Literally game destroying and needs a nerf just as much if not more than McCree.
>inb4 I've only fought pubshitters so she's bad
>inb4 implications that a winston can bypass an entire team and kill a widow without her retreating
Literally game destroying and needs a nerf just as much if not more than McCree
Play on the Asian servers.
The deadliest players play Pharah are more accurate than Widowmakers on American servers.
Always 30% plus accuracy with rockets.
All she needs is a minor damage nerf so bodyshots aren't fatal anymore.
git gud :)
nothing will change
comp 6s will require permanent widow, knocking hanzo out completely. Push/retreat will rely on Mercy pick and ult countering. Get ready for 1 to 2 team spots to be flexible rather than 4+
She also needs a better indicator for her ult. One of your teammember even says something when the enemy Symmetra sets up a teleporter, but Widowmaker ult makes pretty much no sound.
Her tits are perfect.
>no sway when she gets hit
>doesn't even have to rescope after a shot, basically no downtime between shots
>full charge in under 2 seconds
>bodyshots deal insane damage, entire supports made useless
>all of her counters are awful at everything but countering her
>escape and ability to get around
>free warning that somebody is creeping up on her in the form of a trap
>same HP as Soldier 76 and Pharah
>a fucking assault rifle for any squishy asshole that actually manages to get near you
>mccree will be nerfed to oblivion but this bitch will get off free
Pharah is fun as fuck
>pick winston
>shes dead
there problem solve
Never mind the fact that she's impossible to flank and kill if you're not a mccree that does 420 fth or a pharrah with a rocket barrage because she'll just zip away. Her health pool is obscene for a sniper class.
>pick widow
>outsnipe her
that is both incredibly easy and on asian servers which makes it even easier
chinks don't into FPS games, only a true blizzbaby would be impressed by anything a Korean has done in Overwatch
I didn't know I can play on other regions too
I'm going to give it a shot and see how much I'm gonna get my ass beaten.. maybe I might learn a thing or two in the process
>play for an hour and a half
>enemy team is populated entirely by players forty levels higher than than highest guy on our team
>get completely shitstomped because nobody knows how to sync ults and I always get forced into support bitch
why did i buy this fucking game
Anyone got that webm where she dies and is hanging from the ceiling.
its most likely because mccree is way easier to play and combo. Most plebs haven't run into widows that can aim and use their mobility
>play game
>get paired up with shitters
What is this nigger bullshit matchmaking?
Do premades get paired up with other premades?
To become the best OW player on the west, you gotta play with the asians
Everyone, let go play asia!
maybe you're the shitter
>Do premades get paired up with other premades?
That has been the norm for ages so I'd say yes
game is much more fun when noone is playing her on either team