobalds and ogres, create/find magical items/weapons

Fuck the devs. Minecraft has so much potential and it's just utter shit. If it had full multiplayer support and mods worked flawlessly with the game (no corrupted worlds, no massive framerate drop, no de-synchs) then minecraft could be one of the most intense sandbox game of our generation.

I guess it already is, but that's because of how many little kids play it.

When you go to walmart or any other supercenter and see kids walking around with Minecraft Shirts on and buying pickaxes and legos

I never understood how people were so upset about this game. I bought it when notch was posting on here and got my enjoyment out of it then and a while later. I think people expected too much honestly.

This is a pretty underrated post mang

>Never heard about The Aether Mod until recently
>Now it's dead

Minecraft was ultimately boring before the Adventure update. Sure, it was a nice Lego simulator, but there was nothing more to do than build stuff. Adventure update added content, both for builders and survivalists. I don't understand why people who just wanna play Legos whine about the Adventure update "killing their game." You can still build your gay little houses, nigger; having enchantment tables and shit like that doesn't stop you, lmao

Adventure update.
Fuck the hunger system.

The biome update gets honorable mention

adventure update

that was when the game stopped being about all the cool things you could build and started being about mindless drudgery. every update after that just added useless features, bugs, and bloat, and the maps were never as good anymore

i tried to get back into it using mods but they just brought more drudgery. oh, you want to build something cool and useful? enjoy spending the next 40 hours harvesting magic beans. etc etc.

>that was when the game stopped being about all the cool things you could build
Adventure update stops you from building stuff how exactly?

Because time spent on boring and unfulfilling adventure content is time taken away from fun lego content, and it also marked a shift in the game's direction.

It's mainly geared to the autistic at this point. It's a directionless game with plenty of shit, but no real point or reason to do anything. Autistic people love that kind of thing because there's no "correct" way to do anything. There's no quests or people to interact with, no time limits, etc. If you want to sit for 12 hours a day building towers, that's a perfectly valid way to spend your time. If you want to dig big tunnels and collect and categorize all the shit you find, that's fine too.

>time taken away from fun lego content

nether update. all those promised features and half of them were partially/shittily implemented or just not done whatsoever

He means development time spent on it, retard.
And the game being cluttered up with all these depthless "survival" mechanics like hunger paired with the less interesting modern world gen hinder autism building blocks

how dare we expect things that we were told would be in the game

like lanterns

Adventure update doesn't stop anyone from building things.

It stops the devs including as much fun building content.

It also marked the high point of a progressive shift away from building things and towards adventuring.

Ergo, when the question "where did it all go wrong?" is posed to people who liked building things, the answer is obviously the adventure update, which was fundamentally not about building things and began a trend of shifting minecraft away from building things.

Go back to 2010, ManlyTears.

>tfw so much wasted potential

what the fuck have they even added since nether update other than new block skins?

I got bored after playing it for much longer than I would play most games. I wanted to build some cool shit and I did. That I did and now I'm done.

When I visited a server and saw this

When Notch started adding useless shit and took the game in a whole other direction. Honestly, it's more like all of the features feeling like they were half assed and thus are just there.

early in minecraft's development, the new things that were added were things like minecarts and pistons. pistons are a good example. they're not too expensive to build, and they have a huge amount of possible uses. being given pistons is like being given this amazing new toy to play with, and you go back to all the old things you've build and you go 'pistons here and here and here'. same deal with minecarts. you can automate stuff. you can travel faster. and now you can build cool looking bridges and viaducts and stuff.

contrast this to later updates. the adventure update adds hunger, so now you HAVE (it's not a choice, you have to) build some kind of farm, and keep stacks of food on your person, and consume them regularly so that your hunger bar doesn't go down. it's not a choice. it's just a meaningless task that you complete over and over again so that the game allows you to play it.

this is not an example of how minecraft instantly stopped letting you build cool things. this is rather an example of the way minecraft's ongoing development lost its way. it forgot what it was supposed to be about. and over time, it accumulated more anti-features.

now look at the most reccent update. you can farm beetroot. you can set your dominant hand. you can dual weild. no new toys.

anyone know what mod those florescent lights are from?

song name?

When it became a meme game.

>playing vanilla minecraft when tekkit exists
>playing tekkit when factorio exists

factorio has already spiralled into the "we'll get it done at some point" stage of early access so don't expect much more out of it. I had such high hopes too.

>'playing' video games

Yep /thread


2 8 1 4

Do any collaborative voxel editors exist? Without game elements.

Biomes. They looked fucking stupid.

What mod, FTB?

That actually looks pretty cool

I feel weird that I can't fucking play this game, when I try it skips so much. Yes I have a laptop, but still...I should be able to play it I feel like.

Minecraft is coded and optimized like fucking garbage.

You guys know you can just turn on peaceful mode right?

Do the mobs even give enough of a challenge to make their absence of aggression noteworthy? Its the same game it's always been except with more blocks and structures.

I've played Minecraft since its beta days off and on and its the same shit its always been if you just click through the options for a few seconds.

Well, there's creative mode in Minecraft and its ripoffs, there's Sauerbraten/Cube 2 and its derivatives' editor mode, and there's Everquest Landmark, which uses very interesting dual contouring voxels, but I haven't tried it and I've heard bad things about its development.

when the map became endless and boring. Was that even v1?