Let's get a Sup Forums ranking thread for Total War going.
My list (in order)
-Medieval 2
-Shogun 2
-Rome 2
Let's get a Sup Forums ranking thread for Total War going.
My list (in order)
-Medieval 2
-Shogun 2
-Rome 2
Other urls found in this thread:
>medieval 2 first
i am so tired of this fucking meme
Vanilla or mods?
Shogun 2 FOTS
Shogun 2
Medieval 2
Rome 2
Medieval 2
No other total war has any proper major mods.
How is it a meme? Medieval 2 was vastly superior to other titles because it didn't have the autistic warscape engine.
>medieval 2 on top
Is the success of Warhammer the only way these faggots try to keep their outdated game relevant?
>Medieval 2
You're a funny guy
Vanilla medieval 2 was a broken piece of shit even in Kingdoms. Only mods made it a good game
>I like games with retarded AI because they feel relatable
In terms of unmodded game (I must confess I haven't played the original Medieval or Shogun):
Shogun 2 (particularly with Fall of the Samurai) > Attila > Warhammer > Rome > Napoleon > Medieval 2 > Rome 2 > Empire
Medieval 2 would go up several notches if you consider the total conversion mods available to it, though. Rome does have good total conversion mods as well, but in this case Attila is kinda the same thing with much more polish and improvements in a lot of areas even over the mods, so it doesn't elevate it the same way something like Third Age: Total War does.
Of the ones I have played:
Shogun 2/FotS
Medieval 2
Shogun 1
I have not played any of the others but the only one I'm interested in is Warhammer.
Because the M2 engine was so amazing and flawless right?
These lists are autistic because the top ones are going to depend on your taste. The only thing people can agree on are the worst ones.
It's true that Warscape engine has a number of inherent flaws related to troop behaviour and combat resolution (although there are workarounds in Shogun 2/Attila/Warhammer, like employing a romanticized samurai combat aesthetic complete with blood effects straight from the finale of Sanjuro which makes the kill animation style of combat feel all right, or Warhammer actually getting shock cavalry to work) but while I do enjoy the slower pace of combat in Medieval 2, for whatever reason M2 has a number of issues just as critical as those in Warscape engine, like cavalry charges and pikes not working properly/being clunky as fuck.
OP put up Medieval II because he grew up with it probably
I know i Rome will have a special place in my heart because i spent highschool playing it
its funny to watch something like that at least
Bad things warscape introduced
>matched combat where units would only fight 1v1 even when surrounded
>sliding units
>extremely bad cavalry collisions (somewhat fixed in Warhammer)
>need a general to move around armies in campaign
>simplified building (not really the engine, just CA being retarded)
>unit "abilities" which turn into a spam click fest
The engine was designed with Empire in mind (guns) not melee combat.
i grew up with medieval 1 and rome but they don't top my list. the next one i played was shogun 2 and everything was just so pretty and polished and i fucking loved it.
but because of people like OP who all said med2 was so great i went back and tried it and it was so fucking bad. maybe in its day it was a nice leap forward but it is an enormous leap backwards from having played shogun 2
But none of the newer Warscape games have any of that shit. And half that shit was already in the old engine like sliding units
>simplified building (not really the engine, just CA being retarded)
You're joking right? The old system was casual as shit compared to Attila. Even warhammers system has more depth, and it's just a simplified version of the one in Attila.
>need a general to move around armies in campaign
That wasn't in empire, napoleon, or shogun 2
Warhammer doesn't have matched combat(which wasn't an issue anyway since damage distribution was the same) and collisions are way better than in your outdated shit
>what is Rome 2 and Attila
Which of that stuff in Attila?
Last time I checked, Medieval 2 has more players on steam than Attila. This doesn't even include the majority of people who have the game off steam since it came out in 2006.
Read through the list again...
>matched combat where units would only fight 1v1 even when surrounded
>sliding units
>extremely bad cavalry collisions (somewhat fixed in Warhammer)
>need a general to move around armies in campaign
>simplified building (not really the engine, just CA being retarded)
>unit "abilities" which turn into a spam click fest
>need a general to move around armies in campaign
>unit "abilities" which turn into a spam click fest
I counted 2.
Dude once Rome 2 became playable that shit was great. I got it around the time Ceasar in Gaul came out and I loved it and still do. Got over 400 hours played on that shit. Attila is improved greatly but it's kind of boring because the majority of the map is WRE, ERE, or Sassanid + clients. Also the pure hordes aren't very fun. Migrating as the vandals or Visigoths is great but only being a horde forever isn't very fun. Shogun 2 is good but I don't really enjoy it because it's all the same units and shit.
Attila > Shogun 2 > Napoleon > Rome > Warhammer > Medieval 2 > Empire > Rome 2
Was Medieval 2 actually that good? Don't get me wrong, it's my favorite total war also, especially with that lotr mod, but I'm wondering if it's actually good or just selective memory and nostalgia
It's still great. Don't let these Shogun 2 weebs tell you otherwise.
Warhammer > Attila > M2 > S2 > Everything else
It's alright but it still has some problems, it's a great modding base so that's why it's popular.
-Medieval 2
-Shogun 2
-Rome 2
No, Medieval 2 fanboys just don't play anything else and everybody in /twg/ and the TW fanbase in general thinks they should kill themselves because they are insufferable faggots.
Don't believe me? Go to /twg/ on /vg/ and ask why everyone hates M2 fanboys, they'll say the same thing
Medieval 2 was a buggy piece of shit broken game full of exploits that gets a free pass with majority of the current fanbase because it was the first total war they played. It was nothing compared to Rome 1 and most of the titles that came after it. It also looks favourably due to the fact that it was followed by an even greater mess that was Empire.
M2 only has 1/5th the peak of Attila, too
>It was nothing compared to Rome 1
Isn't that the game where general units could take out entire full stacks on their own?
You don't
>Isn't that the game where general units could take out entire full stacks on their own?
It's called Medieval 2. Just watch some campaigns that legend of total war does. He is a med 2 autist who loves the game to death even though he's famous for exploiting it's bugs to the fullest extent.
Not a huge TW fan, so out of the one's I've played:
Rome 1
Medieval 2
Chaos Daemons when?
Jesus Christ lol
Abandon your settlements and retreat North
Rome 1
Medieval 2
Power Gap
Power Gap
>Things Med 2 introduced
>First line of your infantry charging while the rest watched
>First line of cavalry charging while the rest watched.
>unit collision
Med 2 is only remembered for its mods and TWC autism.
I remember in shogun 2 if you had no general you would get a commander and if he survived and won he would be promoted as general.
>Form a line with your troops and go make a sandwhich the game
It and Empire have the worst AI of all TW games, and that's saying a lot.
propably together with Lizards so in 5 years
>if he survived and won he would be promoted as general.
You would get the option to adopt him same as M2
Even with all the patches and the mods its still a broken piece of shit, it was good when it was released but by today's standard it sucks.
>I only like knights and swords : the post
try forming a line and going afk in multiplayer. Cavalry charges and flanking will fuck you up.
Ah. Yeah but I thought you could have him as just a general and not necessarily have to adopt him. I could be wrong haven't played in almost two years.
>try forming a line and going afk in multiplayer
>playing total war for the multiplayer
that's a tiny niche and you know it
when people talk about total war nobody is talking about multiplayer
>mod that turns off force march
>mod that turns off assassination
>mod that makes Azhag not suck
And now warhammer is the best total war.
>in multiplayer
While campaign map is downgraded from even Attila, its been going this way since Shogun 2.
Battles are good, Empire is overpowered but overall its 5 unique playthroughs and I actually like regional occupation. Mod can get rid of it, and I want a mod that makes AI more incentive to get razed areas back up. Someone should make a war coordination mod that lets you command AI take razed shit over
Power ranks of TW games
Warhammer/Shogun 2
Rome 2/Napoleon
Med 2
This is perfect bait
>total war
Sure bud. Whatever.
Nice try retard
>I only like knights and swords : the post
Are you denying that it has the worst BAI in the series by far? The game would be playable if the AI could just put a decent challenge to the player. But when you can literally win most battles after organizing your troops and going AFK there's a problem.
A mod called NTW3 tries to fix that, multiplayer focused though so zero benefits against AI. Really nice to calmy walk into gunfire, taking no hits and then sprinting close to fire a volley.
What went wrong with Empire?
CA wanted it to be their most ambitious project, but the Sega overlords fucked everything up.
Shogun II (FotS) = Medieval II
Shogun II
Barbarian Invasion
Rome II
Looking to buy a new gaming rig soon after getting rid of my last one. Looking forward to Warhammer good feedback and hopefully as good as people saying
To be fair biting off more than you can chew is a pretty big role in why Empire wasn't so great.
If they'd not have made a brand new engine as well as making the most expansive Total War game so far they might have had a decent launch.
It's about 50/50 imo between too high expectations and typical publisher shit
Shitty battles. Especially shitty naval battles.
I wish they really would have killed themselves.
>CA had one coder work for over a year just on the waves for the naval battles
Warhammer>Rome>Medieval 2>=Shogun 2>Empire>Napoleon>Rome 2
didn't play the rest
Please be true.
Start it at about 45 seconds. Keks will be had.
Holy nostalgiafag batman
>Medieval 2
The greatest bait. Empire was as bad as Spore to me.
>give VC a +diplo tech
>coded so that nobody other than kislev with the chaos doomstack on their door will vassalize
>can't even turn dwarves and humans on each other because they fellate each other by midgame
whats the fucking point
Excellent Tier
>Rome 2 Emperor Edition
>Shogun 2
Average Tier
Poor Tier
>Rome 2 (Release)
~~~~Nostalgia~~~~~ Tier*
>Medieval 2
*Excellent back during their release, but have aged like absolute dog shit. Doesn't stop TWC autists and your garden variety nostalgia fag from proclaiming "the best total wars" and the "most historically accurate" despite being anything but.
Probably so everybody isn't declaring war on you on turn 1 because everybody hates undead
>most historically accurate
This always gets me, if there's one thing CA has indisputably gotten better at with each release (besides diplomacy), it's historical accuracy.
it's a tech hidden behind like 50 turns though
I liked looking things up you see in the cities in sieges in Attila and finding they were based on real artifacts.
Where are my formations and town maps?
I want to form shield/spear walls and town actually defensible.
You can organize formations in the unit display by moving the order they are in and there are no town maps. Sitting your units between two impassable houses and forcing the AI to moshpit into them was boring as fuck in Attila though.
there's Shogun 1 and Medieval 1 too you know. I like Medieval 1 a lot. It's unplayable on modern systems though, unless something changed.
Shogun 2
Medieval 2
>love vampire count skelly/zombie spam
>game gets cpu bottlenecked when using multiple armies
What CPU do you have?
It's ancient, phenom II X4 965
Now I have to upgrade so I can see all my undead hordes drown out the living without the stutter
- Rome 1
- Warhammer
- Shogun 2
- Medieval 2
- Napoleon
- Attila
- Rome 2
- Empire
I completely agree, M2 was truly superior in every single way
Get a i7 5th gen or higher. Even my i7 3770k bottlenecks in large battles.
>hey guiz I turned the graphics options down all the way and put unit sizes to the smallest possible
>lmao look at how bad this 10 year old game looks!!!!