What's the general consensus on Derek Smart?

What do you guys think about Mr. Derek Smart, the legendary PC game developer of the 90's? I know he fell off radar after the glory days of the 90's. Can he make a comeback?

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he looks black.

more like derek dumb

is he the guy eternally butthurt over star citizen?

I'm still playing Derek Smarts Desktop Commander to this day.

There is no butthurt over there. Derek was scammed out of money by people who were trying to ride his coattails into fame and had to take action to protect himself.

That joke was never funny. I'd like to see the games the guy who made that video made himself. Oh wait, he probably couldn't even program his air conditioner

>SA defends scam citizen
>derek smart is on the right

How the fuck did this happen?


Go away, Derek.


Im not Mr. Smart, I'm just a fan of his work.

Oh wow someone discovered video editing, good job!

I wish he'd add me on steam.

Lowtax got a taste of those mangosteen bux.

>being mad enough to make a ytp of someone dropping truth bombs.
>defending Scam Citizen.

Stay retarded and delusional guys.

>legendary PC game developer
wasn't he only legendary for putting out utter unplayable broken crap?

hes just a guy desperately clinging on to relevancy.

He is. Why do you think he missed so many deadlines and held off finishing his game so much?

I'm still waiting for that Extinction Level Event where Star Citizen goes completely belly up and Chris runs out with the money

It was meant to happen a couple months ago. Any day now, I guess

Is star citizen a scam?
Are its backers cultists?

Here's the thing: Star Citizen has no financial means to finish the project they've promised and Derek Smart called this out last year. That's all.

Remember when Derek's "MMO" got taken off Steam for being a barren, unplayable piece of shit?

I guess if anyone knows about train wrecks, it would certainly be him.

No because that didn't happen. What happened was that Mr. Smart pulled the game from Steam because trolls were bombarding his product with false reviews and harassment. Since Valve is unwilling or unable to moderate the steam "community", Mr. Smart had no alternative but to take his game to a more mature provider.

Mr. Smart said this on the subject,

"“Steam has become too big for Valve to be able to effectively police every aspect of it and where anti-social misfits reside. They know this, the Steam community knows this, and we the developers and publishers, know this.”"

He also suffers from a personality disorder/mental illness. He's also a goon and his largest fans are goons.

He didn't ask for money for a dream, if that means anything. He did an early Access game, but that's different than Star Citizen kickstarter.

i heard if you say his name 3 times a lawsuit will appear

Whatever you say, Derek.

Wait, you are accusing me of being Derek Smart just because I put the facts of what happened in place instead of going along with whatever narrative the trolls and haters try to push ?

Get over it, Derek Smart has many fans and I'm one of them. Mr. Smart would never waste his time on a Chan forum so in a way it's an honor for you to call me Derek Smart, but it is unfortunately not true.

He cracked down Robertstown and redpilled some inhabitants.

>Derek Smart has many fans
Really? I like a few of his games myself, but I never really see anyone discuss his stuff.

still no release date for anything regarding star citizen and every piece of content from star citizen looks like complete dog shit so...

You must think very lowly of yourself if you think going to Sup Forums is a waste of time above devs. What are you even here for?

He was right about Star Citizen.

But everybody with a working brain came to the conclusion that Star Citizen was a scam and will never be finished.


No, we hate you because you make shit games, Derek. Regardless of what happens with Star Citizen, you are a no-talent hack that can't finish your own games. You rage and cry when you get negative reviews, which, based on your current level of programming skill, are very much deserved. Either learn how to deal with criticism and learn from it, or shut the fuck up and go away.


This is the best thing that came from that hack

He's a raging narcissistic faggot who is also as you say utterly irrelevant now. Thank fuck.

>Can he make a comeback?
What, theoretically? Sure, it's "easy" all he'd have to do is actually release some really amazing vidya that blew everyone away and he'd be back. Simple as that.

But right now all he's got is the same old boring snark, worthless opinions, unbacked bragging and endless (YOU) which we had plenty of ages ago. He's going to actually need to produce something of substance for anyone to care again.

If he does then that's that. But I'm not holding my breath.

>That joke was never funny. I'd like to see the games the guy who made that video made himself.
lowtax is an unfunny hack but he was certainly right about smart

>naming your company 3000AD

>Mr. Smart would never waste his time on a Chan forum
Isn't this the same guy that defended his games on usenet?

Holy shit shouldn't you be actually working on games instead of shitposting here Derek? Were you finally banned from everywhere relevant on IRC or something?

>These beautiful game boxes

He raped and killed a girl in 1990.


If he sees someone "attacking" him, he will join any forum in order to defend himself. He is that autistic. Pretty sure he's been on Sup Forums more than a few times as well.

Whoever said shit about that space game being a massive fucking scam was right.

That's how I feel about Derek Smart.

>He was right about Star Citizen.
half of Sup Forums was right about Star citizen

>peak players: 4

Enough with the preposterous lies, that's actually approaching slander of Mr. Smart and Sup Forums could be sued! He did not rape and murder a girl in 1990, he raped most of a petting zoo, and none of the animals died. In fact most of them didn't even notice, they thought it was just the vet taking their temperature with a thin thermometer during a checkup.


How could someone just assault a vending machine like that?


Why is her jaw so manly?

Isn't this guy the eternally buthurt nigger who can't make a game to save his life?

A remark you wouldn't have made if you didn't know the origin of the screenshot.
Stop trying to fit in, luv.

>the only notable nig dev thinks he's so smart that he can make complex PC games instead of just shooters
Well, at least he trie,d I guess.

>so smart even his name is smart

how can white bois compete?

Are you serious? I know a man jaw when I see a man jaw. Compare her face to Tracer's, or really, half of the girls in Overwatch.
>inb4 something something anime weeaboo

one of the new Deus Ex devs is a black guy, which made it so fun when SJW jumped on "mechanical apartheid"

Yep. His loopiness is pretty top tier though, he just never lets anything go ever.

Tracer's a cartoon

>an actual triangle chin

Oh, you are after uguuu kawaiii ~~ anime blobs.
Here, have some more chin. You need it in your life.

Wasn't the guy who designed the first home console black?

well, there are women with manly jawlines

Aren't all cgi animations cartoons on the principle of being animated?
Tracer was designed by white people. This has nothing to do with anime, but I expected you to say that, regardless.
Yes, and they usually have lots of testosterone.

miyamoto wasnt black

Angelina JAWlie was voted sexiest woman in the world how many years running?

>What do you guys think about Derek Smart?
Hilariously insane nigger who couldn't make a decent game if the future of mankind depended on it, also hates chris roberts and star citizen with a burning passion for some reason

lol he just did a interview a week ago

>those downvotes
>those comments


>Tracer was designed by white people. This has nothing to do with anime, but I expected you to say that, regardless.

Your post only makes sense if you are the type of disgusting weeb who thinks only glorious half blind yellow manlets can make anime.
Please don't be that weeb. Be a better man.

Black people actually worked in the 1950s
He's talking about Fairchild Channel F, which, not counting Pong consoles, was the first home console that used cartridges.

>sexiest skeleton

about 2004 I believe not consecutively but still, what's that got to do with anything though?

>mainly known for a game that was one of the most bug ridden fiascos of his time

Rattle me sexy bones.

Anime are cartoons made by the chinese by definition, mate

Americans can only make american cartoons, not chinese cartoons

Did I trigger you enough for you to go on a tirade about your manjawed waifu simply by questioning your tastes a bit? I'm so sorry. You're free to like whatever you want and I had no idea that this was such an upsetting topic for you. I wish you the best of luck despite your condition.
At the same time, however, your obvious racism towards asians is both triggering and ignorant, so I'd prefer you cut that out. I really don't see how you'd think Tracer is an anime character just because she has a certain face shape. Is Big Boss not a anime character just because he doesn't have big eyes?

What if they're Chinese American?

Ah, the "ur triggerd" defense. The unfortunate evolution of the already bad "umad" defense.
No, I am not triggered. Nor am I mad. I am perfectly calm, and perfectly right.
Your weeb is showing even more now, might want to cover it with something, people are laughing.

Star Citizen may very well turn out to be a fiasco if it isn't already, who knows. I haven't kept up on it completely.
But Derek Smart is loud and obnoxious, frequently makes deceitful or misleading statements to perpetuate his agenda (which it should be clear, is firmly rooted in butthurt). He is right about some things but wrong about a lot more, and he's mostly just a loud asshole at this point.

>tfw no manjaw tag on exhentai

>the legendary PC game developer of the 90's

I'll let you know when this statement actually becomes true.


At least Derek is somewhat harmless now. Fucker only yells. SC on the other hand is on track to piss off a LOT of people.

This has nothing to do with Derek Smart. Fuck off and bitch through emails or something you obnoxious faggots.

It's called a derail.
Goes to show the thread is shit

>I don't personally care about PC games or developers, so I'm going to defend my opinions about women
All waifufags are cancer

Can you believe that video was from 2001?

15 fucking years ago

There was no YouTube. We all watched it by downloading the WMV file from the website and then playing it in RealPlayer.

>I made a shit thread
>People wanna talk about other things

>star citizen

And you can't make another thread for your pointless shitposts?

Why have a million threads when you can appropriate shit ones.

J-J-Just two more weeks, r-right guys?

Because you aren't welcome here and I don't personally like what you're posting, so by your own backwards logic, you should leave

Oh lord are these real IRC excerpts?

As a space sim fan, I actually enioyed BC3K a lot. I thought it was better than wing commander privateer. It was buggy and unfinished, yes, but so was daggerfall, and I enjoyed that a lot too, despite the UI. Once you get past rhe clunkiness of certain parts, it is a quite good and very ambitious game.

I haven't played any other derek smart titles but he did any decent job with bc3k, and IIRC didn't want to release it unfinished.

I played the DOS version, btw, not the win95 version 2.0 that came out a couple years later.

So desu, I only have one of his games, apparently one of the best ones, and I enjoyed it despite it being flawed.

I don't have too much of an opinion on him as a person.

Reminder that the /vg/ guild, the Vederation, was taken over by a group of furfags

This seems like a likely story. This happened.
