ITT objectively bad video game design choices for which there is no reasonable excuse
>unskippable cut scenes
ITT objectively bad video game design choices for which there is no reasonable excuse
>unskippable cut scenes
Other urls found in this thread:
Addressing the player directly, fucking with the controls/UI/files, and any and all other forms of "clever" fourth-wall-breaking metashit.
>new game+
>new game ++
>new game ++++++++++
If you want us to play more, make the game longer...
Forced walking sequence, be it 'cause your character is injured or because he's escorting someone, fuck this shit
On-Disc DLC
I thought that was pretty neat before every other indiejam game started doing it
>muh immersion
Yeah fuck you.
Limited Lives, not including perma-death
>player has to follow NPC
>NPC moves slower than player's run speed
>NPC moves faster than player's walk speed
Long animations in menus.
Everything in Current WoW
Including but not limited to:
>let's give them a realtime facebook area. That should tide them over for 2 years.
>lowering the skill ceiling
>raising the skill floor
>all because shitters refuse to learn to play video games
every fucking time. pve/single player babbies should be fucking shot
>Can't pause cutscenes
>FFX gets released six different times
>None of them fix this
Weapon durability
>mandatory tutorial
>mandatory tutorial on Hard difficulty
>mandatory tutorial on NG+
>attacks that stunlock
>forced stealth section in an action game
>forced action section in a stealth game
You're right, MGS is pretty awful.
>regenerating health
>game lets you choose multiple solutions to every problem (stealth/action/talking/whatever)
>there's at least one section where you NEED to use one specific approach in order to progress
>your character isn't built for that approach/you don't have the right items for that approach
>can't change controller settings
Depends on the particularities of the game and its implementation of regenerating health.
>Getting a game over in battle in a rpg if your main character gets knocked out while you still have other party members up
>Randomly generated dungeon
It's a neat concept I suppose, but in practice it just doesn't work at all. Why/How am I supposed to be spooked by a pixelly walking simulator making a text file or opening a YouTube video?
That stealth mission in Red Faction was such bullshit. You can't even switch weapons so if you run out of ammo for the silenced pistol, you're fucked.
Kill yourself
>Dying in a battle the characters lose anyway gets you a game over
>he doesnt build for vitality in every game
Only after you defend it
This is a massive pain for stella glow
My "favorite":
>only option during a mission is surrender/give up, can't retry or even go to the main menu
It's like they're forcing you to go through the FAILED... screen
Defend what? Randomly generated dungeons? Maybe first you should explain why they're "objectively" bad.
People in this thread don't seem to know what "objectively" means. Unskippable cut scenes are objectively bad because they cannot make the game better. At best, they don't change the player's experience (i.e., when the player wants to watch the cut scenes). In every other case, they can only serve to make the game worse. There is no possible benefit.
You not liking some game with procedural generation does not make procedural generation inherently bad.
>PC port with keyboard only menu
Bonus point for bizarre and unchangeable key bindings
>win a fight that's meant to be unwinable due to how hard it is at that stage in the game
>game doesn't acknowledge that you won
>just triggers the "you/your party are on the floor bleeding while the bad guy laughs at your loss" cutscene and moves on with the game
>getting shot covers your eyeballs in jam
Fuck the Intro of MGSV. Killed all replayability for me
Inventory/equipment weight
>playing Multiplayer games
go back to fucking twitch comments you fucking newfag
Hoarder detected
I can't think of a single game that pulled radomly generated dungeons better than actually designed dungeons, bet it a Elder Scrolls that start repeating their layout patterns and gets old pretty fast or a Persona that has absolutely nothing going on for them, so yeah, having random dungeons for the sake of quantity over quality does drop the quality of the game
It's the same reason why playin the special stage in Sonic 3 & Knuckles is always more satisfying than playing Blue Spheres
>built-in FPS lock in a PC game
>can't be unlocked or game breaks when you unlock it
And almost as bad,
>unlocked FPS in a PC game
>no optional FPS lock
>no Vsync option
>game runs at 1000 fps and burns up the GPU without intervention from other software
Just because it can be fixed doesn't mean it isn't shit.
Asking that question isn't proof of why it's an inexcusably bad design choice though.
>forced stealth and action segments in an adventure game
Nah it make sense for balance reasons, look at the Souls series, it would be fucking broken if everyone would be wielding greatsword+greatshield, have full heavy armour and still be able to quick roll, it would make every other weapon and armour type borderline useless.
bent tin cans need a home too you know
>forced stealth section in a card-game game
>Turret segment
These things only range from tedious to infuriating.
>I can't think of a single game that pulled radomly generated dungeons
That doesn't make it inherently or objectively bad unless you can prove logically that low quality follows directly from randomness or procedural generation. So far you're just giving me opinions.
And unlike the things listed here and here and here and , randomly generated dungeons actually have a potential benefit: replay value.
>harder difficulties do nothing except increase monster/boss health bars
>not a matter of using different strategies or using more items
>just increases length of battle/amount of clicking
What kind of gigantic faggot posts like this? It adds nothing to the discussion!
>something isn't as good as something else
>that makes it inexcusable
Alright, have fun with bordeborderline personality disorder.
>no option to invert the camera
>no shadow under the player while jumping in a 3D platformer
Someone harvesting all of three (you)s.
>Party is forced to split
>Have to use characters you never chose who are low level against monsters that will clearly destroy them
This is what stops me from running No Sphere Grids like once a month.
>"skip" promt constantly visible in all cut-scenes on first playthrough
>Game doesn't tell you the point of no return
>Escort missions where the escort can die and can't defend itself
>Missing quests because time limit (dead rising)
>female mc's walk like male mc during cutscenes
Yet, out of all the other opinions in the thread like and , mine is the one that triggers you to the point of spitting out a "kill yourself"? You're looking slightly triggered
I fucking hate this.
You die and respawn. The enemies stay dead/keep their low hp from the previous battle.
It's like I'm being treated like a retard.
Voiced protagonist.
having massively overleveled enemies inside dungeons that are easy to find at a low level.
Bring something better.
>You die and respawn. The enemies stay dead/keep their low hp from the previous battle.
>It's like I'm being treated like a retard.
O god, this. Bioshock became so fucking boring when I realized that the fastest way to kill a big daddy is to lead him to a respawn station and just keep dying.
The racing equivalent they pulled off in F-Zero GX was
>Harder difficulties requiry you to do the exact exact same. Only faster.
That was some bullshit in an otherwise cool game.
>forced action section in a stealth game
literally one of the best "levels" in vidya
you're generally right ofc
Its overdone at this point, used to be cool though. Nowadays you've gotta be subtle about it, no actual talking directly to the player.
also, yeah, DCoE isn't really a stealth game.
I wish you hadn't told me that.
I can dig it in adventure games. When they're really well written and directed.
Issue with most voice acting in general is that the lines are just trash to begin with, and there's no proper director present at recording.
You are fucking retarded
Man im so glad DEHR got the directors cut. "You like pineapples kid?" Is still burned into my brain. I had to hit that fucker with every single explosive in the room dead on to beat him.
>dashing permanently decreases maximum health
>walk a few feet
>trigger another cutscene
What is the point of this?
It's a classic, though.
Fucking Morrowind.
>checkpoints before unskippable cutscenes before a boss battle
What? Who ever did that?
What game does something stupid like that?
I love souls games but this is bullshit beyond belief
In the same category:
Game has dialogue.
Can't skip the text crawl and voice acting to speed it up.
>Camera isn't mouse or analog stick driven
>locked frame rate
>forced racing section in a card-game game
Fuck you Konami that's not why we bought the game
Why are you calling him retarded?
How is a mandatory follow-the-character sequence, in which the other character has faster-than-walking but slower-than-running movement speed, not an absolutely perfect example of exactly what this thread was created to discuss?
Are you defending it? If you are, you're retarded.
Are you implying this doesn't happen in video games? If you are, you're retarded.
7000FPS on the STALKER Call of Pripyat main menu, damn that coil whine
Viewtiful Joe, I'm looking at you.
Not really a game design choice.
Lunar: Dragon Song
Depends on the game, but man I hate this shit most of the time.
>survival games where picking up ammo/items is automatic when you run over them
>action games where picking up ammo/items requires a button press, sometimes requiring the player to look at the item first
It's done so you can catch up to an NPC if you're dicking around along the way.
What the hell? Which fucking Yugioh game feels the need to add a racing section?