Second thread lads
R/v/ to E3 2: Electric Boogaloo
first for comfy
that looks terrible, OP. Use the other RV or try again.
add chen
Don't be a fag and put a vidya related pacha.
Give me another RV then
Post the real one maggot.
These three need a lift. Let them on board.
Quit trying to force your shitty version, dawg.
too small.
Just continue with this and combine it with the ~Final Fantasy one from the other thread.
this anons idea
If we're going to meme, we're going to do so with QUALITY, you cocksucking faggot
Can we just get an RV that doesn't have a single non-vidya meme?
I could bother to make my own version, but I don't want to compete with 2-3 other RVfags.
>yellow shitposting face
Ruined already
In for terrible memes and general faggotry.
This needs more Futo on that pizza explosion OP
added RAAM to proper RV
-Blured the edges around the bus
-Made FF15 much smaller
Where do you think you are? Reddit?
Needs more mn9 and avgn memes
kys futofaggot
Why aren't we adding these three? Aren't they Sup Forums memes?
No, here we meme with quality. We try to keep things fresh out of respect for the memes.
Get rid of that fucking tumblr frog shit, Todd, WEwuz and that stupid iwanttofukdatlol;)
make them hitchhiking
Still waiting on pizza explosions.
Ok tried changing RV.
>tfw made too much and too late.
no, fuck off.
add our boy
He's going to E3 like it or not demons
change yellow face with THICC
Seconding Put him somewhere, either about to be crushed or already under a wheel or something
I bet you're also underage and watch Filthy Frank or Leafy or some edgy shit.
Learn proper posting etiquette, newfag.
add this, or go back to the old RV
>Marisa poster
>telling someone else to kill themselves
top zozzle
i did not even notice the pizza from the trees.
We need a doomguy. He was actually relevant this year.
And this somewhere
Filthy Frank is shit and I don't know who the fuck leafy is. YouTube partnership was and is a mistake.
In preperation for Civ 6, you gotta add my dude Teddy somewhere.
I'd make it transparent but I don't have photoshop
Get rid of the datboi and Alberto Barbossa and put a pizza behind the helicopter.
requesting smug buck
Image is too low res senpai. Looks shit when the shops are added on top.
Just use this one.
Lighting effect needs to be the last thing added or everything added after this will look off
Add this faggot to the front license plate
for the crash hype
Beautiful. Just move the car to the left though so it doesn't overlap with previous shops then it is perfect.
>No high noon
Photoshop anons, keep the versions consistent. Each one should have
>pizza explosion
>FF15 bros
>absolutely nothing next gen sign
>scuttlebug in mountain
i tried
>tfw Crackhead pac-man is 10 years old
Someone post pepe killing himself for me
I guess he CRASHed along the way because there isn't going to be another fucking Crash game you illusionistic bastard.
Where's the prediction charts?
heres a HUEG rv if somneone wants to photoshop another RV in the image background
Need some P5
add my main man pacha
Get this fucking reddit garbage out of here.
Stick with videogames you braindead idiots.
I'm another guy and can't be bothered to add stuff. So here's the .png
OP just keep doing your shit and add this as the final layer once you're done
You're gonna need a lot more gravestones than that son. Matter of fact every bit of ground space should be covered in them somehow.
>no high test
Holy shit that's great
How isw Todd not videogames?
Someone needs to put both of these RV's in the same image
make it look like they're about to pass each other
just connect the roads and extend the sky somehow
also pic related for either RV
>alberto barbossa
>age of empires
>not video games
And todd makes sense, fallout 4 happened
but dat boi is shit, i agree
You have the right idea user, someone just needs to take their time to edit all of that out
just scrap the entire image because its cringey and autistic
pic related is good old Sup Forums OC from almost ten years ago
Where are our hitchhikers at?
reddit lick tods lying ball sack what are you doing
I love it, we need a jew somewhere
Sonygger spotted.
Add ghost of Iwata next to the cactus to send us off.
The only shit that deserves to go there is Dat Boi, and even he is a bit related because of the FFVII frog attached to it.
Who added the ugly chromatic aberration?
baka desu senpai
>Having opinions
Don't know how unfortunately
how about this, Anons?
what the fuck, nigger. crackhead packman is from a bloodhound gang album from the year 2000. You must be 18 to post here.
This, don't you fucking dare not put a ghost Iwata in there
We've gotta add him in someway