Why is she purple? Is it because she is French?
Why is she purple? Is it because she is French?
I have a creeping suspicion that Overwatch characters are designed after subtle pony themes.
You'd be right.
Goddamn I love that every cartoon, TV show, or movie that is made to explicitly appeal to only black people are all god awful
It really says something
Kind of a shame though, because the guy who worked on it (at least, I believe the designs and characters) is actually a pretty cool guy.
Oh well. Maybe disney didn't forced him to do this or that. Maybe not. Either way, Cesar Romero.
What is fresh prince and boondocks?
are you 16? that's a terrible show.
Shit I kind of have to put in a "ass size" option in the video game I'm making now.
>it wasn't already in
Because purple is the colour of love
Her mission complete, Amélie returned to Talon, and they completed the process of turning her into a living weapon. She was given extensive training in the covert arts, and then her physiology was altered, drastically slowing her heart, which turned her skin cold and blue and numbed her ability to experience human emotion. Amélie was gone, replaced by "Widowmaker," Talon's most effective assassin, and feeling little save the satisfaction of a job well done.
that's not how blood works. That's not how skin works. that's not how anything works!
Humorless basement dweller detected
If the color was supposed to match where she's from, she'd be yellow.
Her skin is purple because it makes her stand out better
took me a second to realize what was going on
Wow, you must have literally no friends. The humor in that show is god tier.
Proud family was pretty tight, m8, idk what you're talking about
I'm a boobs guy, I almost never pay attention to ass.
Fresh Prince is highly overrated. A decent show, but not great. Boondocks is fucking horrible. Jesus Christ, first cartoon that made me roll my eyes and cringe.
It just works
What makes it so horrible to you?
>Implying niggers weren't the kingz of sitcoms back in the 80s and 90s
Too bad crack turned them back into the didnnus they came off the boat as
>play widow
>enemy picks tracer and genji and fucks my ass until i switch
>enemy plays widow
>stands in the middle of the map sniping and no one gives a shit that she's killing everyone with half charged bodyshots
le bleu