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I thought he was the easiest of the DLC bosses but I guess I didn't have the bloodletter while fighting the other bosses

censor that shit

Beat on first try while playing solo. Never understood why people struggle with him. I helped about 20 people defeat him with co-op, people just have no idea how to fight him, but he is piss easy if you understand his attacks.

Really a shame that this thing isn't a weapon.

>but he is piss easy if you understand his attacks.
That's pretty much every boss in Soulsborne

What the fuck even is that?

No, some require more skill (and sometimes RNG) than others even if you know what to do. OoC is really easy and telegraphs all of his attacks. (hence beat on 1st try)

>No, some require more skill
No, literally every boss is just learning the moveset.
That's not to say it's necessarily bad, but implying that it comes down to anything else is retarded.

>telegraphs attacks
>they land delayed
how do you even enjoy video games being so good at them?


There was a poll ov Sup Forums a while ago, and he was voted the most difficult boss of SoulsBorne. So youre in the minority here. Even for me, it was the hardest boss.

>but he is piss easy if you understand his attacks.

His attacks are almost indistinguishable from each other. You never know which it is going to be. Yes, it can be learned, but it took me a rather long time.

Plus, hes aggressive as fuck and his later phases have huge reach. His ldash-rdash-ldash is the most annoying thing.

So what boss DID you have the biggest problem with?

He's not impossibly hard, but he can get chaotically aggressive.

Not him, but probably Nameless King.
I'm not even sure why, I can beat him pretty easily now.
I haven't touched Bloodborne Chalice Dungeons though

No. Some bosses can stunlock you more often if you are unlucky. Some have combos that are hard to avoid, if you are unlucky. Some gank up on you and use difficult moves if you are unlucky.

They are not all as easy as each other.

But the delay is clearly telegraphed as well.


Nameless King hits like a truck but it turns out his patterns are more predictable.

As for chalices, I'd think you'd only have problems with Amygdala

>Nameless King

I can get behind that.

I was talking more about bloodborne though. I just felt that there was this huge gap between Orphan of Kos difficulty and the rest of the game. Main game bosses were piss easy, the DLC were somewhat harder, with Ludwig being the 2nd hardest. Maria was just annoying.

is BB the souls game with the highest effective hp?

In soulsborne? (Not just BB) I would have to say Darklurker. I don't use magic you see.

In BB it was Ludwig, once you learn him he of course becomes easy, but he has many surprising attacks that deal massive damage.

Actually scratch my previous BB answer, the answer is Defiled Chalice (the "story" one) Watchdog, pre-patch. Took me quite a few tries, brutal boss.

no one cares.

>no ps4 detected

>Some bosses can stunlock you more often if you are unlucky. Some have combos that are hard to avoid, if you are unlucky.

If you got hit by that shit 9/10 it's because you didn't have their moveset down as well as you thought. Not because you got unlucky.



Bosses or Player Character?

If it's the former, yes, that asshole has 20k HP.

how's that petition going?

The point is not if you get hit or not. Obviously attacks can be avoided. The point is some bosses combo you (if you get unlucky) even if you get hit only once.

In other words, some bosses are harder than others. I don't think this is a controversial thing to say at all. And OoC is one of the easier ones, in my opinion.

Okay. I'm sure there's some people that thought Pontiff Sulyvahn was a joke.

Well, I am not one of those people. PS is much harder than OoC. (again, in my opinion)

I dont know him, he must be from DS2 right? Only game that I skipped. Is it really as bad as they say? I mean, I can get entertained by replaying the series, but I wouldnt mind a new experience.

I'm doing the defiled chalice now (boring as fuck, but want my platinum). I'm lvl115, can I get to Yharnam queen on this level?
Also, Im goonna do Ng+ soon, and was thinking - do the softcaps increase in NG+? If not, I would just level my skill a bit and do a dex run. I hate that you cant respec.

reminder that beasthunter saif was created to emulate orphan's combat style


>I dont know him, he must be from DS2 right?

Yes. He is an optional boss in DS2 that flies around and uses magic. He also clones himself. I'd almost go as far as to say he isn't designed to be meleed

>Only game that I skipped. Is it really as bad as they say? I mean, I can get entertained by replaying the series, but I wouldnt mind a new experience.

Depends what you value most about DS. Is good level design and lore important? Skip DS2. Do you mainly care about the combat, gear and fighting bosses? I'd say buy it. It has a huge amount of content, more than any other soulsborne game.

If you get it, get the Scholar version and be sure to play the DLC, which is a major improvement over the base game.

And about the chalice dungeons, their difficulty is identical no matter what game you are on. I think your level is fine, and they have also patched the game to make the defiled chalice dungeons easier. (They used to remove even more of your HP, 50%)

unless you're fighting Ebrietas in which case the charge is a broken as fuck move.

It's got a pretty fucky hitbox but there's ways to dodge it

Yeah, I love the Soulsborne series for the exploration of the world and the atmosphere. I'll probably try it out, its cheap at this point.

I get that the chalices are the same, but I read that you need 140+ for the Yharnam Queen one. But to be honest, the difference between 115 and 140 isnt that great. And the defiled dungeon still takes 50% - but it decreases the damage proportionally (except elemental), so its good.

And those ways involve either being incredibly far away or delocking the fucking camera.

Which is bullshit and shouldn't be in the game.

so which did you do first Sup Forums? gaston or cleric?



>Yeah, I love the Soulsborne series for the exploration of the world and the atmosphere.
Hmm. DS2 certainly (especially with Scholar) has SOME exploration (as in secrets to find in any given area), but definitely the least. I would also claim the atmosphere is by far the lowest, but I can't guarantee that you won't find it atmospheric at all.

And it has been quite a while since I played defiled dungeons (since Platinuming), but I did hear they made them easier somehow, not sure how, though.

To be fair, most people fight orphan first time on their NG+ and on level below 100 with low to medium vit cookie cutter build.
I had about less than 30 vit when fighting him the first time on NG+ and I swear 90% of the time I got my ass rekt whenever I got combo'd.
Shits hit way too hard but not as hard as one shot fire dog from chalice dungeon.

On the contrary for nameless king, it took me only 2 tries. Of course this is on NG so that comes into factor. Sure he hit like a truck but he is slow as fuck. His dragon is a joke if you can just stay around its neck.
And no, I didn't summon for both of them nor I looked up a guide before hand.

Don't tell me that yo-yo wasn't clearly telegraphed. He is charging up a swipe, once you realize his weapon behaves like a yo-yo, it is easy to understand that you were supposed to be closer to him, since the force of the swipe will cause the weapon to be further away from him.

cleric beast, mostly because going into a dark sewer was a no no for me, so I ended up at the bridge.

He was really hard for me even though I played DS1 and 2. He was honestly alot faster than alot of DS bosses, and he had an attack that would hit you if you stayed by his back. He also had alot of health.

Combine this with running out of vials and 1 minute load times... I really felt like I was too shit at games to continue.

Gascgoinge was alot easier because you could abuse tombstones.

The biggest problem with Darklurker is the fucking "runback". You have to sacrifice a valuable limited item, run through and complete an entire area, THEN you get the CHANCE to fight Darklurker. I never bothered to beat that piece of shit.

holy fuck i can see it

Oh yes, it was obnoxious as all hell.

Dodge to the side then backwards

nothing the dlc has to offer tops the paths up to lost sinner. the woods up to the spider is awesome too. its only the poison and lava area that shits it's bed and the pit is kinda shit because gimmicky. the castle and everything after that is awesome too,

Y O - Y O

My issue with NK is that you have to drastically switch fighting styles on the go. You go from massive storm drake and having to time your dodges with audio cues to NK who you have to watch closely to predict his attacks, which can be really aggressive. Also the arena, while cool in concept, really fucks up your sense of perspective.

>getting one shot

that's straight up artificial difficulty.

>the easier runback was the one where you had to defeat Havel (and fast enough so that Ricard doesn't poke your ass)

Fuck that

Well, I disagree. I don't consider a lot of the base game areas (the ones you listed are pretty good) terrible or anything, but I think all of the DLCs have much better design still.

Opinions and all that.

Switch armor or level up. This is the very last fight of the game, it should hit hard. (And I am not sure, but I think the gif might be NG+ or more)

He also one of the only good boss fights in the game which makes it even worse

yes, have fun shooting the rotating dildos to lower bridges because of "muh vertical gameplay" you are deluded if this is better gameplay or atmosphere or level design wise. futhermore we have 2 snowy areas, fucking insane quality right mate? walk all the way right or all the way down, genius I know. yes, you are gay.

I know this is Sup Forums, but there is no need to be upset. I don't have data or anything, but I think most also prefer the DLC over base game.

de-locking the camera is fun if you play heavy.

ever play monster hunter, user?

he's pretty hard but there are worse

most people also love angry birds, minions and the witcher 3. To be clear here so we understand each other, v is shit, your opinion is shit and you should piss at an electric fence.

>switch armour


>level up

That WebM is with 50 (fifty) Vit + 2 (two) HP up runes equipped

What happened is a counter-hit in NG+.


It suffers from the same weakness as normal Amygdala: easy to cheese. Just stand still when it jumps and attack the head.

Not locking on makes quite a few fights easier though, since they're so big you can't miss them anyway and it lets you run in any direction

Sounds easy, but you have to keep it for 7 minutes.

user, I think you need to take a break from Sup Forums and clear your head. Or eat a Snickers or something.

>I haven't touched Bloodborne Chalice Dungeons though

You should, so you can fight the actual hardest bosses in the game, and the most obnoxious enemies

I thought I was just a shitter for being complete ass at this fight.

this, it's so much harder than the regular amygdala because it has 5x the health and every attack is a 1-hit

Maybe you are right.

>Just stand still when it jumps and attack the head.

Doesn't seem to work anymore, at least for me. I always get hit every time it lands no matter where I'm standing. I had to resort to keeping the fuck away from it during the last phase, only running in to attack whenever it does it's eyebeamlaser. It was tedious but I'm glad it's over

>that panic dodge
the amygdala is a powerful organ

The only fight I like to delock for is Paarl since holy fucking shit the camera oh dear fucking god

Or just don't get hit because you dodge away instead of into the attack
It was also clearly telegraphed

I fought Cleric Beast first, but for me the difficulty went the opposite way. I started with the whip, and found dodging all his attacks to be pretty easy after the first try when I took advantage of the whip's reach to keep my distance.

When I reached Gascione on my first playthrough it took me an embarrassingly long time to beat him. I found more often than not that the tombstones got in my way when trying to dodge rather than getting in his way.

Orphan of Kosm