Did anyone ever follow the '15 min break per hour' advice back in the day?

Did anyone ever follow the '15 min break per hour' advice back in the day?

What's the longest you've played vidya for without a break?

younger when i had no social life for 12 hours straight apart from toilet/eating breaks

life was simpler back then

78 hours playing Call of Pripyat.

Probably a 36 hour marathon of video games and anime. First and last time I piss in a bottle

When I was a kid I think I played Super Mario for 8 hours straight one night

44 hours for FF4.

does still staring at the very same screen but just doing something else than the game count as a break?

I play on average about 14 or so hours a day, I'm not sure what my longest actual time would be, probably like a day - nothing insane like the stuff already listed but my high average makes me never really need to play a game nonstop for days without using the toilet or sleeping, etc.

I used to play Halo 3 and GTA IV online for 16 hours straight each night during the weekend in high school.

Nowadays the longest sessions I do only go for 6 hours (or 9 hours with Civ 5).

Breaks are placebo. They tell you to look further away but you're still using your eyes. Heck, even if you close your eyes you're still using them. They're just covered by your eyelids.

I once started playing MInecraft at 11 AM. I stopped at 9 PM because I realized I hadn't showered yet

>Take a 15 minute break every hour
>In a game that has a 90 minute long cutscene

Around 72 hours in MMOs.

I'm pretty sure I played Pokemon Colloseum for 12+ hours straight when I was younger.

>tfw you will never be a kid on Thanksgiving break ever again

Within the first two weeks of GTAV coming out, I played for two days straight at a time, taking a day off between every session to sleep/shower.

After I started smoking, I'd take a 10-15min break every hour, but not necessarily just to smoke.
Before that, I'd go for 3-4 hours straight, with small toilet breaks in between each long session.
Pick your poison, I guess.

I would often play over 12 hours straight when I was younger, when I first got my PS2 with San Andreas in the Christmas of 2004 I literally would play for more than 12 hours each day. I could do this with a lot of games if they had enough content, which is rare nowadays (I'm 25), the only recent game that I played for 12 hours straight was MGSV.

8 hours

Man I wish I could play GTA V for the first time again, it's great on next gen/PC but I can't force myself to go through the story again.

>tfw jumping off that huge train bridge up north in first person mode

Gone are the days of playing Oblivion and Civilization for 12 hours straight while faking sick for class.

I never did, but lately I've been taking fap breaks whether I get a notice in a day or not.

The game is 4 hours long, cutscenes and gameplay included.

>how can mirrors be real if our eyes aint real?

They tell you to look further away so the eyes wont point inwards all the time. The breaks are supposed to "calibrate" the eyes so to speak

I beat Resident Evil 4 in one sitting recently, it's like 20 hours long. I was really tired near the end to be honest, but I love the game so much and wanted to see the ending since I managed to go so far. I don't think I'll do it again, 20 hours of non stop video games is dangerous. I'll stick to 8 hours long sessions.


>cutscenes included
u wot m8

you close your eyes and now your focal point is as close as it can be because you have your eyelids right in front of your eyes

Nope. Back then I could sit in front of my NES or PS1 for 8 hours straight until I did something else.
Fuck that nowadays though, I need a break every 2 hours to wash my face or get a drink.

I don't really comprehend the idea behind "15 minute break every hour" though. Like what's it for? So your eyes won't get damaged, or get a brain tumor?

Depended on the game, but I usually found myself pausing the game and pacing around a bit to get blood back into my legs. Still do it to this day

Closing your eyes doesn't force them away from each other. You can still change your focal point (by rotating your eyes,) beyond the eyelids, even though you can't see it.

12 hours, playing Guild Wars 2

Its not healthy to sit for more than an hour or two, because it restricts bloodflow to the legs.

Not that an hour would do it, but if you sit 12hrs straight 7 days a week you develop a higher chance of getting a DVT.

That and honestly, after a good stretch you feel so much better

Wassup bro?

I don't make it a point to take breaks, I just do because I feel the need to get up and do something.
However, there have been a few games that I've played for hours on end without needing to do this. Deus Ex and Xenosaga come to mind.

There's a fine line between baiting and being plain retarded.

I don't play videogames for too long anymore. I feel like wasting my time if I play to much, so I either check on my friends or go hug my bf. I guess the longest I've played nonstop for the last 5 years was 2 hours of dark souls 3 last week.

Those comfy days I miss them so much.

>Second highest difficulty
>Level 3
>Doing a quest for some guy who'll sell me a counterfeit passport at a discount
>Quest doesn't show a level requirement
>Go to where it tells me
>two level 9 ghouls
>Doing decent damage; effectively dodging
>Fight strays 30 feet from initial location
>Ghouls start healing at a rate almost as fast as I can damage then
>Still agro on me
>Slowly lure them back to where the fight started
>Still healing
>Wait until they max HP again
>Start attacking again
>Fight moves further away again
>They start healing again

Is this what they meant by high level enemies are difficult to fight? The only thing being tested here is my patience. Please tell me it at least gets better, I really want to enjoy this game but it's taking a lot to get into.

What if I stretch my legs and shit while playing?

Enjoy your deep vein thrombosis.

4 days, no sleeping, only took breaks to eat and piss. I was playing RE4 back when it came out.

I think I played Maplestory for like 9 hours once. That's the worst it ever was.

Now I cant even go a few hours without needing to stop.

>tfw used to be able to sit down and spend entire weekends with my friends playing MW2 with maybe 2 hours of sleep across the whole weekend
>now I can't play games for more than 15 minutes without taking break to shitpost

>not dedicating your time as a child to Runescape, to the point of it being a full time job
I still remember my dad coming into my room in 06, telling me "good morning" before going to work, and asking what I was doing.
I just fished.
Until he got home, 8+ hours later, and he'd then ask me why I'm still fishing.
I'd take breaks in the form of PvP in the deep wild.
Good fucking times.