Why should she be nerfed?

Why should she be nerfed?

She shouldn't

Her tits are too big

fuck off

I want to see her take a shit

Let's get this shit started.

Post the whole pic.


He literally just drew Helen Parr and changed the hairstyle


Why is shad's art style so ugly? I'm gonna guess he's black as well

She's not even good, though.

there is literally nothing wrong with shadman


there is literally nothing right with shadman

Shadman thread? Shadman thread

I haven't seen a single Mei since the first day, it's kind of weird.

Her butt is too big

I don't think butts work like that.

she's only good if you have a group of 2 or more mei's
otherwise easily killed by just about anyone that isnt a support or tank

That looks nothing like Shad.

Freezing is too fast and her cooldowns are nonexistent

her fucking face is the exact same as Tracer's. seriously look at shad's other overwatch shit.

Another shitty overwatch thread to hide


Why the fuck does a man have the hips of a greek goddess?


this is gay

is there nothing he won't defile

>tfw 22 hours invested and you're total fucking shit at the game

Nothing is more aggravating than investing 3-4 hours into a character only to get destroyed every time, hop over to several others, and repeat.

Then you try to use cheap-shit characters like Bastion and Soldier and you still play like shit.

>go roadhog
>shotgun a soldier point blank in the face
>not even a hitmarker
>zaps you down like a bitch

>go Bastion
>get fucking laser'd down like shit every fucking time no matter how strategical you are in your placement

>spend more time unable to close in on anyone and getting sniped than actually being a useful offensive

>go Reinhart
>get fucking wrecked trying to shield friendlies
>charge people and get wrecked mid charge
>only pulled off 1 multi-kill charge
>shit at utilizing his ulti

>play Dva
>she's shit through and through

>play Zenyatta
>can't move 2 feet without being focused and zapped down in a millisecond
>friendlies always LOS so I'm totally useless most of the time

>go Hanzo
>can't aim arrows for fuck
>get shat on everywhere from every range

>wasted 63 dollars on a game you're fucking awful at

Feels shit man. Fucking annoyed. Haven't been this bad at any game is a long time. Fuck man. First game in so long I can honestly say I am truly awful at in every way.

>all these plebs shitting on shad
Jelly that you can't draw plebs?

go away shad
stop shilling your garbage here



stay jelly


This one's alright, worth a look on R34 t.b.h

You've never played an FPS? Most of your skills aiming skills should translate at least

If you're playing with randoms it's almost polar extremes in terms of how you play. You can either play like shit because no one supports each other, or utterly shit all over the opposing team because they don't support each other.

Every character has a gimmick though, and different characters are good for different maps. It's a matter of learning it all. It also helps to play practice matches with characters so you can get better at utilizing them - though nothing really beats jumping right into the shit.

Best way to go though really is to just play with friends.

She should be deleted from the game

Without Bastion, Widow and Mei this game would be 10x times more fun

I mostly play FPS games.

Not sure why I'm sucking so much shit at Overwatch though. Really do not know why. I try to play most characters in ways they should be played. If I'm Reinhart, I try to shield my friends and push forward, using his fire toss and charge situationally.

Still get utterly fucking wrecked though. Maybe I'm just having a bad day. Honestly played and enjoyed it more a lot better yesterday.

>tfw your friend sends you a vid of him getting a 20 kill streak as reinhart without doing much of fucking anything but playing offensive while you can't even get 2 kills before eating shit

One day, mods will range ban Shad for shilling every fucking week his new copy paste bullshit crap art.

Shad. You'll never make any money. Sakamichan makes $800k a year from drawing that isn't amazing, yet you refuse to improve cause you're a faggot.

are you me?

>only playing soldier 76 and winston
>still get my dick smashed every game

what the fuck is this, I haven't been this bad at an fps before

>asinine piercings
>mall goth makeup
>edgy clothes and surroundings
How old is this guy?

Casual reminder that anytime you think someone is shilling they're really shitposting. They see how your anal hemorrhoids rupture whenever you see Shadman so they make sure to post his shit whenever he updates

Zenyatta is my favorite support character, but you really can't play him in randoms. You NEED someone to protect you. WHen I play with friends our Takn either goes Reinhardt or Zaria, and I just stay behind the shield / get shielded while throwing heals and dark orbs around.

Playing Zenyatta in randoms though, you're just gonna get wrekt every time you step 100ft near an enemy. You're basically a free kill.

>that pig nose

seriously fuck shad

Probably Russian, or some edgy 25 y/o still living in 2003.

Its not a straight up fps game. You need your team to be on point or you pretty much just lose most of the time.
If you want to play fps then you gotta pick chars that cater to that style.

He has shilled for a long ass time on Sup Forums you utter faggot.

hey I was in that thread xDDD