Literally possible.
Literally possible
Should have been the last boss.
Soul of Cinder is meh.
Figuratively probable
All you need to do is use dried finger and let 3 phantoms do it for you.
Easiest game ever.
2bestfriends did it in like 3 tries. Stop being worse than lets players.
Read his post retard.
Why was his soul the only one to make 3 transposed items? I would of liked a sorcery from pontiff soul to have a shadow
Bros, I just bea ng2. I did a pyro playthru and a str/dex playthru. I almost platinumed it if it weren't for the covenant rewards that I missed doing early on.
The fuck do I do now, bros? No incentive to play ng3.
There are no hard fights in DS3. Im not sure if its just because DS got stale or they actually went more casual though.
Nah that's just because they thought FASTER! AGGRESSIVE! would be enough.
I mean people beat bloodborne. Why would that be enough. I agree with a lot of das2 apologists when they say a lot of elements could've been retained.
no ps4
Could there be a third option that is that you know what you are doing after 2 other games?
is this your first souls game?
or you came straight from dark souls 2?
cause this boss is far from impossible
It's not the difficulty of the fights per se but it's the sense of unreliability to the ai. It's too cheesy. You need a shield for certain enemies, you need greatweps to stagger others.
And some you'd rather just cheese back, with a bow/magic.
My friend said that dark souls 3 was the most stressful out of all the souls games. He beat the game once and never looked back.
>My friend said that dark souls 3 was the most stressful out of all the souls games
how many souls game he played?
2? including ds3?
he played all of them except kings field
It would have been less cheesy if they turned on poise.
Those rock lizards are literally designed to spam you and it's fucking stupid.
Literally dyslexic
>except kings field
leave this thread please
poise would break the game tho. You know this.
save mon
They also don't have turn speed and aren't dangerous outside of their front sides.
>2bestfriends did it in like 3 tries